Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

11:15, 21.12.2023

PM Ciolacu: If having scandal in Parliament is what it takes for pensioners to get higher pensions then be it

PM Ciolacu: If having scandal in Parliament is what it takes for pensioners to get higher pensions then be itPrime minister Marcel Ciolacu on Thursday stated, in the opening of the Government meeting, that if "having…

17:26, 20.12.2023

Parliament's plenary session approves draft law for next year's 2024 state budget

Parliament's plenary session approved on Wednesday the draft law for next year's 2024 state budget.299 MPs voted "in favour" and 82 "against", agerpres reports. On Tuesday, the joint parliamentary budget and finance…

14:25, 20.12.2023

Senate's Ciuca: 2024 budget covers everything that the government wants to cover

Senate's Ciuca: 2024 budget covers everything that the government wants to coverThe 2024 budget, with a nominal value of approximately 350 billion euros, covers everything that the governing coalition wants to…

12:50, 20.12.2023

Parliament approves 10 M RON addition to education budget for Romanian language classes for minorities

Parliament approves 10 M RON addition to education budget for Romanian language classes for minoritiesThe plenum of Parliament on Wednesday adopted an amendment proposed by the UDMR (Democratic Union of Hungarians…

09:21, 20.12.2023

USR's Drula: Budget, built on false data, we estimate at least 40 billion lei hole

USR's Drula: Budget, built on false data, we estimate at least 40 billion lei holeSave Romania Union (USR) Chairman Catalin Drula said on Tuesday that Romania's budget for 2024 is built on "false data" and that…

23:20, 19.12.2023

Ciolacu: Budget for development and equity, based on investments, social justice

The budget for 2024 is one of development and equity, a budget based on investments and social justice, a budget that will help us get through these difficult times, but will also prepare Romania for the huge opportunities…

20:55, 19.12.2023

REPER co-chair Pislaru deems 2024 budget bad, misleading, unfair and highly politicised

The 2024 budget is "bad", "misleading", unfair and "highly politicised", said Tuesday MEP Dragos Pislaru, co-chair of REPER party."The budget proposed by the Government, the Social Democratic Party - National Liberal…

18:45, 18.12.2023

Supreme Court asks for 10 bn RON, instead receives 2.8 bn for 2024 budget

The joint budget-finance parliamentary committees approved, on Monday, without amendments, the budget of the High Court of Cassation and Justice (Supreme court) for the year 2024.According to the draft budget sent…

18:45, 18.12.2023

One cannot deny largest Education budget, minister Deca tells deputies

The budget for Education is the largest in the last 20 years, at the same time registering the highest salary increase among teachers, the Education minister Ligia Deca on Monday said at the debate of the simple…

16:25, 18.12.2023

Budget for 2024 is dedicated to modernization of major public services, FinMin Bolos says

The budget for 2024 is dedicated to modernization of major public services, Finance minister Marcel Bolos said at the the hearings of the joint Budget - Finance Committees of the Parliament.According to the minister,…

13:50, 16.12.2023

Ordinance on fiscal-budget measures in public expenditure published in Official Journal

The Ordinance on some fiscal-budget measures in the area of public expenditure for tax consolidation and combating tax evasion was published Friday evening in the Official Journal (MO) with a number of amendments…

08:30, 15.12.2023

Ministry of Internal Affairs's budget supplemented to settle accommodation and food expenses with Ukrainian refugees

The Ministry of Internal Affairs (MAI)'s budget for the General Inspectorate for Emergency Situations has been increased by 165 million RON, which is intended to settle accommodation and food expenses for Ukrainian…

15:20, 13.12.2023

Draft law provides increases worth 13.8pct in pensions, 5pct in salaries as of January

Pensions will increase 13.8% as of January 1, 2024, and base salaries of staff paid from public funds will increase 5% from the same date, except for education staff who will benefit from a 20% increase in two…

12:11, 13.12.2023

EU seeks budget top-up to boost urgent aid for Ukraine (enr)

The European Commission asked the member states for an additional 66 billion Euro for the coming years, partly to finance additional aid for Ukraine, due to a lack of money in the Multiannual Financial Framework…

20:15, 12.12.2023

DefMin Tilvar: Defense budget to be 2.5pct of GDP also in 2024

DefMin Tilvar: Defense budget to be 2.5pct of GDP also in 2024The minister of national defense, Angel Tilvar, declared on Tuesday, during the meeting with the defense attachés accredited in our country, that in…

17:00, 11.12.2023

PNL's Ciuca: Main lines of 2024 budget ensure that investments in Romania's modernisation continue

PNL's Ciuca: Main lines of 2024 budget ensure that investments in Romania's modernisation continuePNL (National Liberal Party) leader Nicolae Ciuca on Monday said that the main lines of the 2024 budget draft ensure…

15:21, 11.12.2023

FinMin Bolos: No increases in taxes and duties and budget deficit round 5pct in 2024

Finance Minister Marcel Bolos said on Monday, in regards with the draft state budget, that there will be no tax and fee increases for 2024, mentioning that the deficit will be "around 5%."Bolos presented at the…

11:35, 11.12.2023

Salaries in entire budgetary system, except for dignitaries, to increase by 5 pct (prime minister)

Prime minister Marcel Ciolacu announced on Monday that salaries in the entire budgetary system will be increased by 5%, with the exception of dignitaries."This is a very clear decision. We maintain 7 (percent),…

13:15, 29.11.2023

PM Ciolacu gives two assignments to ministers for December: 2024 budget and reorganization of ministries

Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu has given two assignments to the members of the Cabinet for the beginning of December: the budget for 2024 and the reorganization of ministries."I also have two assignments for the…

14:30, 27.11.2023

German government to agree budget fixes as way out of crisis

Germany‘s ruling coalition was expected to agree a supplementary budget on Monday that will temporarily lift a self-imposed cap on borrowing limits after a constitutional court ruling tore up the government’s spending…

21:30, 23.11.2023

Bolos about protests: Budget has a certain limit,can't bite off more than we can chew

The Minister of Finance, Marcel Bolos, said on Thursday, regarding the protests of employees in the health sector regarding salary claims, that "the budget has a certain limit"."We have to wait for the budget for…

15:00, 21.11.2023

Germany freezes new spending commitments as budget woes deepen

The German government has imposed a freeze on most new spending commitments in what an economy ministry spokesperson on Tuesday said was a necessary step as Chancellor Olaf Scholz‘s coalition grapples with a deepening…

21:25, 20.11.2023

I want next year to start lowering labor taxation for those with minimum salary (PM)

Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu said on Monday that he wants to start lowering labor taxation for those who have the minimum salary in the economy from next year, noting that this measure will be taken depending…

12:15, 16.11.2023

Alexandru Nazare, fost ministru al Finanțelor, avertisment dur: „Ne îndreptăm spre o zonă de recesiune. Dacă datoria crește la 60%, adio pensii și salarii…

Fostul ministru PNL al Finanțelor, Alexandru Nazare, prevede o scădere a veniturilor la buget de 16 miliarde față de estimări și prezice o recesiune economică. El lansează și un avertisment dur: dacă datoria publică…

15:25, 15.11.2023

German court deals blow to Scholz government with budget ruling

The German government faces a 60 billion euro hole in its finances after the country’s constitutional court ruled on Wednesday that a plan to spend unused emergency funds from the pandemic on climate initiatives…

20:30, 13.11.2023

PNL's Ciuca: Coalition clarified funding the pension law

PNL's Ciuca: Coalition clarified funding the pension lawNational leader of the National Liberal Party (PNL) Nicolae Ciuca said on Monday that at a meeting of the governing coalition the sustainability of funding…

17:10, 13.11.2023

FinMin Bolos: The objective regarding the 2024 budget is to gear it towards investment

FinMin Bolos: The objective regarding the 2024 budget is to gear it towards investmentThe objective of the national budget for 2024 is gearing towards investment and the provision of appropriate allocations for…

13:35, 10.11.2023

USR's Drula: I have sent letter to EC on Romania's budget ransacking by decree

Save Romanian Union (USR) Chairman Catalin Drula announced on Friday, in a press conference held in Arad, that he sent a letter to the European Commission regarding the recent measures of the Romanian Government…

18:40, 02.11.2023

Governing coalition establishes five principles for building 2024 budget (sources)

The governing coalition has established five principles around which the budget for 2024 will be structured, aimed at investments, with a focus on projects financed from European funds, responsible spending for…

11:36, 02.11.2023

PM Ciolacu: Today will be first coalition meeting on budget for 2024

PM Ciolacu: Today will be first coalition meeting on budget for 2024The leaders of the governing coalition will meet on Thursday, in a working session, for a first projection of the state budget for next year."Today,…