Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

21:05, 08.03.2022

The Guardian denunță politica ipocrită a Londrei față de refugiații ucraineni

„1,5 milioane de refugiați disperați. 50 de vize britanice. E incredibil”. Boris Johnson dă dovadă de o „ipocrizie intolerabilă”, notează cotidianul The Guardian. Mai precis, THe Guardian notează că „Johnson dă…

17:06, 07.03.2022

Don Juan, oferit nu pe tavă, ci pe scenă

REȘIȚA – Este invitația la cea de-a doua premieră din acest an a Teatrului de Vest, pe care actrița Denisse Moise o adresează publicului. Spectacolul „Don Juan”, de Moliere, se joacă pe scena reșițeană în zilele…

08:30, 27.02.2022

„Un vals pentru mamele soldaților ruși și ucraineni morți în război”, piesa dedicată de un artist din Ucraina

Pianistul ucrainean Lubomyr Melnyk a compus o piesă inspirată de moartea unui tânăr soldar rus, în timpul invaziei din Ucraina.Pianistul ucrainean Lubomyr Melnyk a compus o piesă dedicată mamelor și soldaților…

09:05, 21.02.2022

Archbishop of Australia to students: Love prayer more than the internet

On Thursday, February 17, Archbishop of Australia Makarios performed a Doxology at the Church of St. Nicholas in Sydney, on the occasion of the beginning of the new academic year of the Theological School of the…

09:00, 08.02.2022

Transylvania Metropolitan commemorates greatest Romanian philanthropist Emanuil Gojdu

The Metropolitan of Transylvania commemorated Romania’s most outstanding philanthropist Emanuil Gojdu on the 152nd anniversary of his repose during a memorial service in Sibiu last week. The memorial service was…

21:25, 28.01.2022

Church from time of St. Stephen the Great becomes monastery

500 years after it was consecrated, a stone church near Suceava was turned into a monastery. Meeting on Wednesday, the Suceava Diocesan Council approved the establishment of the Sunday of All Saints Monastery in…

20:50, 19.01.2022

30 Quotes from Patriarch Daniel on Prayer

Without prayer, there is no Church and no Christian life, His Beatitude Patriarch Daniel emphasized on the first day of 2022, a year when the Romanian Patriarchate pays homage to prayer in the Church’s life and…

09:16, 14.01.2022

Lipovan Russians welcome Old New Year in churches

Lipovan Russians and Ukrainians in Tulcea County are celebrating the old New Year or the New Year by the Julian calendar, in churches on Friday mornings, according to tradition, and some accommodation units have…

16:31, 08.01.2022

Patriarch Daniel: The Orthodox does not lock God in the church, but observes His sanctifying work in all creation

His Beatitude Patriarch Daniel explained on Wednesday what is the “blessing of the Jordan” asked for during the great blessing of waters on Theophany Eve: it is the sanctifying work of God in His creation. Through…

19:35, 05.01.2022

Restoration of Church of the Nativity nears completion

The restoration of the ancient stone church of the Nativity in Bethlehem is nearing completion, although there is still important work to be done. Due to delays caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the project to restore…

08:36, 03.01.2022

Patriarch Daniel proclaims 2022 Solemn Year of Prayer, Commemorative Year of Hesychast Saints

The first Divine Liturgy in 2022 at the Patriarchal Cathedral ended with the proclamation of the solemn and commemorative themes of the New Year, basilica.ro reports. Therefore, 2022 was proclaimed a Solemn Year…

20:45, 26.12.2021

Father Ioan Sauca visits Patriarch of Antioch in Lebanon

Fr. Ioan Sauca, Acting General Secretary of the World Council of Churches (WCC), visited, on December 15, Patriarch John X of Antioch and All the East at His Beatitude’s residence in Balamand, Lebanon. Patriarch…

10:05, 26.12.2021

A murit arhiepiscopul Desmond Tutu, laureat al premiului Nobel pentru Pace şi simbol al luptei împotriva apartheidului

Simbol al luptei împotriva apartheidului în Africa de Sud, laureat al premiului Nobel pentru pace în 1984, arhiepiscopul Desmond Tutu a murit la vârsta de 90 de ani. Decesul lui a fost confirmat…

08:46, 20.12.2021

Cum s-a decis în decembrie 1989 soarta Europei şi a lumii post-comuniste: 30 de documente din arhivele secrete americane şi sovietice

Este posibil să se decidă demararea unor noi negocieri în şirul Summiturilor de la Ialta şi din Malta. Deciziile dureroase de la Ialta le cunoaşteţi, ştiţi cum, în spiritul legendarei morale superioare britanice,…

23:05, 15.12.2021

Bessarabia: Orthodox community builds its first church in just 40 days

One Orthodox community in the Republic of Moldova is experiencing the joy of finally having their own church. And the Church of Sts. Seraphim of Sarov, Catherine, and John (Maximovitch) in the Chișinău suburb of…

17:40, 14.12.2021

A virtual iconostasis: 12 iconographic representations related to the Lord’s Nativity

As the feast of the Nativity of the Lord draws near, we publish a selection of twelve icons depicting the moments that precede and follow this important event in the history of the salvation of the human race,…

18:15, 08.12.2021

Cătălin Raiu, Romanian expert on Freedom of Religion or Belief, invited to present key trends impacting Freedom of Religion of Belief

The OSCE/ODIHR is pleased to announce a webinar event on 14 December from 14:00-15:30 CET entitled: Key trends impacting freedom of religion or belief. Cătălin Raiu, an internationally well-known expert on Freedom…

14:06, 01.12.2021

Luminile orbitoare și umbrele înșelătoare

despre lasere care omoară, buruieni care vindecă și spațiul dintre ele ,, Mă minunez ce uimitor de apropiate formal și semantic sunt, in engleză, “a uita” – to forget de “a ierta” – to forgive. Poate că și de aceea…

10:55, 30.11.2021

WCC Acting General Secretary Rev. Ioan Sauca receives Bridge Builder Award

The Acting General Secretary of the World Council of Churches, Rev. Prof. Ioan Sauca, received the Bridge Builder Award during a ceremony in Oslo on Monday, Nov. 22, 2021. The award was presented by the Jury of…

19:06, 12.11.2021

Romanian Orthodox Bishop of Canada meets Catholic Bishop of Saint-Jean-Longueuil

HE Ioan Casian, the Romanian Orthodox Bishop of Canada, had an inter-Christian meeting of proximity with Claude Hamelin, Roman-Catholic Bishop of Saint-Jean-Longueuil. The meeting took place at the headquarters…

10:25, 10.11.2021

Constantin Haret: Voi repeta după Churchill: «Dacă nu există cultură, pentru ce mai luptăm?»

Probabil, azi nu există o sferă care să nu suporte dificultățile create de restricțiile pandemice și de criza economică generală. Totuși, cel mai greu o duc oamenii de cultură. Cum le reușește nu doar să supraviețuiască,…

23:40, 04.11.2021

Ontario: Bishop of Canada joins Windsor Romanian community for the 103rd anniversary of their cathedral

This weekend, His Eminence Ioan Casian joined the Orthodox Romanians of Windsor, in the Canadian province of Ontario, for the 103rd anniversary of the “St. George and Holy Hierarch Andrei Șaguna” Cathedral, basilica.ro…

23:40, 04.11.2021

Sihăstria Monastery: National Cathedral artist paints entrance, Romanians from all over the world work on mosaic

Daniel Codrescu, painter of Romania’s National Cathedral, coordinated last month the painting of the vault from under the entrance tower of Sihăstria (Neamț) Monastery. The team of church painters was joined by…

10:30, 29.10.2021

Florica, Partizani şi bustul comunistului Beloianis din Piteşti

Ialta, 1945. Cei trei lideri anti-Hitler, Stalin, Churchill și Roosvelt, împart sferele de influență în Europa. Dacă țările din Est au căzut total sub cizma sovieticilor, pentru Grecia s-a stabilit un regim aparte.…

23:10, 27.10.2021

We confess Christ by deeds: Bp Varlaam on feast day of Great Martyr Demetrius

His Grace Bishop Varlaam of Ploieşti on Tuesday spoke about the persecutions to which the Church was subjected in the past, but also about the current persecutions. Regarding the confession of Christ, the hierarch…

23:10, 27.10.2021

Banat Metropolian urges prayer, solidarity as cases rise in Romania: We have a duty to help each other

The Metropolitan of Banat addressed a pastoral message noting “the harmful effects of the virus,” as coronavirus cases surged in Romania during the past weeks. In his message posted on the website of the Metropolis,…

23:10, 27.10.2021

Patriarch Daniel urges responsible freedom during pandemic: The greatest gifts are health and salvation

“Everyone must be aware, free and responsible when their health is in danger because we do not know if we are prepared enough to go beyond. That is why the Desert Fathers asked God for an extra moment of life to…

16:45, 19.10.2021

Spectacolul lui Sergei Polunin în România, în premieră pe TIFF Unlimited, de Ziua Mondială a Baletului

Astăzi, 19 octombrie, de Ziua Mondială a Baletului, spectacolul de dans pe care celebrul dansator Sergei Polunin l-a susținut pentru prima dată în România în această vară, ca invitat special al Festivalului Internațional…

13:10, 24.09.2021

Wooden church in Ursi village, big winner of European Heritage Awards/Europa Nostra2021 Awards

The wooden church in Ursi village, Popesti commune, Valcea County, is the big winner of the 2021 edition of the European Heritage Awards/Europa Nostra Awards 2021. The project also won the Audience Award, informs…

20:26, 05.09.2021

Băiatul care s-a agățat de avion

Mă tot gîndesc la băiatul afgan care s-a agățat de scara avionului și a căzut în gol, nu era vreun colaborator american de frunte, vreun turnător al poliției, vreun traducător de interogatorii, vreun magistrat…