Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

16:30, 30.10.2020

Rates for landlines drop by 30 pct starting November 1, 2020

The rates for completing calls on landlines will drop starting with November 1, 2020 and market operators will be able to apply a rate of maximum 0.098 eurocents/minute, the National Authority for Administration…

19:45, 16.10.2020

Kelemen Hunor, on parliamentary elections: Consensus can be reached if President calls parties to consultations

Chairman of the Hungarian Democratic Union of Romania (UDMR) Kelemen Hunor reiterated on Friday that the parliamentary elections should be held on December 6, adding that, given current epidemiological conditions…

13:35, 14.10.2020

Tax expert Daianu calls European recovery plan gold to Romanian economy

The European recovery plan, which is added to the European Union budget, is as gold to Romania's economy, says Chairman of the Tax Council Daniel Daianu, according to AGERPRES."In 2021, 2022, 2023, it is mandatory…

17:35, 10.09.2020

Senate's Cazanciuc on Senate's 30th anniversary calls chamber point of stability, balancing factor

At a solemn meeting on Thursday, the Romanian Senate marked its 30th anniversary in its post-communist design, in the presence of some of its former chairs, including Nicolae Vacaroiu and Petre Roman. Interim Senate…

12:10, 02.09.2020

PM Orban calls natural gesture Vasilescu's resignation as head of Romanian Police

Prime Minister Ludovic Orban on Wednesday called the resignation of Liviu Vasilescu as chief of the Romanian Police a "natural gesture," saying that he will speak with the interior minister to identify a professional…

11:55, 31.08.2020

PM Orban calls censure motion 'cyanide potion', says gov't to be there when voted

Prime Minister Ludovic Orban said on Monday that the National Liberal Party (PNL) lawmakers would not participate in the parliamentary debate on the motion of censure, but the government would be present, arguing…

18:40, 12.08.2020

PNL's Turcan calls PSD only party in EU to ally with COVID pandemic, undermine medical efforts

Deputy Prime Minister Raluca Turcan of the National Liberal Party (PNL) on Wednesday said the Social Democratic Party (PSD) was "the only party in the European Union to ally with the COVID pandemic" accusing it…

14:55, 10.08.2020

Deputy PM Turcan calls August 10, 2018 unhealed wound of Romanian democracy

Deputy Prime Minister Raluca Turcan said on Monday that August 10, 2018 represents an "unhealed wound of the recent Romanian democracy," showing that she is waiting for justice to clarify things in the case."August…

17:40, 27.07.2020

PM Orban calls on city mayors to back Gov't's actions to limit novel coronavirus spread

Prime Minister Ludovic Orban on Monday called on local government officials to support the Government's efforts to combat the risk of the novel coronavirus spread. Orban sent this message in a video conference…

13:27, 20.07.2020

Law enforcement issues 1,520 COVID-19 fines in last 24 hours

In the last 24 hours, law enforcement officers issued 1,520 fines amounting to 581,505 lei for violations of Law 55/2020 on measures to prevent and combat the effects of COVID-19 pandemic in Romania, the Strategic…

14:48, 19.07.2020

Law enforcement issues 1,662 COVID-19 fines in last 24 hours

In the last 24 hours, law enforcement officers issued 1,662 fines amounting to 446,300 for violations of Law 55/2020 on measures to prevent and combat the effects of COVID-19the pandemic in Romania, the Strategic…

19:27, 14.07.2020

USR PLUS Alliance calls for immediate adoption of legislation on quarantine, isolation

The USR PLUS Alliance accuses "excessive politicization" of measures to limit serious infections and death due to COVID-19 and calls for the immediate adoption of legislation on quarantine and isolation. "Together…

15:09, 14.07.2020

President Iohannis says PSD delaying quarantine law, calls for conclusion to talks

President Klaus Iohannis said on Tuesday that the Social Democratic Party (PSD) has been delaying the quarantine and isolation law and called on lawmakers to finalise talks on this piece of legislation. "I am shocked…

10:42, 08.07.2020

Almost 5 million calls to 112 in H1 2020, non-emergency calls decrease

The Special Telecommunications Service (STS) on Wednesday reported that in the first six months of 2020 a total of 4,896,707 calls were recorded to the 112 Emergency Service line, down 14.33% from H1 2019. "The…

12:57, 06.07.2020

EnviMin Alexe calls closure of Brasov ecological landfill example of good practice

The ecological landfill in Brasov is an example of good practice for what it means to close a landfill, Minister of the Environment, Waters and Forests Costel Alexe said on Monday. "Beyond the hundreds of complaints…

18:48, 29.06.2020

BNR calls increasing global uncertainty, rapidly declining investor confidence risk to financial stability

The most important systemic risk to financial stability in Romania moving forward is the rise in global uncertainty and fast deterioration of investor sentiment towards emerging economies, according to the June…

09:10, 26.06.2020

DefMin Ciuca calls June 26 special day in calendar of those who feel Romanian

June 26, Romania's Flag Day, is a special day in the calendar of those who feel Romanian, says Defence Minister Nicolae Ciuca, adding that today marks 172 years since the official declaration of the tricolour as…

21:43, 25.06.2020

Prime Minister calls on Health Minister to prepare hospital directors for rise in number of COVID-19 patients

Prime Minister Ludovic Orban asked on Thursday Health Minister Nelu Tataru to prepare the directors of public health directorates and hospital directors for a possible increase in the number of COVID-19 patients."Mr.…

08:42, 22.06.2020

Germany calls on Romanian Consular Office in Bonn for support on Rheda-Wiedenbruck workers

Romania's Foreign Ministry (MAE) reported on Sunday evening that the German officials of the North Rhine-Westphalia land had requested support from the Romanian Consular Office for the management of the situation…

16:57, 17.06.2020

USR's Barna calls special pensions of lawmaker undue benefits, defiance

National chairman of the Save Romania Union (USR) Dan Barna says the bill under which special state pensions will be taxed 85% of the amount in excess of 7,000 lei solves part of the injustice, but the adoption…

21:51, 11.06.2020

Government calls on Ombudsman to withdraw requests sent to hospitals treating COVID-19 patients

The Government calls on the Ombudsman to withdraw the requests sent to the hospitals where people diagnosed with COVID-19 are hospitalized to communicate information and supporting documents related to the way…

12:27, 03.06.2020

USR's Barna calls on PSD, PNL deputies not to block sexual education teaching in schools

Chairman of the Save Romania Union (USR) Dan Barna calls on the social-democrat and liberal deputies "not to block" teaching of sexual education in schools, given that Romania is the country with the highest number…

18:36, 22.05.2020

HealthMin Tataru calls checking body temperature at store entrances minimum epidemiological triage

Health Minister Nelu Tataru supports the need for people to have their body temperature checked upon entering enclosed public spaces, calling such a measure "a minimum epidemiological triage." Tataru said on Friday…

11:21, 21.05.2020

Over 180,000 calls during state of emergency to TelVerde line for coronavirus information

The 135 operators manning the TelVerde line, where citizens at home or abroad can call to ask epidemiological specialists for information regarding COVID-19 infection prevention, have taken over 187,000 calls during…

15:28, 17.05.2020

GCS: 13,055 persons in quarantine; another 15,854 in self-isolation

A number of 13,055 are in institutionalized quarantine on Romanian territory, following the epidemic of the novel coronavirus, and another 15,854 are in self-isolation and are under medical monitoring, the Strategic…

18:08, 07.05.2020

Top financial official Daianu calls funding economy great challenge of 2020 requiring responsibility

Funding the Romanian economy is the great challenge of 2020 that requires responsibility, and if we do not prove it, we will quite soon reach a painful correction programme, as it was in 2009-2011, says academician…

09:42, 04.05.2020

FICE calls on MEC to consider holding national exams in August or calling them off in 2020

The International Federation of Educational Communities - Romania Section (FICE Romania) calls on the Ministry of Education and Research (MEC) to consider holding a single Baccalaureate session in August and the…

18:02, 24.04.2020

PSD's Ciolacu calls PM's refusal to show up before Parliament abuse of office

Acting national chairman of the Social Democratic Party (PSD) Marcel Ciolacu said on Friday that if Prime Minister Ludovic Orban fails to show up before Parliament to inform the MPs about government's actions related…

13:38, 20.04.2020

Strategic Communication Group: 98,491 COVID-19 tests so far

A number of 98,491 tests for the new coronavirus have been performed so far, at national level, the Strategic Communication Group reported on Monday. On the previous day, Sunday, April 19, a number of 93,611 tests…

22:18, 18.04.2020

FinMin Citu calls Fitch's downgrading Romania's credit outlook warning to populist MPs

The decision by Fitch Ratings, which has revised Romania's outlook to negative from stable, is a clear warning given to populist MPs, Finance Minister Florin Citu wrote on Saturday on his Facebook page. "In a statement…