Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

18:27, 01.10.2018

Supreme Court grants DNA request to reopen case aimed at PSD's Liviu Dragnea

The High Court of Cassation and Justice granted on Monday a request made by the National Anticorruption Directorate (DNA) to reopen the prosecution in a case aimed at Social Democratic Party (PSD) leader Liviu…

12:36, 25.09.2018

Supreme Court's Tarcea: Prosecutors need to be independent, well prepared profesionally and strong

The President of the High Court of Cassation and Justice (ICCJ), Cristina Tarcea declared on Tuesday that the prosecutors that will be part of the special Justice Crime Investigation Section need to be independent,…

12:36, 25.09.2018

Supreme Court's Tarcea: Judges in this country who observe law at any risk

President of the High Court of Cassation and Justice (ICCJ) Cristina Tarcea stated on Tuesday that the law is observed in the Supreme Court, adding that "there are judges in this country who observe the law at…

14:37, 25.08.2018

JusMin Toader starts legal procedure to assess managerial activity of PG Lazar

Justice Minister Tudorel Toader announced that he is initiating the procedure to assess the managerial activity of Prosecutor General Augustin Lazar, in the context of the protocols concluded with the Romanian…

22:27, 15.08.2018

Chief-Prosecutor assures public opinion an impartial investigation will be conducted into August 10 events

Chief-Prosecutor Augustin Lazar assured the public opinion that all legal measures in place will be taken in order to conduct an impartial investigation into what happened on August 10 in Victoriei Square. "Seeing…

13:34, 13.08.2018

Ciolos: Romania 100 Platform files criminal complaint over violence at August 10 rally

The Romania 100 Platform, along with other civic organizations, filed on Monday a criminal complaint with the Prosecution Office attached to the High Court of Cassation and Justice against the Gendarmerie chief…

18:47, 11.07.2018

Ex DNA head Kovesi to serve as delegated prosecutor with Supervision & Control Service of General Prosecution Office

Former head of the National Anticorruption Directorate (DNA) Laura Codruta Kovesi was appointed on Wednesday by Prosecutor General Augustin Lazar to serve as delegated prosecutor with the Supervision and Control…

19:26, 06.07.2018

PG Lazar meets US federal prosecutors to discuss on how to streamline communication for letters rogatory

Prosecutor General Augustin Lazar discussed with a delegation made up of US federal prosecutors and FBI representatives about how to streamline communication in case of the letters rogatory, the Prosecutor's Office…

10:48, 04.07.2018

ICCJ referral concerning amendments for enforcing sentence; Wednesday, in CCR's attention

The Constitutional Court of Romania (CCR) discusses on Wednesday the referral of the High Court of Cassation and Justice (ICCJ) concerning amendments brought to the Law about enforcing sentences and measures involving…

23:06, 25.06.2018

High Court of Cassation and Justice notifies Superior Council of Magistracy following public statements on judges

The High Court of Cassation and Justice (ICCJ) decided on Monday to notify the Superior Council of Magistracy (CSM) in order to determine whether the public positions of late about the HCCJ and its judges could…

20:01, 22.06.2018

PSD's Dragnea about his conviction: We witnessed a mass execution

Leader of the Social Democratic Party (PSD) and Speaker of the Deputies' Chamber Liviu Dragnea on Friday labeled his conviction in the "DGASPC Teleorman" case as "a mass execution.", informs Agerpres."Yesterday,…

11:05, 22.06.2018

Iohannis sends Justice Minister request for prosecution of Emil Cico Dumitrescu in Revolution case

President Klaus Iohannis forwarded to the Justice Minister the request for the prosecution of Emil Cico Dumitrescu, facing criminal charges in the Revolution case, for deeds under criminal case no. 11/P/2014 of…

17:08, 20.06.2018

ICCJ sentences former senator Dan Sova to 3 years in prison in CET Govora case;court ruling is final

The High Court of Justice and Cassation (ICCJ) sentenced on Wednesday former senator Dan Sova to 3 years in prison in the "CET Govora" case for influence peddling. The the court ruling is final.

10:44, 14.06.2018

Judge Tarcea: We are witnessing a general lie; I will refer the matter to CSAT, Judicial Inspection

Chair of the Supreme Court of Justice and Cassation and Justice (ICCJ) Cristina Tarcea, announced on Thursday at a meeting of the Supreme Council of Magistrates (CSM) that she will notify the Supreme Council for…

09:12, 12.06.2018

PG Lazar discusses with Venice Commission delegation about amendments to justice laws, independence of prosecutors

The topics that were discussed on Monday by Prosecutor General Augustin Lazar and the Venice Commission delegation aimed at the amendments and additions that have been recently brought to the Justice Laws, aspects…

13:46, 08.06.2018

Venice Commission delegation to visit Romania June 11 - 12 for talks on justice package

A Venice Commission delegation will be in Romania over June 11 - 12 for an exchange of views on the bills amending the Law on judicial organization, the Law on the Superior Council of Magistracy and the Law on…

11:57, 31.05.2018

FSANP asks investigation be opened against JusMin for limiting right to trade union representation

The Federation of Trade Unions of the National Administration of Penitentiaries (FSANP) on Thursday announced that it filed a criminal complaint against Justice Minister Tudorel Toader, for committing abuse of…

12:42, 24.05.2018

Military prosecutors order further prosecution of former PM Petre Roman

The Prosecutors of the Military Prosecutor's Office Section of the Prosecutor's Office attached to the High Court of Cassation and Justice (PICCJ) have ordered the extension and further prosecution of former PM…

14:34, 23.05.2018

Top court dismisses KMG International and Oilfield Exploration challenges to DIICOT lien on Rompetrol assets

The High Court of Cassation and Justice dismissed as ungrounded the challenges filed by Oilfield Exploration Business Solutions SA, Rompetrol Rafinare SA and KMG International N.V. to the May 6, 2016 warrant of…

14:18, 21.05.2018

Anti-corruption prosecutors seek prison sentence for former MP Sebastian Ghita for bribery, money laundering

Anti-corruption prosecutors demanded on Monday in top court trial proceedings that former deputy Sebastian Ghita be sentenced to prison in the case where he is being indicted alongside former police and prosecution…

21:45, 17.05.2018

PNL's Orban: Have lodged referral with PICCJ Prosecutor's Office on Dancila and Liviu Dragnea

National Liberal Party (PNL) leader Ludovic Orban stated on Thursday in Iasi that "as Romania's citizen" he lodged a notification with the Prosecutor's Office attached to the High Court of Cassation and Justice…

10:28, 16.05.2018

Criminal prosecution in Revolution case, extended for Gelu Voican Voiculescu, for crimes against humanity

The military prosecutors with the Prosecutor's Office attached to the High Court of Cassation and Justice ruled to extend and pursue the criminal prosecution in the Revolution case against of Gelu Voican Voiculescu…

16:38, 10.05.2018

Judicial Inspection announces control on high-profile corruption cases that are pending trial in 2018

The Judicial Inspection (IJ) announced on Thursday that it will conduct a thematic control regarding high-profile corruption cases that are pending trial in 2018, including the High Court of Cassation and Justice…

13:08, 08.05.2018

DNA requeste three-year prison sentence for Călin Popescu - Tăriceanu

National Anticorruption Directorate (DNA) prosecutors have requested, on Tuesday, at the Supreme Court, a three-year prison sentence for Senate's President Calin Popescu Tariceanu, in the file in which he is accused…

12:34, 08.05.2018

Senate's Tariceanu at Supreme Court: Accusations are based on serious mystifications and contradictions

Senate's Speaker Calin Popescu-Tariceanu said on Tuesday, at the Supreme Court, that the accusations brought against him by the National Anti-corruption Directorate (DNA) prosecutors "are based on serious mystifications…

23:27, 26.04.2018

Supreme Court notifies CCR about bill on alternative measures to custodial sentences

The High Court of Cassation (ICCJ) and Justice on Thursday decided to notify Romania's Constitutional Court about the bill on alternative measures to custodial sentences, proposing that the people sentenced to…

14:40, 13.04.2018

President Iohannis - notice of prosecution in case of Ion Iliescu, Petre Roman and Gelu Voican Voiculescu

President Klaus Iohannis forwarded to the Justice Minister the request for prosecution in the case of the former head of state Ion Iliescu, former premier Petre Roman and in Gelu Voican Voiculescu's case, the Presidential…

12:12, 04.04.2018

Judiciary official Olaru: CSM, Judicial Inspectorate, ICCJ, HCCJ signed protocols with intel services

Vice-President of the Supreme Council of Magistrates (CSM) Codrut Olaru said on Wednesday that CSM and the Judicial Inspectorate, as well as the Supreme Court (ICCJ) and the Attorney General's Office all signed…

16:58, 02.04.2018

PG sends request to President to start prosecution against Ion Iliescu, Petre Roman, Gelu Voiculescu

Prosecutor General Augustin Lazar conveyed to President Klaus Iohannis the request to start the criminal prosecution in the Revolution case against Ion Iliescu, Peter Roman and Gelu Voican Voiculescu, in respect…

22:57, 30.03.2018

Top court's constitutional challenge against amendment of Law No. 303/2004 on magistrates' statutes

The High Court of Cassation and Justice (ICCJ) announced on Friday having challenged in the Constitutional Court several provisions of the piece of legislation amending Law No. 303/2004 on the judges and prosecutors'…