Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

10:30, 19.07.2023

Romanian government to pay off debt to clear construction of EU-funded projects

Debts on the projects financed by EU funds in Romania will be settled by 1 September, the Ministry for Investments and European Projects has announced, Euractiv reports.  According to the executive president of…

18:30, 26.06.2023

Special pension bill clears Chamber, returns to Senate

Special pension bill clears Chamber, returns to Senate. The Chamber of Deputies on Monday passed a bill on special pensions that will return to the the Senate on the grounds that several amendments were approved…

15:35, 25.05.2023

Unionists in education say a clear no to gov't

Unionists in education say a clear no to gov't. Trade unionists in the education field rejected the Government's offer to end the strike, the president of the 'Spiru Haret' Federation of Education Trade Unions,…

23:20, 19.05.2023

Summer Walker a lansat Clear 2: Soft Life EP

Summer Walker a lansat „Clear 2: Soft Life EP”. Proiectul de nouă piese include colaborari cu Childish Gambino, Solange, Steve Lacy și J. Cole. Odată cu lansarea EP-ului, Summer dezvăluie și imaginile pentru „Pull…

20:05, 26.04.2023

AgriMin: Calculation formula has changed for better, Romania won't receive smallest amount from EC

The calculation formula has changed for the better, and Romania will not receive the smallest amount of the 100 million euros announced by the European Commission, to support the countries most affected by grain…

17:45, 13.04.2023

Rușinos! România a ajuns pe primul loc în UE având cea mai slabă rată de reciclare a deșeurilor

România a ajuns pe primul loc în UE ca cea mai slabă rată de reciclare a deșeurilor. Slovacia reciclează cel mai mult, urmată de Polonia și Letonia, potrivit Mediafax.Având în vedere că UE a dezvăluit recent planurile…

15:30, 05.04.2023

AUR's Simion: There is 6.5m depth on Bystroe; tacit consent from Romanian state

Alliance for Romanians' Union (AUR) Chairman, MP George Simion, said on Wednesday that the Romanian state gave its tacit consent last year on deepening works on the Bystroe Canal, saying that he had not received…

14:25, 05.04.2023

Bill amending Criminal Procedure Code clears Chamber of Deputies, all amendments rejected

The Chamber of Deputies adopted on Wednesday by a vote of 168 to 75 and 20 abstentions the bill amending the Criminal Procedure Code in the government's version, rejecting all amendments, including those introduced…

13:45, 29.03.2023

Senate clears Law on service pensions

The Senate plenary adopted on Wednesday, by 79 votes "in favour" and 37 "against," the draft law initiated by the Government to amend and supplement certain regulations in the area of service pensions, told Agerpres.The…

16:00, 27.03.2023

Clubul Chelsea a înregistrat pierderi de 121,3 milioane de lire sterline

Clubul englez de fotbal Chelsea a raportat pierderi de 121,3 milioane de lire sterline în anul financiar 2021/2022, desi cifra sa de afaceri a crescut la 481,3 milioane de lire, comparativ cu 434,9 milioane în…

16:20, 16.03.2023

Unilever demarează anul acesta construcţia unei noi fabrici în Ucraina, investiţie de 20 de milioane de euro

”Unilever a anunţat astăzi o investiţie de 20 de milioane de euro într-o nouă unitate de producţie din regiunea Kiev din Ucraina, pentru a susţine creşterea activităţii şi a demonstra angajamentul pe termen lung…

17:35, 27.02.2023

Iohannis: Romania appreciates Luxembourg's clear and vocal support for its Schengen membership

Romania has appreciated Luxembourg's clear and vocal support for its Schengen membership, president Klaus Iohannis said on Monday at a joint press conference with the prime minister of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg…

18:41, 08.02.2023

Lorries leaving Romania via Giurgiu waiting for three hours to clear customs

Lorries leaving Romania through the Giurgiu border checkpoint (ITPF) have to wait for three hours to clear customs, as the border authorities have increased to five the number of traffic lanes for lorries and four…

11:00, 05.01.2023

Cu CLEAR faci față oricărei provocări

Știm de cât de multe responsabilități are parte bărbatul modern, zi de zi. Familie, job, mereu pe fugă și mereu un sprijin pentru cei din jurul lui. De aceea, șamponul CLEAR  Men a fost special conceput să preia…

16:10, 21.12.2022

Christopher Vivell, numit director tehnic la Chelsea

Chelsea Londra l-a numit, astăzi, pe Christopher Vivell în funcţia de director tehnic, după ce gruparea a fost preluată de Todd Boehly şi Clearlake Capital, transmite Reuters, citată de Agerpres . Vivell a lucrat…

14:45, 16.12.2022

EU clears Germany’s planned takeover of gas giant Uniper

The European Commission approved the acquisition of struggling gas trader Uniper SE by the German government, it said on Friday, paving the way for the nationalisation of the firm which nearly collapsed after Russia…

18:25, 14.12.2022

Parliament clears state budget draft for 2023

Parliament's plenary meeting passed on Wednesday the state budget draft for 2023. Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri. Urmărește stiripesurse.ro pe Facebook stiripesurse.ro × Help your friends know more about…

13:01, 13.12.2022

MEP Tudor Ciuhodaru asks EP for a clear accession calendar of Romania to Schengen and sanctioning procedures

MEP Tudor Ciuhodaru asked the European Parliament, gathered in plenary this week in Strasbourg, to verify once again that Romania meets all the conditions for accession to the Schengen area, to establish a very…

13:50, 08.12.2022

Romania-Schengen/Ylva Johansson: I expect we will have clear path for Romania and Bulgaria into Schengen

This is for the first time since 2011 we have the opportunity to have a new impulse regarding Romania and Bulgaria and I expect that we will have a clear path for both countries into Schengen, European Commissioner…

18:16, 23.11.2022

Spanish PM Sanchez: Spain has a clear commitment to security on NATO's eastern flank

Spain has a clear commitment to security on NATO's eastern flank, Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez said on Wednesday, as he announced that his country will send 130 troops and eight military aircraft to participate…

21:15, 13.10.2022

Răsturnare de situație în războiul din Ucraina: Rusia, în pericol de a pierde controlul în Herson - Alarmă de evacuare - VIDEO

Ocupaţia rusă cere urgent Moscovei să ajute la evacuarea civililor din regiunea ucraineană anexată Herson. Teritoriul a fost anexat de Rusia la sfârşitul lunii septembrie. Forțele armate ucrainene au început contraofensiva…

15:10, 04.10.2022

Deputies' Chamber clears draft law on judges' and prosecutors' statute

The draft law regarding the statute of judges and prosecutors was adopted, on Tuesday, by the plenary meeting of the Chamber of Deputies, with 198 votes "in favour," 80 votes "against" and 4 abstentions. Fii la…

13:00, 25.08.2022

ECB’s Lagarde: climate change has clear impact on inflation

The European Central Bank needs to take climate change into account when making decisions as it has a clear impact, especially on inflation, the chief of the European Central Bank said in an interview published…

10:40, 26.07.2022

EU Commission clears €31.5 bln Cohesion Policy budget for Romania

The agreement between the European Commission (EC) and Romania on funding through European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), the European Social Fund+ (ESF+), the Cohesion Fund, the Just Transition Fund (JTF) and…

16:30, 16.07.2022

Epic fail al PR -ului de la Electric Castle, după cozile, haosul și reclamațiile oamenilor: Stim că ”sometimes it clearly su..s ba..s”

PR -ul de la Electric Castle a încercat să calmeze spiritele, după ce sâmbătă noaptea și dimineața s-a stat 5 - 6 ore la rând pentru a urca în autobuz, folosind un limbaj prietenos. ”We acknowledge waiting lines…

19:10, 25.05.2022

Guvernul britanic a eliberat licența pentru vânzarea clubului Chelsea

Guvernul britanic a emis o licență care permite vânzarea clubului Chelsea către un consorțiu condus de Todd Boehly, coproprietar al echipei Los Angeles Dodgers, susținut de Clearlake Capital, a declarat miercuri…

15:30, 25.05.2022

Guvernul britanic permite vânzarea clubului de fotbal Chelsea. Cine va fi noul proprietar

Guvernul britanic a emis o licență care permite vânzarea clubului Chelsea către un consorțiu condus de Todd Boehly, coproprietar al echipei Los Angeles Dodgers, susținut de Clearlake Capital, a anunțt ministrul…

14:35, 07.05.2022

Clubul de fotbal Chelsea are un nou proprietar

Chelsea a ajuns la un acord asupra condițiilor de vânzare a clubului, în valoare de 4,25 miliarde de lire sterline (5,2 miliarde de dolari), către un consorțiu condus de Todd Boehly, coproprietar al echipei de…

16:15, 21.04.2022

Mesaj neinspirat de la un consilier al lui Zelenski. Salvăm militarii, apoi civilii

Pe internet este foarte comentat un mesaj neinspirat venit de la un consilier al lui Zelenski, cu privire la situația din orașul Mariupol. Mesajul a fost postat, joi dimineață, de Mihailo Podoliak, consilier al…

15:45, 31.01.2022

MP Violeta Alexandru: Government has to present clear calendar for raising state of alert

Deputy Violeta Alexandru stated, on Monday, that she requests the Government present a clear calendar for raising the state of alert, mentioning that if the Executive has failed in regards to vaccination, it doesn't…