Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

17:40, 04.06.2024

AUR candidate for Bucharest Mayor files false domicile complaint against rival contender Firea

AUR candidate for Bucharest Mayor files false domicile complaint against rival contender Firea

Alliance for the Union of Romania's (AUR) candidate for Bucharest Mayor Mihai Enache filed on Tuesday a report to the 4th Police Precinct against Social Democrat Gabriela Firea, accusing her of falsely declaring…

17:11, 04.06.2024

Teatrul National de Opera si Balet Oleg Danovski Constanta este prezent la Bucharest Opera Festival, cu spectacolul Tosca

Teatrul National de Opera si Balet Oleg Danovski Constanta este prezent la Bucharest Opera Festival, cu spectacolul Tosca

"Tosca" este o opera in 3 acte de Giacomo Puccini, al carei libret a fost scris de Luigi Illica si Giuseppe Giacosa, dupa piesa de teatru La Tosca din anul 1887 a dramaturgului Victorien Sardou. Premiera operei…

15:06, 04.06.2024

ICI Director General Vevera discusses cyber-security solutions, healthcare digital transformation in Chisinau

ICI Director General Vevera discusses cyber-security solutions, healthcare digital transformation in Chisinau

Director General of the National Institute for Research and Development in Informatics (ICI Bucharest) Adrian-Victor Vevera has had a series of talks in Chisinau on the implementation of cyber-security solutions…

14:56, 03.06.2024

Caruana, Nepomniachtchi, Gukesh among participants in Bucharest leg of Grand Chess Tour

Caruana, Nepomniachtchi, Gukesh among participants in Bucharest leg of Grand Chess Tour

Grandmasters Fabiano Caruana (USA/World No. 2), Ian Nepomniachtchi (Russia/World No. 4) and India's Dommaraju Gukesh (India/Nr. 6), the recent winner of the Toronto Candidates Tournament, are on the list of participants…

16:05, 02.06.2024

Tosca – Teatrul Național de Operă și Balet „Oleg Danovski” Constanța, pe scena operei bucureştene la Bucharest Opera Festival

Tosca – Teatrul Național de Operă și Balet „Oleg Danovski” Constanța, pe scena operei bucureştene la Bucharest Opera Festival

Teatrul Național de Operă și Balet „Oleg Danovski” Constanța prezintă duminică, 15 iunie, ora 19:00, pe scena ONB, spectacolul Tosca de G. Puccini, în cadrul Bucharest Opera Festival – All Puccini Edition.

12:05, 01.06.2024

Il Trittico – Il Tabarro, Suor Angelica, Gianni Schicchi - cu Opera din Brașov la Bucharest Opera Festival

Il Trittico – Il Tabarro, Suor Angelica, Gianni Schicchi - cu Opera din Brașov la Bucharest Opera Festival

Il Trittico – mai exact cele trei opere pucciniene într-un act Il Tabarro, Suor Angelica, Gianni Schicchi, capodopere din care orice iubitor de operă cunoaşte celebra arie O mio babbino caro – va fi prezentat la…

18:26, 30.05.2024

George Enescu International Competition to host Shin Kims symphony world premiere

George Enescu International Competition to host Shin Kim's symphony world premiere

Symphony No. 1 "Consolations" composed by Korean composer Shin Kim, winner of the Composition Section of the Enescu Competition in 2022, will have its world premiere in Bucharest during the opening concert of the…

16:05, 30.05.2024

La Rondine – o operă pucciniană rar cântată - cu Opera Maghiară din Cluj Napoca la Bucharest Opera Festival

La Rondine – o operă pucciniană rar cântată - cu Opera Maghiară din Cluj Napoca la Bucharest Opera Festival

Spectacolul La Rondine de G. Puccini, este titlu cu care vine la Bucharest Opera Festival – All Puccini Edition joi, 13 iunie, ora 19:00, pe scena ONB, Opera Maghiară din Cluj Napoca, care reuşeşte – ca de fiecare…

18:30, 29.05.2024

Culture Minister Turcan: MoBU 2024, project supporting contemporary art

Culture Minister Turcan: MoBU 2024, project supporting contemporary art

MoBU 2024 is the kind of project supporting contemporary art for which the Ministry of Culture must be a "constant and consistent partner," Culture Minister Raluca Turcan told the opening of the second edition…

18:25, 29.05.2024

Fake-news exhibition to open in Bucharest on June 3

Fake-news exhibition to open in Bucharest on June 3

A fake-news exhibition called "In the footsteps of lies", which traces the evolution of disinformation and misinformation over time in an educational and interactive way, from "traditional" propaganda to the most…

14:06, 29.05.2024

Turandot cu Opera Naţională Română Timișoara la Bucharest Opera Festival

Turandot cu Opera Naţională Română Timișoara la Bucharest Opera Festival

Opera Națională Română Timișoara prezintă miercuri, 12 iunie, ora 19:00, pe scena ONB, la  Bucharest Opera Festival – All Puccini Edition, spectacolul Turandot de G. Puccini, considerată ultima mare operă italiană,…

08:55, 29.05.2024

Bookfest opens in Bucharest displaying hundreds of publishers, events, debates, novelties

Bookfest opens in Bucharest displaying hundreds of publishers, events, debates, novelties

The 17th edition of the Bookfest International Book Fair will be officially opened on Wednesday, at 12:00, in Pavilion B2 at Romexpo, northern Bucharest in a ceremony which officials from Romania and the Republic…

22:46, 27.05.2024

Romania is interested in expanding cooperation with Italy (Defence minister)

Romania is interested in expanding cooperation with Italy (Defence minister)

Romania is interested in expanding cooperation with Italy, within a multi-domain approach, Minister of National Defence Angel Tilvar said on Monday, in the context of a meeting with a delegation of Thales Alenia…

22:46, 27.05.2024

ICI Bucharest hosts ASEAN ambassadors discussing strengthening diplomatic ties, promoting technology co-operation

ICI Bucharest hosts ASEAN ambassadors discussing strengthening diplomatic ties, promoting technology co-operation

The National Institute for Research and Development in Informatics - ICI Bucharest hosted on Monday a high-level meeting with Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) ambassadors - Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand…

09:50, 27.05.2024

Madama Butterfly, la Bucharest Opera Festival

Madama Butterfly, la Bucharest Opera Festival

Opera Națională București prezintă luni, 10 iunie, ora 19:00, spectacolul Madama Butterfly de G. Puccini la Bucharest Opera Festival – All Puccini Edition, conducerea muzicală Cristian Mandeal, în rolurile principale…

12:05, 25.05.2024

Madama Butterfly, producție a Operei Naționale București, în cea de-a patra zi a Bucharest Opera Festival

Madama Butterfly, producție a Operei Naționale București, în cea de-a patra zi a Bucharest Opera Festival

Opera Națională București prezintă luni, 10 iunie, ora 19:00, spectacolul Madama Butterfly de G. Puccini la Bucharest Opera Festival – All Puccini Edition, conducerea muzicală Cristian Mandeal, în rolurile principale…

21:31, 23.05.2024

Daegu Opera House din Coreea de Sud - primul invitat din Asia pe scena Bucharest Opera Festival

Daegu Opera House din Coreea de Sud - primul invitat din Asia pe scena Bucharest Opera Festival

Gala Puccini 100 aduce pentru prima dată un invitat din Asia, respectiv Daegu Opera House din Coreea de Sud în cea de-a doua zi a Bucharest Opera Festival – All Puccini Edition, sâmbătă, 8 iunie, ora 19:00, pe…

12:10, 23.05.2024

Opera din Budapesta revine pe scena ONB, cu Manon Lescaut semi-staged, la Bucharest Opera Festival

Opera din Budapesta revine pe scena ONB, cu Manon Lescaut semi-staged, la Bucharest Opera Festival

Cea de-a treia zi a Bucharest Opera Festival – All Puccini Edition aduce în fața publicului duminică, 9 iunie, ora 19:00, pe scena ONB, titlul Manon Lescaut de G. Puccini, cu concursul corului Operei Naţionale…

11:30, 23.05.2024

Security in Black Sea region addressed at 8th edition of Black Sea and Balkans Security Forum

Security in Black Sea region addressed at 8th edition of Black Sea and Balkans Security Forum

The 8th edition of the Black Sea and Balkans Security Forum, dedicated to defence, security and international relations issues related to the wider Black Sea and Balkan region, will be held in Bucharest on May…

15:40, 22.05.2024

Bucharest sau Budapest? Sigur nu ați greșit? UEFA a anunțat unde se dispută următoarele două finale din Europa League și Champions League

UEFA a anunțat locurile de disputare ale finalelor cupelor europene în 2026 și 2027. București a candidat cu Arena Națională pentru finala Europa League, dar nu a avut câștig de cauză. În schimb, Budapesta va găzdui…

16:40, 20.05.2024

BISTRIȚA: Concerte speciale de jazz și folclor, teatru și film la Palatul Culturii

BISTRIȚA: Concerte speciale de jazz și folclor, teatru și film la Palatul Culturii

O nouă stagiune de film documentar KINEDOK cu multe filme excelente debutează la Palatul Culturii. Tot aici, o piesă de teatru pentru copii, dar și un concert extraordinar de jazz.  KineDok Romania îi invită pe…

12:40, 20.05.2024

La Fanciulla del West, cu Opera Naţională Română din Cluj-Napoca, deschide Bucharest Opera Festival - All Puccini Edition, în 7 iunie

La Fanciulla del West, cu Opera Naţională Română din Cluj-Napoca, deschide Bucharest Opera Festival - All Puccini Edition, în 7 iunie

Opera Naţională Română Cluj-Napoca va deschide cea de-a treia ediţie a Bucharest Opera Festival – All Puccini Edition vineri, 7 iunie, ora 19:00, pe scena ONB, cu spectacolul La Fanciulla del West de Giacomo Puccini.

10:55, 18.05.2024

Cine sunt primii 5 concurenți care s-au calificat în marea finală Românii au talent 2024. Doi dintre ei au fost propuși pentru premiul de Originalitate

Scena Românii au talent a fost luată cu asalt aseară, 17 mai, de cei mai talentati concurenti ai acestui sezon. Doar 5 dintre aceștia merg însă, în marea finală. Tot în editia de aseară, cei patru jurati au propus…

21:55, 16.05.2024

Electrica signs Memorandum of Understanding with Esyasoft Holding Ltd.

Electrica signs Memorandum of Understanding with Esyasoft Holding Ltd.

Electrica has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Esyasoft Holding Ltd., a subsidiary of the International Holding Company (IHC), Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates (UAE), informs the company through a press…

21:01, 16.05.2024

Bucharest hosts International book fair Bookfest May 29-June 2, with Republic of Moldova as guest of honour

Bucharest hosts International book fair Bookfest May 29-June 2, with Republic of Moldova as guest of honour

The international book fair Bookfest will take place between May 29 and June 2, at the Romexpo exhibitional complex in Bucharest, with around 200 exhibitors from all over the country, together with cultural representatives…

17:06, 15.05.2024

Prime minister Ciolacu to pay visit to Turkey next week

Prime minister Ciolacu to pay visit to Turkey next week

Prime minister Marcel Ciolacu on Wednesday informs that he will pay a visit to Turkey next week during which, based on the strategic partnership existing between the two states, a joint meeting of the Governments…

17:06, 15.05.2024

Transgaz posts RON 241.94 ml in Q1 net profit

Transgaz posts RON 241.94 ml in Q1 net profit

National gas transmission operator Transgaz posted a net profit of RON 241.94 million for Q1 2024, up 93 percent year-over-year, show the Quarterly Financial Results as of March 31, 2024 submitted to the Bucharest…

22:31, 14.05.2024

Hidroelectrica Groups net profit, down 23% in Q1

Hidroelectrica Group's net profit, down 23% in Q1

In the first three months of the current year, the Hidroelectrica Group recorded a net profit down by 23%, to 1.326 billion RON, from 1.723 billion RON in the same period of 2023, according to the Q1 2024 Report,…

20:11, 14.05.2024

International conference on Impact of cyber interference on democratic/electoral processes in Bucharest

International conference on Impact of cyber interference on democratic/electoral processes in Bucharest

The Ministry of Interior (MAI), through the General Directorate of Internal Protection, is organizing, between May 14-15, an international conference on the topic "Impact of cyber interference on democratic/electoral…

20:00, 14.05.2024

Bucharest to host 12th edition of Eurosfat Forum on 15-18 May

Bucharest to host 12th edition of Eurosfat Forum on 15-18 May

The 12th edition of the Eurosfat Forum will take place on 15-18 May in Bucharest and will include 72 debate sessions with 200 speakers, informs the Representation of the European Commission in Romania.