Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

22:46, 27.05.2024

Budget deficit rises to 3.24% of GDP, after first four months of this year

Budget deficit rises to 3.24% of GDP, after first four months of this year

The budget deficit rose to 3.24% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) after the first four months of this year, the negative balance amounting to 57.29 billion RON, compared to 35.88 billion RON or 2.06% of GDP…

19:11, 16.05.2024

Budget debts on some companies with state capital in insolvency, taken over by AAAS

Budget debts on some companies with state capital in insolvency, taken over by AAAS

The Government established on Thursday, by emergency ordinance, the legal framework through which the Authority for the Administration of State Assets (AAAS) takes over budget debts on some companies with majority…

22:35, 13.05.2024

AgriMin Barbu says it is essential to ensure consistent budget for direct payments in future CAP

AgriMin Barbu says it is essential to ensure consistent budget for direct payments in future CAP

Ensuring a consistent budget for direct payments, by which to grant the same level of payments for all farmers in the European Union, is essential in the future Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), as these are vital…

15:20, 09.04.2024

Preliminary budget deficit is 2.07 pct of GDP end-March (Finance minister)

Preliminary budget deficit is 2.07 pct of GDP end-March (Finance minister)

The budget deficit at the end of March stands at almost 36 billion RON, and the preliminary budget execution account is 2.07% of GDP, Finance Minister Marcel Bolos said on Tuesday."The news regarding the preliminary…

20:00, 01.04.2024

Situation of public finances remains fragile and generates concern (org)

Situation of public finances remains fragile and generates concern (org)

The situation of public finances remains fragile and generates concern that the budget deficit target for this year risks not being reached, and the reduction of the deficit should be achieved through a mix of…

12:50, 27.03.2024

Romania’s budget deficit up sharply as public spending spirals

Romania’s finance ministry has confirmed that the general government budget deficit rose by 70% y/y to RON29bn (€5.8bn) in the first two months of 2024. This is 1.67% of the year’s projected GDP up from 1.07% of…

19:40, 14.03.2024

Government modifies multi-year budget related to reforms and investments assumed through PNRR

On Thursday, the government modified the multi-year budget related to the reforms and investments assumed through the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR). The measure was adopted by a decision to amend…

17:40, 13.03.2024

Metro could stop running from May 15 without subsidy and budget approval (trade union)

The Metro may stop running from May 15, in the absence of the subsidy and budget approval, because it will no longer have the financial means to pay its debts to employees and third parties, Marian Artimon, president…

18:51, 11.03.2024

Bucharest City Hall budget rejected for the third time by the General Council

The 2024 draft budget of the Bucharest City Hall has been rejected for the third time by the General Council. It received 17 "in favour" votes, 23 abstentions and one vote "against".Previously, two amendments supported…

20:11, 09.03.2024

Loud budgeting, trendul viral de pe TikTok ce te ajută să economisești bani

”Loud budgeting” i-ar putea ajuta pe cei care economisesc să își atingă obiectivele financiare, sporind în același timp incluziunea financiară și reducând tabuurile legate de bani. Metoda presupune să trăiești…

22:45, 28.02.2024

Government informs that 125,000 euros is Romania's voluntary financial contribution to OECD budget

The Government approved on Wednesday the payment of Romania's voluntary financial contribution to the OECD budget in the amount of 125,000 euros. According to a press release from the Government, at the proposal…

18:35, 28.02.2024

Green House Photovoltaic Panels program gets record-high RON 2bn budget

The Green House Photovoltaic Panels program is the most popular program run by the Environmental Fund Administration (AFM), so that a record-high budget of two billion RON was allocated for this year's relevant…

17:35, 28.02.2024

Rabla Plus car scrappage programme, allocated 1 bln RON from Environment Fund Administration budget

The 2024 budget of the Environment Fund Administration (AFM) will be RON 9.3 billion, of which RON 1 billion will go to the Rabla Plus car scrappage programme, said Mircea Fechet, minister of Environment, Water…

17:30, 27.02.2024

Budget deficit of 0.45% of GDP in January 2024

The consolidated budget deficit was 0.45% of GDP in January 2024, compared to 0.25% of GDP in January 2023, according to the data of the Ministry of Finance, published on Tuesday. "The implementation of the general…

18:15, 08.02.2024

Gov't passes memorandum on outstanding payments to Ukrainian refugees

The Romanian government on Thursday approved a memorandum on outstanding payments for the months of July-December 2023 for the provision of humanitarian assistance to foreign citizens from the area of the armed…

20:50, 31.01.2024

20 centers of excellence in research to be financed with 1.6 billion RON

The Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digitization (MCID) announced on Wednesday the launch of the competition for centers of excellence in research, whose budget of 1.6 billion RON represents the "biggest"…

19:11, 31.01.2024

Anti-fraud inspectors have identified damage of over 9.7 million RON in the ride-sharing sector

The National Agency for Fiscal Administration (ANAF) - Anti-fraud inspectors have identified a damage of over 9.7 million RON caused to the general consolidated state budget by a single economic operator in Bucharest…

15:50, 30.01.2024

Budget deficit of 5.68% of GDP in 2023 (Ministry of Finance)

The execution of the general consolidated budget for 2023 ended with a deficit of 89.90 billion RON, or 5.68% of GDP, respectively, down from 5.76% of the negative balance of 2022, according to data published on…

12:05, 30.01.2024

Retail media market in Romania to exceed 10 million euros in 2024 (estimates)

The retail media market in Romania will exceed 10 million euros in 2024, after 7.5 million euros last year, according to a specialist analysis published on Tuesday.The growth of this market by more than 30%, year-on-year,…

12:15, 29.01.2024

Hungary open to using EU budget for Ukraine aid package, Orban’s adviser says

Hungary signalled its readiness on Monday for a compromise allowing a proposed European Union aid package for Ukraine to be financed from the bloc’s budget ahead of an emergency summit on Thursday, according to…

06:50, 26.01.2024

Noul trend TikTok al Generației Z, care a înnebunit internetul! Ridică în slăvi traiul pe bani puțini, fără rușine

Noul trend TikTok al Generației Z, care a înnebunit internetul! Ridică în slăvi traiul pe bani puțini, fără rușineTot mai mulți reprezentanți ai generației Z se pliază unei tendințe în creștere pe rețelele de socializare.…

17:35, 25.01.2024

MEP Negrescu appointed EP's lead negotiator on EU budget 2025

MEP Victor Negrescu of the Social Democratic Party (PSD) has been appointed the European Parliament's lead negotiator on the European Union budget for 2025.According to a PSD press statement released on Thursday,…

09:55, 18.01.2024

FinMin Bolos: Budget deficit for 2024 will be round 5pct

The budget deficit for 2024 will realistically be around 5% of the GDP, Finance Minister Marcel Bolos said on Wednesday evening. "We are now closing the budget deficit at around 5.7%, which will be the basis for…

20:40, 11.01.2024

UDMR's Kelemen Hunor: It's going to be a disastrous year, mayors panicked after seeing budgets

Hungarian Democratic Union of Romania (UDMR) Chairman Kelemen Hunor in Oradea on Thursday said that he has received many signals of panic from mayors about the 2024 budget, as they are unhappy with the income tax…

17:56, 09.01.2024

Rural investment agency managing 38 interventions under SP CAP 2027, on 5.87-billion-euro budget

The Agency for Rural Investment Financing (AFIR) manages 38 interventions under the Strategic Plan for the Common Agricultural Policy 2023 - 2027 (SP CAP 2027), with a financial allocation of 5.87 billion euros,…

14:20, 03.01.2024

2025 might be turning point in budgetary consolidation through new fiscal/budgetary measures (Fiscal Council president)

The year 2025 might be a turning point in budgetary consolidation through new fiscal/budgetary measures that will help Romania to exit the excessive deficit procedure, even if not immediately, Daniel Daianu, president…

16:51, 30.12.2023

FinMin Bolos: Data on budget execution, preliminary financial data for 2023 look quite good

The data on the state of budget execution and the preliminary financial data for 2023 look quite good, the Minister of Finance, Marcel Bolos, announced on Saturday, noting that it is "a good end of the year for…

13:21, 29.12.2023

Consolidated general budget outstanding debts up by 8.8% in November 2023

The outstanding debts of the general consolidated budget increased by 8.83%, in November 2023, compared to the previous month, to 326.63 million RON, from 300.13 million RON in October, according to the data published…

19:26, 28.12.2023

President Iohannis promulgates law on the financial ceilings for the 2024 fiscal-budgetary year

President Klaus Iohannis on Thursday promulgated the law that provides for the ceilings in the fiscal-budget framework for the year 2024.Thus, the ceiling of the general consolidated budget balance, expressed as…

12:15, 21.12.2023

 Romania’s parliament adopts 2024 budget, deficit set at 5%

Romania‘s parliament said it approved the 2024 state budget, which projects a deficit equivalent to 5% of gross domestic product (GDP) and 3.4% economic growth, according to See News. The budget for next year was…