Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

19:55, 30.03.2018

Romanian Intelligence Service releases cooperation protocol with Supreme Court Prosecution Office

The Romanian Intelligence Service (SRI) on Friday released on its website the protocol of cooperation with the Prosecution Office attached to the High Court of Cassation and Justice regarding the institutions'…

20:42, 20.03.2018

Prosecutor General sends protocols concluded with SRI to CSM and Justice Minister

Prosecutor General Augustin Lazar on Tuesday sent the protocols concluded with the Romanian Intelligence Service (SRI) to the Superior Council of Magistracy (CSM) and Justice Minister Tudorel Toader, informs the…

13:54, 20.03.2018

CSM head Tarcea asks CSM to discus SRI protocols, SIPA archive and covert officers

President of the High Court of Cassation and Justice Cristina Tarcea requested on Tuesday to supplement the plenary meeting agenda of the Superior Council of Magistrates (CSM) with topics such as the Internal Anti-Corruption…

13:55, 19.03.2018

JusMin Toader requests PG Lazar to declassify protocols concluded between Prosecutor's Office structures and SRI

Justice Minister Tudorel Toader requested on Monday Prosecutor General Augustin Lazar to declassify the protocols concluded between the structures of the Prosecutor's Offices and the Romanian Intelligence Service…

16:45, 05.03.2018

Liberal's Ludovic Orban acquitted, in Supreme Court's final decision

The National Liberal Party (PNL, opposition)'s Chairman Ludovic Orban has been acquitted by the Supreme Court (High Court of Cassation and Justice, ICCJ, ed. n.) in the file where he was prosecuted for using influence…

14:58, 28.02.2018

PICCJ: Negative opinion of CSM in Kovesi case confirms absence of legal ground for removal

The negative opinion given by the prosecutors' Section with the Superior Council of Magistracy (CSM) on the Justice minister's proposal to remove from office the Chief Prosecutor of the National Anti-corruption…

01:45, 27.02.2018

Supreme Court denies motion by anti-graft prosecution to reopen case against Deputy PM Stanescu

The Supreme Court (ICCJ) on Monday denied a motion by the National Anti-Corruption Directorate (DNA) to reopen criminal investigation in a court file that also implicates Deputy Prime Minister Paul Stanescu. "The…

21:54, 22.02.2018

PG Lazar: There is no legal reason to remove Mrs Codruta Kovesi from office

Prosecutor General of the Prosecutor's Office attached to the High Court of Cassation and Justice Augustin Lazar, reaffirms in a Facebook post, that there is no legal reason to remove from office Chief Prosecutor…

17:42, 14.02.2018

Prosecutor General Lazar asks CSM to adopt public stand in defence of judiciary system

Prosecutor General Augustin Lazar asked the leadership of the Superior Council of Magistrates (CSM) to adopt a public stand in defence of the judiciary system, in the context of the campaign carried out by people…

18:44, 13.02.2018

PICCJ conducts investigations following criminal complaint about recordings from DNA Ploiesti

The Prosecutor's Office attached to the High Court of Cassation and Justice (PICCJ) announced on Tuesday that prosecutors with the Criminal and Forensics Section are conducting investigations in a case that arose…

18:47, 08.02.2018

ICCJ: Darius Valcov - sentenced to eight years in prison

Darius Valcov, former mayor of Slatina municipality and former Minister of Finance on Thursday got sentenced by the High Court of Cassation and Justice (ICCJ) to eight years in prison, in the case in which he is…

20:02, 01.02.2018

High Court forces DNA to end investigation into death of policeman Gigina by May 1

The High Court of Cassation and Justice (CCJ) on Thursday decided that DNA must complete the investigation into the death of policeman Bogdan Gigina, in the case where former Minister of Interior Gabriel Oprea…

19:53, 01.02.2018

First meeting of Judiciary Strategy Monitoring Committee

The Judiciary Strategy Monitoring Committee met for the first time at the Ministry of Justice on Thursday, setting out the modalities and the reporting period of the indicators provided for in the Action Plan for…

18:14, 31.01.2018

General Prosecutor's office denies ongoing investigation into Dragnea's accusations against SPP chief

The General Prosecutor's Office denied the existence of an ongoing investigation into the accusations made by Chairman of the Social Democratic Party (PSD) Liviu Dragnea against the Protection and Guard Service…

15:06, 25.01.2018

ICCJ postpones discussions on DNA request to reopen criminal investigation of Stanescu

The High Court of Cassation and Justice (ICCJ) on Thursday postponed, for 8 February, the discussions confirming the National Anticorruption Directorate (DNA) request to reopen the criminal investigation of a case…

16:55, 18.01.2018

CSM - negative opinion on amendment of Justice laws forwarded by Catalin Radulescu (sources)

The Superior Council of Magistracy (CSM)'s plenary sitting gave a negative opinion on Thursday on the legislative proposals for the amendments of the Justice laws forwarded by several deputies upon Catalin Radulescu's…

14:37, 05.01.2018

Judge Simona Camelia Marcu elected new CSM president

Judge Simona Camelia Marcu was elected on January 5, 2018 president of the Superior Council of the Magistrates (CSM).  "Having consideration for the candidacy filed by Mrs. Judge Simona Marcu for CSM president,…

09:27, 23.12.2017

Supreme Court: Amendments on magistrates' material liability violate Constitution, are unclear, confusing

The High Court of Justice and Cassation (ICCJ, Supreme Court, ed. n.) says in a notification sent on Thursday to the Constitutional Court of Romania (CCR) that the amendments to the Law no. 303/2004 in connection…

17:31, 21.12.2017

High Court of Cassation and Justice notifies Constitutional Court on modifications to magistrates' status

The High Court of Cassation and Justice (ICCJ) decided on Thursday to notify the Constitutional Court about the unconstitutionality of some articles modified by Parliament of law 303/2004 on the status of magistrates.Agerpres.

22:16, 19.12.2017

Investigation section of offenses in justice can investigate into all offenses committed by magistrates

The Investigation Section of Offenses in Justice within the Prosecutor's Office attached to the High Court of Cassation and Justice can investigate all offenses committed by magistrates, MPs of the special committee…

14:35, 15.11.2017

ICCJ establishes that Rovana Plumb will be investigated by prosecutors for abuse of office

The High Court of Cassation and Justice (ICCJ) established that the former Minister Rovana Plumb will be investigated by the General Prosecutor's Office for committing abuse of office, as the judges admitted a…

20:58, 06.11.2017

Lenaerts (EUCJ) about abuse of office: It shouldn't depend on the size of the damage

The President of the European Union Court of Justice, Koen Lenaerts, on Monday stated that the abuse of office offense shouldn't depend on the size of the damage, while he underscored that there could be an offense…

17:04, 03.11.2017

Jean-Claude Marin: Prosecutors in Romania, France cooperate to combat trafficking in cultural goods

Romanian and French prosecutors have had joint actions to combat trafficking in cultural goods, given that the patrimony of the two states "is plundered by transnational criminal rings," said Prosecutor General…

16:28, 31.08.2017

Judicial Inspectorate to start inspection at Public Prosecution Service on Sept. 4

The Judicial Inspectorate will start an inspection of the Public Prosecution Service with the Supreme Court of Justice and Cassation on September 4, Alin Alexandru, the spokesperson for the institution, told Agerpres…

18:26, 10.08.2017

Ilie Dragne, manager of farm in Salcia, Teleorman county, detained

Ilie Dragne, manager of Salcia farm in Teleorman County, was detained, on Thursday, for 30 days, by prosecutors with the Prosecutor's Office attached to the High Court of Cassation and Justice (PICCJ) in the case…

20:19, 28.03.2017

Gala Bute case: Topoliceanu gets three-years suspended sentence

The High Court of Justice and Cassation on Tuesday handed Ana Maria Topoliceanu, a former director of the National Investment Corporation, a suspended three-year in prison sentence for bribe taking, plus five years…

19:09, 28.03.2017

Gala Bute case: Gheorghe Nastasia gets suspended four-year in prison

The High Court of Cassation and Justice on Tuesday handed a suspended four-year in prison sentence to former General Secretary with the Ministry of Regional Development and Tourism Gheorghe Nastasia, under court…

15:55, 16.03.2017

Former President Ion Iliescu, reports at Prosecutor`s Office: I had an amicable talk

Former president Ion Iliescu on Thursday said that he had "an amicable talk" at the Prosecutor's Office, where he was reported to be heard as witness in the 1989 Revolution file.When asked whether he sees himself…

12:22, 02.03.2017

Mircea Dinescu reports to Supreme Cort`s Prosecutor in December 1989 Revolution file

Writer Mircea Dinescu reported on Thursday morning to the General Prosecution with the High Court of Cassation and Justice (PICCJ) to be heard by military prosecutors in the December 1989 Revolution file.

12:57, 01.03.2017

Former Premier Petre Roman heard in December 1989 case

Former Prime Minister Petre Roman reported on Wednesday to the General Prosecution offices to be heard by military prosecutors in the case of the December 1989 Revolution.In June 2016 the High Court of Cassation…