Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

13:20, 10.10.2022

PM Ciuca, UAE Ambassador Sultan Mohamed Majed Al Ali discuss cooperation in IT&C, agriculture, energy, transport

Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca on Monday received, at the Victoria Palace, the ambassador of the United Arab Emirates, Sultan Mohamed Majed Al Ali, on which occasion they discussed cooperation projects in the fields…

16:10, 01.11.2021

USR's Ciolos: Impeaching the President is not a solution

National chairman of the Save Romania Union (USR) Dacian Ciolos says impeaching President Klaus Iohannis is not a solution to the current crisis. "Impeaching the President now is not a solution. We do not see what…

19:30, 09.09.2021

Barna: Dismissal of prefects, secretaries of state proposed by USR PLUS - contradictory gesture of PM Citu

USR PLUS (Save Romania Union - Party of Liberty, Unity and Solidarity) Co-Chairman Dan Barna said on Thursday, referring to the dismissal of the prefects and secretaries of state proposed by his party, that it…

21:00, 03.09.2021

USR PLUS submits no-confidence motion against PM Citu

USR PLUS Co-Chairman Dan Barna announced on Friday the failure of governing coalition negotiations, as each formation maintained its point of view and no common ground could be reached. "The no-confidence motion…

22:11, 02.09.2021

USR PLUS Co-Chair Dacian Ciolos: Premier Citu has huge integrity issues

Co-Chairman of the Save Romania Union - Freedom, Unity, and Solidarity Party (USR PLUS) Dacian Ciolos considers that a Prime Minister who sacks the Justice Minister for not putting the seal of approval on a legislative…

23:01, 01.09.2021

Ciolos: This is no longer a coalition government

This is no longer a coalition government - was the reaction of Co-Chairman of the Save Romania Union - Freedom, Unity, and Solidarity Party (USR PLUS) Dacian Ciolos after learning about Premier Florin Citu's decision…

22:51, 01.09.2021

Dan Barna: Florin Citu has to go, he has proven to be worse than Dragnea

Co-Chairman of the Save Romania Union - Freedom, Unity, and Solidarity Party (USR PLUS) and Deputy Prime Minister Dan Barna said on Wednesday evening that Prime Minister Florin Citu is incapable of leading a government…

18:41, 01.09.2021

Dan Barna: USR PLUS will not attend this evening's Gov't meeting

The Liberals' junior coalition partner Save Romania Union - Freedom, Unity, and Solidarity Party (USR PLUS) has decided not to attend the 7 p.m. government meeting, USR PLUS Co-Chairman and Deputy Prime Minister…

17:00, 01.09.2021

USR PLUS Co-Chair Barna: For us all options are on the table

Co-Chairman of the Save Romania - Freedom, Unity, and Solidarity Party (USR PLUS) Dan Barna said on Wednesday that all options are on the table for his formation, agerpres reports. "For us, all options are on the…

22:01, 20.07.2021

Barna: There's no way I can be happy with coalition's governing manner; many goals still unaccomplished

Deputy Prime Minister and USR PLUS Co-Chairman Dan Barna said today that he is not happy with the ruling coalition's governing manner, as many of the goals set at the beginning of the term have not been accomplished;…

20:15, 20.07.2021

Deputy PM Barna outraged by SIIJ deadlock, says UDMR doesn't want section abolished

Deputy Prime Minister and USR PLUS Co-Chairman Dan Barna said today that the ruling coalition is currently in a deadlock over the abolition of the Section for the Investigation of Judicial Crimes (SIIJ), mentioning…

14:10, 12.07.2021

Deputy PM Dan Barna: Republic of Moldova's pro-European direction now becomes explicit and very clear

The Republic of Moldova's pro-European direction is becoming explicit and very clear, now that President Maia Sandu's Action and Solidarity Party has won the snap parliamentary elections this Sunday by a strong…

18:56, 05.07.2021

President Klaus Iohannis starts consultations on Educated Romania project

President Klaus Iohannis started today a series of consultations with the political milieu and the social partners on his signature project Educated Romania, following the conclusion of the public debate thereon.…

14:46, 28.06.2021

Barna makes the case for two-round mayoral election, hopes necessary legislation is initated in fall

Deputy Prime Minister and USR PLUS Co-Chairman Dan Barna said at the end of today's meeting of the formation's National Bureau that in many localities where by-elections were held this Sunday, the party's candidates…

22:25, 22.06.2021

Dan Barna: Planned National Agency for Health Infrastructure Investments does not add to bureaucracy

Deputy Prime Minister and USR PLUS Co-Chairman Dan Barna said today at the end of the meeting of the formation's National Bureau that the planned National Agency for Health Infrastructure Investments "does not…

14:55, 07.05.2021

Dan Barna says he will run for chairman at USR PLUS Congress

USR PLUS (Save Romanian Union, Liberty, Unity and Solidarity Party) Co-Chairman Dan Barna has announced on Friday that he will run in the party's congress this year in order to stay at its helm, adding that there…

21:05, 06.04.2021

Coronavirus/ Barna: Goal is to ease the restrictions as of June if possible

USR PLUS Co-Chairman Dan Barna said on Tuesday that the government aims to ease the restrictions imposed in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic starting in June, depending on the stage of SARS-CoV-2 infections.…

22:16, 19.01.2021

Dan Barna: Some of the trade unionists' grievances could be met in the next period

Deputy Prime Minister and Co-Chair of the Save Romania Union - Freedom, Unity and Solidarity Party (USR PLUS) alliance Dan Barna declared today after sitting down with the leaders of the "Cartel Alfa" National…

16:29, 31.03.2017

ALDE's Tariceanu asked about Constantin's allegation of abusively taking over ALDE

When asked about Daniel Constantin's allegations according to which Co-Chairman of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats (ALDE) Calin Popescu-Tariceanu took over abusively the party, the latter stated on Friday…

11:59, 17.03.2017

215 million Christians face persecution worldwide

215 million Christians face religious persecution worldwide, EPP Group Members heard at a meeting with Michel Varton, Director of Open Doors, a leading NGO working to prevent the persecution of Christians, in Strasbourg…

12:04, 20.02.2017

d10e, eveniment pe tema descentralizării, acum în România

În zilele de 21 și 22 februarie 2017 va avea loc conferința d10e în România. După ce s-a vorbit despre descentralizare în cele mai active hub-uri din lume – San Francisco, Singapore, Amsterdam – subiectul “hot”…

18:43, 11.01.2017

d10e.Eveniment pe tema descentralizării,acum în România

21-22 februarie 2017 sunt datele când va avea loc conferința d10e în România. După ce s-a vorbit despre descentralizare în cele mai active hub-uri din lume – San Francisco, Singapore,…

13:09, 28.09.2016

Vasile Blaga under court supervision

Co-Chair of the National Liberal Party Vasile Blaga stated as he came out from the National Anti-corruption Directorate (DNA) seat in Ploiesti, where he had stayed more than two hours, that he is under court supervision.