Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

20:03, 02.03.2020

Teama de coronavirus a lovit şi Guvernul Germaniei. Un ministru a refuzat să dea mâna cu Angela Merkel VIDEO

Angela Merkel i-a întins mâna lui Seehofer la începutul unei conferinţe pe tema migraţiei, însă ministrul a refuzat să dea mâna cu ea, cu un gest, zâmbind. Cei doi conducători au râs împreună. Ca măsură de prevenţie,…

22:33, 13.05.2018

PNL delegation carries out visit to Germany; Monday, Orban-Merkel meeting

National Liberal Party (PNL) Chairman Ludovic Orban is carrying out, Sunday through Wednesday, an official visit to Germany, alongside a party delegation, being due to meet with the Chairman of the Christian Democratic…

16:10, 25.09.2017

President Iohannis sends congratulations message to German Chancellor Angela Merkel

President Klaus Iohannis on Monday sent a congratulations message to Chancellor Angela Merkel, following the result of the legislative elections on Sunday in the Federal Republic of Germany, according to a Presidential…

19:23, 09.09.2016

Iohannis-Merkel meeting: UK should remain important partner to us too

President Klaus Iohannis emphasized on Friday at a meeting in Berlin with Chancellor Angela Merkel that the UK should remain an important partner, informs a release by the Romanian Presidential Administration.

17:08, 21.07.2016

Imagine de senzație de la întâlnirea între Angela Merkel și Theresa May

Cancelarul german Angela Merkel s-a întâlnit miercuri la Berlin cu premierul Marii Britanii, Theresa May, aceasta fiind prima lor întrevedere de când șeful guvernului britanic a preluat…

18:18, 20.06.2016

German President Gauck: Germany's position is that we desire firm respect for Minsk Agreements

German President Joachim Gauck stated that, according to the positions already expressed by Chancellor Angela Merkel and Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier, Germany "still firmly" desire that the Minsk Agreements…

18:17, 20.06.2016

German President Gauck: Germany's position is that we desire firm respect for Minsk Agreements

German President Joachim Gauck stated that, according to the positions already expressed by Chancellor Angela Merkel and Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier, Germany "still firmly" desire that the Minsk Agreements…

16:24, 17.07.2015

Angela Merkel explains to a teenage Palestinian girl why her family might get deported

  Chancellor Angela Merkel recently visited a school in the city of Rostock and talked with a group of students Stirea Angela Merkel explains to a teenage Palestinian girl why her family might get deported a aparut…