Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

20:36, 30.07.2019

PM Dancila suggests complex assessment of citizens defenders' professionalism

Prime Minister Viorica Dancila said on Tuesday at the Interior Ministry that a complex assessment of the professionalism of those who are involved in defending the citizens is needed, given the recent Caracal tragedy,…

17:17, 30.07.2019

Iohannis: Regaining confidence in institutions by eliminating those who do not do their job

President Klaus Iohannis said on Tuesday that the meeting on Tuesday of the Supreme Council of National Defence (CSAT) looked into reports from the Interior Ministry (MIA) and the Special Telecommunications System…

14:56, 25.07.2019

Documetarul „Colectiv” va fi prezentat la Festivalul de Film de la Veneţia

Documetarul „Colectiv” al lui Alexander Nanau a fost selectat în afara competiţiei la Festivalul de Film de la Veneţia 2019, care va avea loc în perioada 28 august – 7 septembrie. Preşedintele Festivalului…

11:43, 25.07.2019

IntMin Moga calls August 10 riot police intervention unfortunate

The new Interior Minister, Nicolae Moga, said on Thursday that the controversial riot police's clampdown on an August 10 street rally was "an unfortunate event," adding that he wants no more citizens being battered…

17:15, 24.07.2019

Ministry for Romanians everywhere: Romania has about 9,700,000 citizens living abroad

Romania has a total of about 9,700,000 citizens living abroad, according to data sent by 70 Romanian diplomatic missions and centralized by the Ministry for Romanians everywhere.Minister for Romanians everywhere…

17:53, 23.07.2019

President Iohannis: PSD and ALDE continue to turn away from citizens' interests

The only parties that have decided not to sign the National Political Agreement on consolidating Romania's European course are the Social Democratic Party (PSD, major at rule, ed.n.) and the Alliance of Liberals…

10:46, 18.07.2019

Income inequality in Romania, lower than in Spain (Eurostat)

Romania is among the European Union countries with the highest income inequality, surpassed only by Bulgaria, Lithuania and Spain, according to the data published by Eurostat on Thursday, based on data collected…

13:06, 07.07.2019

JusMin Ana Birchall, on Justice Day: Trust and rspect of citizens must be regained

Justice Minister Ana Birchall has conveyed on the occasion of Justice Day that the citizens' confidence and respect must be regained. "I extend my salutation and respect to all justice professionals: magistrates,…

22:57, 05.07.2019

PSD's Dancila: Resuming dialogue with citizens becomes priority, hence our travel to all counties

National leader of the majority Social Democratic Party (PSD) Viorica Dancila said on Friday in Galati that resuming dialogue with the citizens becomes a priority for the new PSD leadership, hence their travelling…

07:00, 03.07.2019

Business Insider: China obligă turiștii să își instaleze o aplicație de scanare a datelor din telefon, pentru a putea intra într-una dintre cele mai supravegheate…

Turiștii care vor să intre în regiunea chineză Xinjiang sunt forțați, potrivit relatărilor, să își instaleze o aplicație care descarcă din telefon toate mesajele text, contactele, informațiile din calendar…

11:37, 02.07.2019

Maia Sandu: Republic of Moldova's oligarchic regime left a very difficult inheritance

The inheritance from the Republic of Moldova's oligarchic regime is "very difficult" for the country's citizens, visiting Moldovan Prime Minister Maia Sandu said on Tuesday in a press statement delivered jointly…

16:33, 27.06.2019

Iohannis:Referendum validation by CCR compels parliamentary political forces to promptly transpose citizens' will into law

President Klaus Iohannis welcomes the decision of the Constitutional Court of Romania (CCR) to validate the results of the May 26 referendum, emphasizing that this compels all the parliamentary political forces…

14:15, 25.06.2019

PNL leadership passes constitutional revision draft including public office integrity

National chairman of the National Liberal Party (PNL) Ludovic Orban said on Tuesday that the party's Executive Bureau adopted a constitutional revision draft, including a ban on convicted persons running in parliamentary…

17:17, 24.06.2019

PM Dancila: Holding rotating presidency confirms Romania's attachment to European design

When holding the rotating presidency of the Council of the European Union, Romania has confirmed its attachment to the European design, 12 years after joining the EU, Romanian Prime Minister Viorica Dancila said…

15:07, 11.06.2019

MAE on situation in R Moldova: Citizens' will - the only one to ensure legitimate political process

Romania, as a strategic partner of the Republic of Moldova, believes that, in a democratic state, the citizens' will, expressed through vote and reflected in the political configuration of Parliament, is the only…

21:52, 06.06.2019

Cine este NSO Group, compania din Israel care vinde unelte sofisticate de spionaj cibernetic către zeci de țări

Vulnerabilitatea severă detectată la WhatsApp a fost exploatată de una dintre cele mai misterioase companii din tehnologie - NSO Group care vinde și cu zeci de milioane de dolari către guverne din toată lumea soluții…

15:06, 30.05.2019

PNL, USR and PMP ask creation of parliamentary committee of inquiry into diaspora voting

PNL (National Liberal Party), USR (Save Romania Union) and PMP (People's Movement Party) have submitted a request to the Deputies' Chamber to create a committee of inquiry into the limitation of the right to vote…

11:37, 26.05.2019

Europeanelections2019/UDMR's Kelemen says he votes for strong European Union to listen to ethnic Hungarians' voice

National leader of the Hungarian Democratic Union of Romania (UDMR) Kelemen Hunor said on Sunday that he had voted for a strong European Union where the voice of the Hungarian community would be heard, and recommended…

10:14, 26.05.2019

#Europeanelections2019/Minority leader Orban calls vote citizen's weapon, expects ballot outcome to be surprising

National chairman of the opposition National Liberal Party (PNL) Ludovic Orban said on Sunday that the vote is the "strongest weapon" available to every citizen, adding that the result of the poll will be surprising…

16:26, 25.05.2019

#EuropeanParliamentElections2019/AEP: 19 million people enrolled in Electoral Register

The total number of people enrolled in the Electoral Register is 18,987,675 persons, of which 18,835 have their voting rights revoked.  "Of the total number of voters enrolled in the Electoral Register, excepting…

12:43, 25.05.2019

#EuropeanParliamentElections2019/ Electoral campaign at an end

The electoral campaign for the European Parliament elections ended on Saturday at 7.00 hrs. For thirty days, the parties that entered the race for a spot in the European Parliament, but also some independent candidates…

16:15, 23.05.2019

Romnian Government to discuss 'A Family, A House' project for the first time

The Government on Thursday is set to discuss, for the first time, the project "A Family, A House," which is a version of the "First Home" programme closer to the citizens' needs, Prime Minister Viorica Dancila…

12:13, 22.05.2019

Călărășenii au învățat cum să evite surprizele neplăcute ce le oferă internetul

[caption id="attachment_45658" align="alignleft" width="300"] Imagine: crescendo.ro[/caption] Liceul “Vasile Alecsandri” din Călărași a beneficiat de proiectul comunitar ”Fii în siguranță pe internet!”, parte a…

09:26, 21.05.2019

România, două menţiuni la Olimpiada Internaţională de Filosofie

Lotul olimpic de filosofie a obţinut două menţiuni la a XXVII-a ediţie a Olimpiadei Internaţionale de Filosofie (IPO), desfăşurată la Roma (16-19 mai). Performanţa a fost reuşită de Horia-Ştefan Lixandru (Colegiul…

19:25, 10.05.2019

Calin-Popescu Tariceanu: We don't criticize EU, but ephemeral leaders having lost their compass

Senate President Calin-Popescu Tariceanu told AGERPRES in an interview that a fair representation of Romania in the European Union is needed and that the party he is heading wants equal rights for all Union citizens,…

16:53, 09.05.2019

Senate Presidents from the EU sign message supporting an Union closer to the citizens

An European Union closer to the citizens, with a more efficient activity and better understood is the objective supported by 12 of the Senate Presidents from the Association of Senates in Europe (ASE), who sign…

19:56, 08.05.2019

Iohannis: Sibiu moment will have to confirm - political actors' agenda is the same with that of EU citizens

President Klaus Iohannis stated on Wednesday that the current issues and challenges are very complex at internal and external level, underscoring that the Sibiu Summit "will have to certainly confirm" that the…

15:05, 07.05.2019

#Romania2019.eu Iohannis: Sibiu summit needs to show that we know what we want of the European Union

President Klaus Iohannis wants the European leaders on Thursday, at an informal European summit in Sibiu, to show that they know what they want of the European Union and to send an optimistic message to show that…

11:45, 02.05.2019

President Iohannis urges citizens to vote in referendum

President Klaus Iohannis posted on Facebook on Thursday a photo with a message urging Romanians to vote in the referendum of 26 May.  The image, which depicts the head of state introducing a ballot paper in the…

18:43, 19.04.2019

PM Dancila: PSD, only party there for Romania's citizens, that defends Romania abroad

Romania and Romanians need the Social Democratic Party (PSD, major at rule, ed.n.), because it is the only party that is there for Romania's citizens and defends Romania abroad, Premier Viorica Dancila, the PSD's…