Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

13:10, 27.06.2024

Rețeaua M. Interceptările care-l înfundă pe Florian Coldea. Generalul negru și Marina Pandarof, cercetați de 2 ani într-un dosar de droguri

Rețeaua M. Interceptările care-l înfundă pe Florian Coldea. Generalul negru și Marina Pandarof, cercetați de 2 ani într-un dosar de droguri

Florian Coldea a fost interceptat de procurorii DIICOT în dosarul privind destructurarea Rețelei M. Fostul șef din Servicii ar fi vorbit de mai multe ori cu Marina Pandarof despre afaceri, susțin surse judiciare. Rețeaua…

11:50, 27.06.2024

Codemy organizează vara aceasta la Turda tabere urbane de programare pentru copii cu vârsta 6-14 ani

Codemy organizează vara aceasta la Turda tabere urbane de programare pentru copii cu vârsta 6-14 ani

Tabere urbane de programare pentru copii @ Codemy (6-14 ani)  Codemy organizează vara aceasta la Turda tabere urbane de programare pentru copii cu vârsta 6-14 ani.. Programul taberelor: Programare vizuală

11:30, 26.06.2024

Code Yellow for storms in ten counties, until Thursday morning

Code Yellow for storms in ten counties, until Thursday morning

The National Meteorological Administration (ANM) issued, on Wednesday, a Code Yellow warning of atmospheric instability, valid until Thursday morning in ten western counties.Thus, between June 26, 1:00 p.m. - June…

15:25, 24.06.2024

Bucharest and 7 counties under Code Orange, 12 counties under Code Yellow for heatwave on Monday

Bucharest and 7 counties under Code Orange, 12 counties under Code Yellow for heatwave on Monday

The National Administration of Meteorology (ANM) issued, on Monday morning, a Code Orange advisory for heat wave, valid in the counties of Dolj, Olt, Teleorman, Giurgiu, Ialomita, Calarasi and Ilfov, as well as…

15:50, 20.06.2024

Șefii EA au primit 60 de milioane de dolari în același an în care compania a concediat aproape 700 de oameni

Șefii EA au primit 60 de milioane de dolari în același an în care compania a concediat aproape 700 de oameni

Electronic Arts, compania care a dat afară 670 de oameni mai devreme în acest an din cauza faptului că venitul net de 7,56 de miliarde de dolari obținut în ultima perioadă fiscală a fost prea mic, a cheltuit 60…

02:25, 18.06.2024

Texte creștine timpurii descoperite în Egipt, vîndute la licitație pentru milioane de euro

Una dintre cele mai vechi cărți din lume, care conține texte creștine timpurii din secolul al III-lea, a fost vîndută la licitație pentru suma impresionantă de 3 milioane de lire sterline. Despre ea scrie Daily…

11:00, 14.06.2024

China va oferi un spectacol unic la Casa Sindicatelor din Târgoviște în a 5-a zi de BABEL FAST

China va oferi un spectacol unic la Casa Sindicatelor din Târgoviște în a 5-a zi de BABEL FAST

A cincea zi de festival la Târgoviște debutează, în ceea ce privește spectacolele, cu o monodramă intitulată „Caliban`s Codex”, interpretată de actrița de origine engleză Emily Carding, o actriță shakespeariană…

02:11, 13.06.2024

Cea mai veche carte din lume, vîndută la licitație pentru milioane de euro: ce scrie în ea

Una dintre cele mai vechi cărți din lume, Codexul Crosby-Schoien, a fost vîndută la licitația Christie's la Londra pentru 3 065 000 de lire sterline (aproximativ 70 de milioane de lei moldovenești). Această lucrare…

09:30, 11.06.2024

Code Orange for heatwave in 16 counties and Bucharest

Code Orange for heatwave in 16 counties and Bucharest

Most of Muntenia, Oltenia (south), the mainland of southeastern Dobrogea and southern Moldova will be under a Code Orange for heatwave and severe thermal discomfort until Wednesday morning, according to a warning…

19:00, 04.05.2024

Code Yellow for floods on rivers in Bihor county, in next few hours

Code Yellow for floods on rivers in Bihor county, in next few hours

The National Institute of Hydrology and Water Management (INHGA) issued a Code Yellow warning for floods, on Saturday, valid until the following hours on small rivers in the basins of Holod and Cornet, in Bihor…

00:05, 25.04.2024

Calendarul Zilei – 25 aprilie

Calendarul Zilei – 25 aprilie

Creștinii ortodocși îi pomenesc pe Sfântul Cuvios Vasile de la Poiana Mărului și pe Sfântul Evanghelist Marcu, iar romano-catolicii îl celebrează pe același Sfânt Evanghelist Marcu. Ziua Justiţiei Militare 1687…

12:06, 16.04.2024

Performanță pentru corul “Apulum” al Seminarului Teologic din Alba Iulia

Performanță pentru corul “Apulum” al Seminarului Teologic din Alba Iulia

Membrii ansamblului vocal „Apulum” al Seminarului Teologic Ortodox „Sfântul Simion Ștefan” din Alba Iulia au participat sâmbătă, 13 aprilie 2024, la Olimpiada Națională Corală – faza zonală, desfășurată la Arad.…

09:46, 08.04.2024

Elevul gorjean David Sbora, locul doi la un concurs național de informatică

Elevul gorjean David Sbora, locul doi la un concurs național de informatică

Elevul gorjean David Sbora a ocupat locul doi la un concurs național de informatică. David este elev în clasa a VIII-a la Colegiul Național „Tudor Vladimirescu”, din Târgu Jiu. El a participat la finalul săptămânii…

13:25, 03.01.2024

Code Orange flooding on rivers in Satu Mare and Maramures counties until Thursday midnight

The National Institute of Hydrology and Water Management (INHGA) issued on Wednesday a Code Orange flooding warning on rivers in Satu Mare and Maramures counties, valid until Thursday midnight, Agerpres reports.According…

14:55, 23.12.2023

Code Orange for blizzard in Southern, Eastern Carpathians until Sunday and Monday morning, respectively

The National Meteorological Administration (ANM) on Saturday morning issued a Code Orange alert for blizzard in the highest area of the Southern Carpathians and also in the highest area of the Eastern Carpathians,…

15:30, 21.12.2023

Code Orange for blizzard in mountain areas, Code Yellow for wind nationwide, until Sunday

The National Meteorological Administration (ANM) issued, on Thursday, a Code Orange warning of severe blizzard in the high mountain area, generally above 1,500 meters, valid from December 22, 6:00 p.m. to December…

10:00, 18.12.2023

Code Yellow of fog, drizzle and ice hits localities in nine counties

Code Yellow of fog, drizzle and ice hits localities in nine countiesOn Monday morning, the National Meteorological Administration (ANM) issued a Code Yellow of dense fog, drizzle and ice for localities in nine…

10:30, 28.11.2023

Code Orange for strong winds in mountain areas of Caras-Severin and Hunedoara

The National Weather Administration (ANM) issued on Tuesday a nowcasting Code Orange warning of strong wind in the mountain area of Caras-Severin and Hunedoara counties.According to ANM, wind gusts will be reported,…

13:25, 25.11.2023

Code orange advisory of heavy precipitation in six counties, blizzard to grip ten counties on Sunday

The National Weather Administration issued on Saturday a Code Orange advisory for heavy rainfall effective between November 25, 10:00 a.m. and November 26, 6:00 p.m. in six south and southeastern counties - specifically…

12:20, 06.09.2023

EA prezintă noul EA SPORTS WRC, jocul iubitorilor de raliuri

EA a prezentat noul EA SPORTS WRC, jocul oficial al Campionatului Mondial de Raliuri FIA, pentru PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S și PC prin EA App, Epic Store și Steam . Dezvoltat de Codemasters, echipa din spatele…

11:20, 30.08.2023

Code Orange weather warning for heavy rain and thunderstorms in eastern half of Romania

Code Orange weather warning for heavy rain and thunderstorms in eastern half of RomaniaThe National Weather Administration (ANM) has issued a Code Orange weather warning for heavy rain and thunderstorms for the…

09:30, 29.08.2023

Six counties under Code Yellow warning for thunderstorms

Six counties under Code Yellow warning for thunderstormsSix counties in the west and southwest of Romania will be under a Code Yellow warning for thunderstorms until noon on Tuesday, according to the National Weather…

12:25, 28.08.2023

Code Orange, Yellow for heat in Capital and 29 counties, Code Yellow for storms in 6 counties

Code Orange, Yellow for heat in Capital and 29 counties, Code Yellow for storms in 6 countiesThe National Weather Administration (ANM) has extended for Tuesday the Code Orange for heatwave and severe thermal discomfort…

08:30, 28.08.2023

Heatwave, severe thermal discomfort to grip Bucharest, 29 counties in Romania

Heatwave, severe thermal discomfort to grip Bucharest, 29 counties in RomaniaBucharest City and 29 counties will be under a Code Orange for heatwave and severe thermal discomfort on Monday, and a Code Yellow for…

12:30, 26.08.2023

Code Orange of heat in Bucharest, most of Romania, up to 38-39 C degrees Saturday, Sunday

The National Meteorological Administration has issued a Code Orange warning of heat wave and severe thermal discomfort, targeting Banat, most of Crisana, southern Oltenia and Muntenia, where temperatures will rise…

08:25, 23.08.2023

Code Orange of heat, thermal discomfort in Bucharest, south, southeast counties

Six counties in the south and southeast of the country and Bucharest municipality will be under a Code Orange warning of heat and increased thermal discomfort on Wednesday, the National Meteorological Administration…

10:20, 22.08.2023

A new hot day in Bucharest and seven counties in south and southeast areas

Bucharest and seven counties from the south and southeast of the country will be under the Code Orange of heat and severe thermal discomfort on Tuesday, and a Code Yellow of heat warning is in effect in other 28…

15:50, 05.08.2023

Scorching heatwave, thermal discomfort in Banat, Crisana, Transylvania, Maramures, Oltenia, Muntenia, South-Eastern Moldova, on Saturday

The heatwave will continue throughout Saturday in Banat, Crisana, Transylvania, Maramures, Oltenia, Muntenia and the south-east of Moldova, regions where the thermal discomfort will be very high, according to a…

15:25, 13.07.2023

TVR journalist Mihai Constantin appointed spokesperson for government

Journalist Mihai Constantin has been appointed the new government spokesman.The appointment decision was published on Thursday in the Official Journal. CITESTE SI Deputy PM Neacsu to act as labour ministry pending…

15:15, 13.07.2023

Deputy PM Neacsu to act as labour ministry pending final appointment next week (sources)

Deputy Prime Minister Marian Neacsu will act as interim labour minister following the resignation of incumbent Labour Minister Marius Budai, with a final appointmnet of the next labour minister expected next week,…