Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

15:04, 28.05.2020

Olguta Vasilescu: PSD to submit censure motion if Gov't modifies pension law by emergency ordinance

The Social Democratic Party (PSD) will submit a motion of censure if the Government modifies the pension law by emergency ordinance, announced, on Thursday, the Social Democrat deputy Lia Olguta Vasilescu, following…

18:19, 19.05.2020

President Iohannis: Submitting motion of censures during this time shows maximum lack of responsibility

President Klaus Iohannis on Tuesday said that submitting a motion of censure during this time against the Government shows a "maximum lack of responsibility." "Submitting a motion of censure during this time shows…

15:28, 17.05.2020

Romascanu (PSD): Censure motion in preparation; we will have to negotiate with other political forces in Parliament

The spokesperson of the Social Democrat Party (PSD), Lucian Romascanu, announced that the Social Democrats are preparing a censure motion against the government, which will be submitted "if things go worse and…

17:27, 04.05.2020

ALDE's Tariceanu: We are considering a censure motion, after 15 May or in the beginning of autumn

The Alliance of Liberals and Democrats (ALDE) and Pro Romania MPs have in mind to file a censure motion, but a date hasn't yet been established, it could take place after 15 May or in the beginning of autumn, ALDE…

23:00, 05.02.2020

USR: Two-round mayoral elections forsaken for triggering early elections

After today's success of the censure motion, the Save Romania Union (USR) said that the two-round mayoral elections have been forsaken in order to trigger early elections. "Today's vote on the censure motion shows…

23:00, 05.02.2020

PM Orban, after adoption of censure motion: Gov't lands on its feet

Parliament is dominated by ''retrograde forces'', that have trampled on democracy, but the Government is landing on its feet, Prime Minister Ludovic Orban said on Wednesday, after Parliament adopted the censure…

16:15, 05.02.2020

Tariceanu: ALDE, not to vote censure motion as it does not want to pave way to early elections

The Alliance of Liberals and Democrats (ALDE) Chairperson, Calin Popescu-Tariceanu, said on Wednesday that the MPs of his party are not voting the censure motion because they support the election of mayors in two…

16:15, 05.02.2020

Censure motion, adopted with 261 votes "in favour"

The censure motion titled "Orban / PNL government - privatisation of Romanian democracy", initiated by the Social Democratic Party (PSD), was adopted by Parliament on Wednesday.  There were 261 votes "in favour",…

13:08, 05.02.2020

Parliament convenes to discuss censure motion

The Senate and the Chamber of Deputies have convened in a joint meeting to discuss and vote on a motion of censure tabled by the Social Democratic Party (PSD) after Government passed legislation on two-round mayoral…

12:30, 05.02.2020

PM Orban: We are prepared for anything; after motion, depending on result, I will call PNL leaership

Prime Minister Ludovic Orban, PNL (National Liberal Party) head, on Wednesday stated, regarding the motion of censure about to be debated in Parliament, that the Liberals are ready for any scenario, also mentioning…

20:12, 04.02.2020

Speaker Ciolacu: We have enough votes for censure motion to pass, more than 233

The Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies, Marcel Ciolacu, the Social Democratic Party (PSD) acting leader said on Tuesday that there are enough votes for the censure motion to pass, mentioning that he will have meetings…

20:12, 04.02.2020

Censure motion debate and vote set for Wednesday

Parliament will debate and vote on Wednesday, starting at noon, the censure motion tabled after the government assumed responsibility for the bill providing for two-round mayoral elections, the joint Standing Bureaus…

20:19, 03.02.2020

Censure motion read in Parliament plenary sitting

The censure motion titled "Orban Government / PNL - putting Romanian democracy into private hands", signed by 208 MPs, was read on Monday in the plenary sitting of the Parliament by Social Democrat deputy Daniel…

16:00, 03.02.2020

PSD's Ciolacu: We will have a non-PSD PM nomination should censure motion passed

Bucharest, Feb 3 /Agerpres/ - The Social Democratic Party (PSD, in the opposition, ed. n.) will nominate a Prime Minister from outside the party should the censure motion will pass, on Monday said this party's…

20:52, 30.01.2020

UDMR's Kelemen says all MPs should vote on censure motion

National chairman of the Hungarian Democratic Union of Romania (UDMR) Kelemen Hunor told AGERPRES on Thursday that all MPs who disagrees with the form or merits of the government's legislating on two-round mayoral…

15:58, 30.01.2020

PSD's Simons: We have more than 233 votes for the motion right now

Leader of the PSD (Social Democratic Party) group in the Deputies' Chamber, Alfred Simonis, on Thursday stated there are more than 233 MPs who would vote for the motion of censure, with the debates calendar to…

15:33, 30.01.2020

PM Orban calls initiators of censure motion politicians having proved their worthlessness

Bucharest, Jan 30 /Agerpres/ - Those who have tabled the censure motion are politicians who "have proved their worthlessness" by the way they governed for the last three years, Prime Minister Ludovic Orban said…

13:29, 30.01.2020

Censure motion tabled in Parliament: Orban Gov't must be urgently dismissed

The Orban Government must be urgently dismissed, both because changing the electoral system on the eve of elections violates the European standards, and because the adoption of these changes was made unilaterally,…

16:47, 29.01.2020

PM Orban addressing PSD: You can submit 10 censure motions, you won't change our view

Prime Minister Ludovic Orban on Wednesday said he couldn't understand the reasons for which the PSD (Social Democratic Party) wants to submit a motion of censure, and that, in his opinion, the Social Democrats…

16:47, 29.01.2020

PM Orban, indifferent to PSD motion, predicts its failure

Prime Minister Ludovic Orban said on Wednesday that he is "indifferently" waiting for the censure motion that the Social Democratic Party (PSD) is about to table, adding that he does not believe the approach stands…

15:28, 29.01.2020

PSD to table censure motion Thursday morning

A motion of censure against the Orban Government will be tabled on Thursday morning, said Wednesday Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies Marcel Ciolacu, acting national leader of the Social Democratic Party (PSD).…

17:01, 28.01.2020

Deputies' Chamber Speaker Ciolacu: I think we will be able to file the censure motion on Thursday

Speaker of the Deputies Chamber Marcel Ciolacu, interim leader of the PSD (Social Democratic Party), on Tuesday stated it's possible the Social Democrats submit the motion of censure on Thursday, after the Government…

21:34, 26.01.2020

Ponta says to initiate censure motion if ordinance modifying healthcare reform law is adopted

Pro Romania party chairman Victor Ponta says his party will initiate a censure motion if the ordinance draft for the modification and supplementing of the law on reform in the healthcare area is adopted. "Here…

15:23, 23.01.2020

PNL's Turcan: We've launched early polls calendar; we have other projects PSD won't like

We have launched the calendar for the early polls, and after the draft law on the election of mayors in two rounds passes through the rejection of the censure motion, the Liberals intend to assume responsibility…

08:56, 20.01.2020

PSD collected enough signatures to submit motion of censure

PSD (Social Democratic Party) managed to collected 115 signatures to submit the motion of censure against the Government assuming responsibility for the election of mayors in two rounds, the interim leader of this…

20:03, 18.01.2020

PSD's Ciolacu: PSD will challenge election of mayors in two rounds with CCR, if motion fails

PSD's (Social Democratic Party) acting president Marcel Ciolacu said on Saturday that his party will challenge the law on the election of mayors in two rounds with the Constitutional Court, if the censure motion…

20:44, 17.01.2020

PSD's Ciolacu: If censure motion passes, we'll go for national unity government variant

Acting Chairman of the Social Democratic Party (PSD) Marcel Ciolacu told a news conference in Pitesti on Friday that should the censure motion pass, neither the PSD nor the Hungarian Democratic Union of Romania…

20:05, 17.01.2020

PMP's Tomac says PSD not interested in gov't falling

National chairman of the People's Movement Party (PMP) Eugen Tomac says two-round mayoral elections is a "a very good thing" for the society, specifying that the Social Democratic Party (PSD) has no interest in…

19:34, 16.01.2020

President Iohannis, quite skeptical about censure motion

President Klaus Iohannis said on Thursday that he is quite skeptical about the Social Democratic Party (PSD) tabling of a censure motion against the Orban Government. "Statements are made in the heat of the moment,…

17:47, 16.01.2020

UDMR to vote for censure motion; not interested in governing

National chairman of the Hungarian Democratic Union of Romania (UDMR) Kelemen Hunor on Thursday told AGERPRES that UDMR will vote for a censure motion if the Ludovic Orban government assume responsibility before…