Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

18:46, 28.03.2021

PSD's Ciolacu says party to submit censure motion: Parliament no longer represents people's will

PSD (Social Democratic Party) leader Marcel Ciolacu said Social Democrats are going to submit a motion of censure in the current parliamentary session, for, at this moment, Parliament "no longer represents the…

00:20, 12.02.2021

PSD's Ciolacu: We will submit motion of censure; we'll try to create a majority to overthrow this gov't

PSD (Social Democratic Party) leader Marcel Ciolacu on Thursday said that the Social Democrats will table a motion of censure in Parliament in the current parliamentary session and will try to "create" a majority…

20:00, 25.11.2020

Iohannis: President of Romania cannot be politically censured, so regardless if PSD like it or not, I will make evaluations

The President of Romania cannot be politically censured, said, on Wednesday, the head of state Klaus Iohannis. "As President of Romania I feel called to have opinions, to issue opinions in all matters that regard…

18:10, 20.09.2020

”Detest bărbații”. Cum a reușit o tânără de 25 de ani să stârnească valuri de controverse în Franța. ”Așa ceva ar trebui interzis”

Atunci când Pauline Harmange, o scriitoare și aspirantă romancieră franceză, a publicat o carte-eseu despre ură la adresa bărbaților, se aștepta ca aceasta să vândă cel mult câteva sute de exemplare printre prietenii…

16:10, 15.09.2020

PSD's Ciolacu regarding censure motion: We await CCR motivation, then we make decision

The chairman of the Social Democratic Party (PSD), Marcel Ciolacu, stated on Tuesday that the Social Democrats will decide, after seeing the motivation for the decision of the Constitutional Court of Romania (CCR),…

12:30, 15.09.2020

Court unanimously rules out no gov't-Parliament conflict after censure motion tabled in extraordinary session

The Constitutional Court of Romania (CCR) unanimously ruled on Tuesday that there is no legal conflict of a constitutional nature between the government and Parliament following the tabling of a motion of censure…

11:55, 15.09.2020

Court rules no gov't-Parliament conflict after censure motion tabled in special session (sources)

The Constitutional Court of Romania (CCR) ruled on Tuesday that there is no legal conflict between the government and Parliament following the tabling of a motion of censure in an extraordinary session, sources…

09:30, 01.09.2020

PNL's First Deputy Chair Raluca Turcan: There is no majority to overthrow this Government

First Deputy Chair of the National Liberal Party (PNL) Raluca Turcan believes that it is possible that the submission of the censure motion by the Social Democratic Party (PSD) was based on "reasons related to…

09:05, 01.09.2020

Gov't: Censure motion initiated on 17 Aug cannot be debated, voted in another ordinary, extraordinary session

The censure motion initiated on 17 August, having the content presented in the extraordinary session of 20 August, cannot be debated and voted in another ordinary and extraordinary session except in violation of…

08:41, 01.09.2020

PSD's Ciolacu: There will be a vote on the motion; on this or another motion in ordinary session

National chairman of the Social Democratic Party (PSD) Marcel Ciolacu said on Monday that the government will not be able to avoid a vote on a motion of censure from PSD, be it the current motion or another one…

21:45, 31.08.2020

PSD:Romanians could see themselves who supports corruption, party switching and incompetence of Orban Gov't

All Romanians could see for themselves who supports the corruption, party switching and incompetence of the Orban Gov't and who opposes it, state the Social Democrats, after, on Monday, the session of the Parliament's…

21:30, 31.08.2020

PSD's Ciolacu: It was PNL strategy not to have quorum at motion debate

The Social Democratic Party (PSD) chairman, Marcel Ciolacu, claimed on Monday that the National Liberal Party (PNL) had a strategy so that quorum was not achieved in the sitting that would have the debate and vote…

21:25, 31.08.2020

Parliament's sitting for debate of censure motion cannot be carried out due to lack of a quorum

The Parliament sitting in which the censure motion was to be debated and voted on this Monday was not possible due to the lack of a quorum, according to the announcement of the Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies,…

12:00, 31.08.2020

Iohannis on censure motion: PSD wants to throw the country into chaos

President Klaus Iohannis has said that using Monday's motion of censure, the Social Democratic Party (PSD) "wants to throw the country into chaos" and calls on the lawmakers not to join the Social Democrats' approach…

11:55, 31.08.2020

PM Orban calls censure motion 'cyanide potion', says gov't to be there when voted

Prime Minister Ludovic Orban said on Monday that the National Liberal Party (PNL) lawmakers would not participate in the parliamentary debate on the motion of censure, but the government would be present, arguing…

19:05, 30.08.2020

Florin Roman: PNL Deputies will not participate in voting on censure motion

National Liberal Party (PNL) Deputies' leader Florin Roman has announced that the parliamentary group he is running will not participate in the voting on the censure motion."The PNL Deputies' group will not participate…

14:35, 30.08.2020

Ciolacu: I expect our partners to vote gov't dismissal; statements on arrangements don't count as votes

Social Democratic Party (PSD) Chairman Marcel Ciolacu says he expects the Social Democrats' partners to vote for the censure motion and that the statements on certain arrangements "don't count as votes.""The PSD…

14:20, 30.08.2020

Barna: USR will not participate in voting on censure motion

Save Romania Union (USR) MPs will not participate in the voting on the censure motion on Monday, USR Chairman Dan Barna announced on Sunday.He believes the Social Democratic Party's (PSD) initiative is an attempt…

13:10, 30.08.2020

Ponta: Censure motion result, negotiated; Orban and 'the gang' are here to stay

Pro Romania leader Victor Ponta maintains that the result of the censure motion that will be voted on Monday has already been negotiated, and even if the party he is running votes in favour of the motion, Prime…

08:31, 29.08.2020

Tomac: Censure motion - suicidal move proposed by PSD

People's Movement Party (PMP) Chairman Eugen Tomac said in Bistrita on Friday that his party would decide on Sunday what to do on the day of voting on the censure motion, whether it would participate in the voting…

16:40, 27.08.2020

UDMR's Kelemen says 1,000 reasons to vote against gov't, also arguments not to vote it out

National leader of the Hungarian Democratic Union of Romania (UDMR) Kelemen Hunor told a news conference on Thursday that there are many reasons for his party's lawmakers to vote against the Orban government, but…

16:40, 27.08.2020

Marcel Ciolacu: 'There are enough votes for censure motion to pass even without UDMR'

Social Democratic Party (PSD) Chairman Marcel Ciolacu said on Thursday that "there are enough votes" for the censure motion to pass, even "without the UDMR [Hungarian Democratic Union of Romania].''"At this moment,…

20:15, 26.08.2020

Romanian President Klaus Iohannis: 'I hope enough wisdom in Parliament for motion not to pass'

President Klaus Iohannis on Wednesday voiced hope that "there is enough wisdom in Parliament" for the censure motion tabled by the Social Democratic Party (PSD) not to pass, as this demarche is "completely out…

20:05, 26.08.2020

Romania: august 31 set for vote on motion of censure

Social Democratic Party (PSD) national leader Marcel Ciolacu announced on Wednesday that the motion of censure tabled by the Social Democrats will be put up to a vote on August 31."The motion of censure will be…

15:55, 25.08.2020

UDMR to decide on vote day whether or not to support censure motion

The Hungarian Democratic Union of Romania (UDMR) will decide on the day of the vote whether or not to support the motion of censure against the government tabled by the Social Democratic Party (PSD), UDMR national…

08:15, 25.08.2020

Ludovic Orban: By censure motion PSD wants to get its hands on power to control electoral process

The Social Democratic Party (PSD) has filed the censure motion only to "get its hands on power" to control the electoral process, and to leave the country without a government at the moment it is an act of political…

13:40, 24.08.2020

PM Orban, regarding censure motion: We will discuss individually with all MPs, except PSD

Prime Minister Ludovic Orban, chairman of the National Liberal Party (PNL), stated that the Liberals will discuss "individually" with all MPs on the topic of the censure motion in order to present their point of…

16:26, 21.08.2020

ALDE: Gov't notifying court over censure motion is just a ploy

The Alliance of Liberal and Democrats (ALDE) considers that the government notifying the Constitutional Court (CCR) of a legal conflict between it and Parliament generated by the tabling of a motion of censure…

16:21, 21.08.2020

Gov't notifies court over censure motion, asks PSD to postpone motion vote pending ruling

The government has notified the Constitutional Court of Romania (CCR) about a constitutional conflict triggered by the tabling of a motion of censure by the Social Democratic Party (PSD) and asked PSD to schedule…

16:21, 21.08.2020

Gov't to notify court of constitutional conflict between gov't, Parliament over censure motion

Ionel Danca, head of the Chancellery of the Prime Minister, will be notifying today the Constitutional Court (CCR) of the existence of a legal conflict of a constitutional nature between the government and Parliament…