Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

14:05, 13.05.2024

Cine sunt câștigătorii Bucharest HALF MARATHON 2024. 10.000 de alergători au luat startul FOTO

10.000 de alergători de toate abilitățile au luat startul la primul eveniment de alergare important al anului, cea de-a 13-a ediție Bucharest HALF MARATHON. Câștigătorul Semimaratonului, proba Masculin, a reușit…

19:31, 10.05.2024

Aerostar ends Q1 2024 with net profit of 25 million RON

Aerostar ends Q1 2024 with net profit of 25 million RON

Aerostar Bacau recorded a net profit of 25.133 million RON in the first quarter of this year, down 16.47% compared to the same period last year, according to the financial data submitted to the Bucharest Stock…

21:06, 09.05.2024

Întâlnire la sediul ASF, cu reprezentanții celor 12 acționari ai CCP.RO Bucharest S.A

Întâlnire la sediul ASF, cu reprezentanții celor 12 acționari ai CCP.RO Bucharest S.A

Având în vedere rolul primordial al acționarilor în procesul de autorizare a unei contrapărți centrale locale (CCP), obiectiv inclus în Strategia națională privind dezvoltarea pieței de capital din România pentru…

14:15, 09.05.2024

Over 3,000 one-of-a-kind pieces at AUTOR International Contemporary Jewellery Fair, May 18-19, Ghica House

Over 3,000 one-of-a-kind pieces at AUTOR International Contemporary Jewellery Fair, May 18-19, Ghica House

More than 3,000 unique pieces of contemporary jewellry signed by designers from Romania and 16 other countries will be exhibited at the 21st edition of the AUTOR International Contemporary Jewellry Fair, which…

09:45, 09.05.2024

Romanias Cretu, Gima win their first M15 Bucharest 2024 singles matches

Romania's Cretu, Gima win their first M15 Bucharest 2024 singles matches

Top seeds Caesar Cretu and Sebastian Gima have advanced to the next round of the men's singles event at the M15 Bucharest ITF tennis tournament, prize pool USD15,000, hosted by the National Tennis Centre in Bucharest.

15:45, 08.05.2024

ICI București lansează o nouă colecție NFT: Ethereal Echoes | The Chronicles of Deep Forest

ICI București lansează o nouă colecție NFT: Ethereal Echoes | The Chronicles of Deep Forest

ICI București, prin prima platformă europeană de tranzacționare instituțională de NFT-uri - ICI D|SERVICES (nft.ici.ro), lansează astăzi, 8 mai 2024, în cadrul NFT Bucharest, o colecție limitată de dataNFT, „Ethereal…

14:40, 01.05.2024

Govt approves draft law for ratification of Agreement with U.S. on collaboration in use of travel information

Gov't approves draft law for ratification of Agreement with U.S. on collaboration in use of travel information

The Government approved on Tuesday the draft law for the ratification of the Agreement between the Government of Romania and the Government of the United States of America on collaboration in the use of travel…

10:20, 01.05.2024

Opera Iași va participa la SymphOpera Fest și Bucharest Opera Festival

Opera Iași va participa la SymphOpera Fest și Bucharest Opera Festival

Opera Națională Română din Iași va participa în acest an la SymphOpera Fest. Manifestarea la care vor fi prezenți, printre alții, soliști ai Operei Naționale Cluj-Napoca, precum și Filarmonica Națională „Serghei…

09:06, 29.04.2024

Gopo Awards Gala 2024, at Bucharests I. L. Caragiale National Theater

Gopo Awards Gala 2024, at Bucharest's I. L. Caragiale National Theater

The Gopo Awards Gala, now in its 18th edition, will take place on Monday night at the Ion Caramitru Hall of the I. L. Caragiale National Theater in Bucharest, where last year's cinematographic achievements will…

09:50, 26.04.2024

VIDEO Vice President of the Republic of Turkey paying visit to Bucharest

VIDEO Vice President of the Republic of Turkey paying visit to Bucharest

Vice President of the Republic of Turkey Cevdet Yilmaz will pay an official visit to Romania on Friday.The Turkish official will be welcomed by Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu at the Victoria Governmental Palace…

09:01, 26.04.2024

Romania and United Arab Emirates: joint co-operation committee to convene in Bucharest

Romania and United Arab Emirates: joint co-operation committee to convene in Bucharest

The third session of the Joint Co-operation Committee between the Government of Romania and the Government of the United Arab Emirates will take place today in Bucharest.The meeting will be attended by Romanian…

20:15, 25.04.2024

Cristian Popescu Piedone: I wont withdraw and I wont negotiate with anyone

Cristian Popescu Piedone: I won't withdraw and I won't negotiate with anyone

Cristian Popescu Piedone, candidate from PUSL (Social Liberal Humanist Party) for the post of mayor of the Capital, declared on Thursday that he will not withdraw from the competition for the General Mayor of Bucharest…

12:40, 25.04.2024

A 13-a ediție a Bucharest HALF MARATHON, o nouă oportunitate de a face față unei provocări extraordinare

În weekend-ul 11-12 mai, la Bucureșt are loc a 13-a ediție a Bucharest HALF MARATHON. Evenimentul reunește mai multe curse de alergare, 21 km, ștafetă (3 x 6,5 km + 7 km + 7,6 km ), 10 km, și 2,5 km.

09:46, 25.04.2024

European Commissioner for International Partnerships Jutta Urpilainen, visiting Bucharest

European Commissioner for International Partnerships Jutta Urpilainen, visiting Bucharest

European Commissioner for International Partnerships Jutta Urpilainen is visiting Bucharest on Thursday to discuss the EU's Global Gateway investment strategy with Romanian stakeholders.The European official is…

19:15, 24.04.2024

Ahold Delhaize, owner of Mega Image store chain, to open technological hub in Bucharest

Ahold Delhaize, owner of Mega Image store chain, to open technological hub in Bucharest

Ahold Delhaize, which owns the Mega Image chain of stores, will launch a technology hub in Bucharest and aims to attract more than 250 technology specialists to develop innovations in the customer experience and…

19:01, 24.04.2024

European Film Festival, from May 9 in Bucharest to June 8 in Chisinau

European Film Festival, from May 9 in Bucharest to June 8 in Chisinau

The XXVIIIth edition of the European Film Festival (FFE) will start in Bucharest on Europe Day, May 9, and will end in Chisinau on June 8, the weekend of the European Parliament elections, announces the Romanian…

13:10, 24.04.2024

Switzerland-Romania Chamber of Commerce elects Adriana Cioca its chair

Switzerland-Romania Chamber of Commerce elects Adriana Cioca its chair

Romanian and Swiss entrepreneurs and investors, members of the Switzerland-Romania Chamber of Commerce (CCE-R), have a new board of directors consisting of eight members, elected at a general assembly meeting on…

18:25, 23.04.2024

Kelemen Hunor: Question is whether there is any strategy for Romanias future from coalition

Kelemen Hunor: Question is whether there is any strategy for Romania's future from coalition

The president of UDMR, Kelemen Hunor, considers that the withdrawal of the candidate of the PSD - PNL coalition for Bucharest's mayoralty represents an "unforgivable political stuttering", a situation that would…

14:15, 23.04.2024

Right Forces Orban: Good news in grotesque spectacle, Nicusor Dan will win new mandate

Right Force's Orban: Good news in grotesque spectacle, Nicusor Dan will win new mandate

Right Force party chairman Ludovic Orban comments on the information regarding the decision of the Social Democratic Party (PSD) and the National Liberal Party (PNL) to propose separate candidates for Bucharest…

10:41, 23.04.2024

New edition of BVBs Made in Romania programme kicking off today

New edition of BVB's Made in Romania programme kicking off today

A new edition of the Bucharest Stock Exchange (BVB) Made in Romania programme designed for the Romanian entrepreneurial companies and aiming to identify 15 companies that change the face of the local economy day…

09:56, 23.04.2024

PSD-PNLcoalition picks separate candidates for Capital hall, Gabriela Firea and Sebastian Burduja

PSD-PNLcoalition picks separate candidates for Capital hall, Gabriela Firea and Sebastian Burduja

The Social Democratic Party - National Liberal Party (PSD - PNL) coalition decided to go with separate candidacies for the office of Bucharest mayor general, respectively Gabriela Firea (PSD) and Sebastian Burduja…

18:45, 20.04.2024

At the moment, PSD-PNL alliances Bucharest mayor candidate is Catalin Cirstoiu, PSDs head Ciolacu says

At the moment, PSD-PNL alliance's Bucharest mayor candidate is Catalin Cirstoiu, PSD's head Ciolacu says

At this moment, the candidate of the PSD-PNL (Social Democratic Party - National Liberal Party) alliance for the Capital City Hall is the physician Catalin Cirstoiu, and a meeting of the coalition on this topic…

18:50, 16.04.2024

Digital Innovation Summit 2024: Media literacy, essential to have correctly informed citizens (experts)

Digital Innovation Summit 2024: Media literacy, essential to have correctly informed citizens (experts)

Technology is not a bad thing, and media literacy is essential to have correctly informed citizens - the conclusion of communication and cyber security specialists, present in one of the panels of the 2024 Digital…

11:51, 16.04.2024

BVB: Purcari Wineries maintained in the MSCI Romania Small Cap Index

BVB: Purcari Wineries maintained in the MSCI Romania Small Cap Index

Purcari Wineries Plc announced on Tuesday that it would remain included in the MSCI Romania Small Cap Index after MSCI’s quarterly index review, according to a press release published by the Bucharest Stock Exchange…

20:55, 15.04.2024

Bucharest mayour says Fitch reconfirms individual rating of Bucharest - Four steps above Romanias rating

Bucharest mayour says Fitch reconfirms individual rating of Bucharest - Four steps above Romania's rating

The mayor of Bucharest, Nicusor Dan, states that the Fitch agency has reconfirmed Bucharest's individual rating at level "a", four steps above Romania's rating."The Fitch rating agency reconfirmed Bucharest's individual…

20:50, 12.04.2024

147.8 kilometers of Moldavia motorway to be opened this year, PM Ciolacu promises

147.8 kilometers of Moldavia motorway to be opened this year, PM Ciolacu promises

The chairman of the Social Democratic Party (PSD), PM Marcel Ciolacu, promised, on Friday, in northeastern Suceava, that in 2024, 147.8 kilometers of the A7 motorway, which will connect Bucharest with Moldavia…

13:50, 07.04.2024

Decizia luată de Elena, după despărțirea de CRBL. Unde s-a mutat fosta soție a artistului

Decizia luată de Elena, după despărțirea de CRBL. Unde s-a mutat fosta soție a artistului

CRBL și Elena au anunțat că divorțează după 16 ani de căsnicie, iar toată lumea a fost uimită de decizia lor. Fosta soție a artistului a luat o decizie neașteptată, după ce s-a despărțit de tatăl fiicei sale.După…

22:10, 05.04.2024

Bucharest Opera Festival 2024 lansat la Londra cu un recital de succes susținut de Marta Sandu Ofrim și Daniel Magdal pe scena ICR Londra

Bucharest Opera Festival 2024 lansat la Londra cu un recital de succes susținut de Marta Sandu Ofrim și Daniel Magdal pe scena ICR Londra

Aplauze entuziaste au încheiat evenimentul organizat de Institutul Cultural Român de la Londra ȋn cadrul Seriei Concertelor Enescu, joi, 4 aprilie, concert susținut de soliștii Operei Naționale București, Marta…

17:26, 03.04.2024

INTERVIEW Mircea Geoana: Romania has a vocation for playing a multiregional part in NATO

INTERVIEW Mircea Geoana: Romania has a vocation for playing a multiregional part in NATO

Romania's history in NATO is an odyssey spanning several decades and the country has a vocation for playing a multiregional part inside the North Atlantic Alliance, NATO Deputy Secretary General Mircea Geoana recently…

20:00, 01.04.2024

Wizz Air resumes flights to Salzburg from Henri Coanda Airport

Wizz Air resumes flights to Salzburg from Henri Coanda Airport

Wizz Air celebrates the first flight that reconnects Bucharest and Salzburg, this route improving connectivity between Romania and Austria. According to a company's release sent to AGERPRES on Monday, with the…