Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

12:25, 16.01.2024

Romania has among most affordable mortgage loans in European Union (report)

Romania has among the most affordable mortgage loans in the European Union, taking into account the national average salaries and the cost of buying a two-room apartment with a 25-year mortgage loan, reveals a…

10:55, 15.01.2024

Truck drivers, farmers protest in Romania, block border with Ukraine

Romanian truck drivers and farmers on Sunday slowed traffic around several cities, including the capital Bucharest, voicing a string of grievances from high tax rates to slow compensation payouts, according to…

10:10, 12.01.2024

Scheduled events for Jan 12, 2024

Scheduled events for Jan 12, 2024POLITICS: - Event to support the State of Israel, organized by the Embassy of Israel in Bucharest; messages sent by the Bucharest general mayor and Israeli ambassador ECONOMY: -…

14:30, 11.01.2024

Number of employees in Bucharest has reached 1,079,285 people, in October 2023

Number of employees in Bucharest has reached 1,079,285 people, in October 2023The number of employees in Bucharest reached, at the end of October 2023, 1,079,285 people, an increase of 20,929 employees (1.98%)…

21:10, 09.01.2024

Simonis says Visa Waiver remains priority objective for Romania's Parliament

The interim president of the Chamber of Deputies, Alfred Simonis, emphasized, during a meeting held on Tuesday with the United States ambassador to Romania, Kathleen Kavalec, that joining the Visa Waiver Program…

15:10, 04.01.2024

Sri Lankan citizen, caught 33 years after killing a foreign citizen in Bucharest

A 52-year-old Sri Lankan citizen was detected in the town of Moers, Germany, following the exchange of information carried out by the SIRENE Bureau of the International Police Cooperation Center - IGPR, with the…

13:50, 03.01.2024

BET index of BVB increased by 32.3pct, investors are gearing up for a year full of risks (study)

The BET index of the Bucharest Stock Exchange increased by 32.3% in 2023, with investors knowing "that they must prepare for a year full of unknowns, paved with numerous risks" in 2024, shows an XTB Romania analysis."Much…

15:05, 01.01.2024

FOTOREPORTAJ. Anul 2023, în imaginile fotoreporterei Eli Driu. O selecție despre puterea lui împreună

Din ianuarie până în decembrie, în arhiva de imagini a fiecărei publicații se adună adevărate comori. Eli Driu a făcut o selecție cu fotografii care vorbesc despre comunitate, cooperare și comunicare. Protestele…

11:15, 29.12.2023

137,673 natural, legal persons doing business registered over Jan - Nov 2023

The number of registrations of individuals and legal entities doing business in Romania was 4.28 percent down over January - November 2023 from the same period of the previous year, to 137,673, of which 90,233…

18:36, 28.12.2023

ForMin Odobescu receives the farewell visit of Japanese ambassador Hiroshi Ueda

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Luminita Odobescu, on Thursday received the ambassador of Japan in Bucharest, Hiroshi Ueda, on a farewell visit, on which occasion she presented him with the National Order "Faithful…

16:36, 28.12.2023

Spanish presidency of the EU Council actively supports Romania's efforts to join Schengen

The Spanish presidency of the Council of the European Union "actively" supports Romania's efforts to join the Schengen Zone, according to a joint statement of the foreign ministries from Bucharest and Madrid, issued…

10:20, 27.12.2023

Yasmin Levy performs in Bucharest, in a 'musical reconciliation' of history

Yasmin Levy, the legend of Judeo-Spanish music, returns on Wednesday, from 20:00, at the Bucharest's Palace Hall / Sala Palatului, together with her band including artists Yachiel Hasson - guitar, Itay Abramovitz…

19:30, 22.12.2023

Loan worth 145 M euros for Nuclearelectrica from EIB for first detritiation plant in Europe

Societatea Nationala Nuclearelectrica SA (SNN) and the European Investment Bank (EIB) signed a loan agreement worth 145 million euros to support the completion of the first detritiation installation (CTRF) in Europe…

11:11, 21.12.2023

Average price for one hectare of arable land RON 39,704 in Romania, in 2022

Average price for one hectare of arable land RON 39,704 in Romania, in 2022The average price for one hectare of arable land was RON 39,704 in Romania, in 2022, with the lowest average price being recorded in the…

18:40, 19.12.2023

2,455 cases of measles; 445 notified in the last week

The National Institute of Public Health (INSP) informed on Tuesday that, in the last week, 445 confirmed cases of measles were reported in Romania.According to the INSP, until December 10 (January 1 - December…

15:00, 14.12.2023

Bucharest Court postpones all trials, as protest for non-payment of some salary rights

The General Assembly of the judges of the Bucharest Tribunal decided on Thursday that all trials at this court, except for emergencies, will be postponed until the Government satisfies the magistrates' demands…

20:15, 12.12.2023

DefMin Tilvar: Defense budget to be 2.5pct of GDP also in 2024

DefMin Tilvar: Defense budget to be 2.5pct of GDP also in 2024The minister of national defense, Angel Tilvar, declared on Tuesday, during the meeting with the defense attachés accredited in our country, that in…

12:30, 12.12.2023

Anti-graft prosecutors raid several hospital institutions in corruption case

Prosecutors of the National Anti-corruption Directorate (DNA) raided on Tuesday the Administration of Hospitals and Medical Services of Bucharest and the Coltea and Sf. Luca hospitals in Bucharest, in relation…

21:31, 11.12.2023

Senate passes draft law for ratification of Agreement in field of social security between Romania, U.S.

Senate passes draft law for ratification of Agreement in field of social security between Romania, U.S.The Senate passed on Monday unanimously the draft law for the ratification of the Agreement in the field of…

21:01, 11.12.2023

President Iohannis: Romania's accession to Schengen would send a strong message of solidarity and unity

President Iohannis: Romania's accession to Schengen would send a strong message of solidarity and unityRomania's accession to the Schengen Area "would send a strong message of solidarity and unity on the part of…

13:51, 11.12.2023

Shares of Infinity Capital Investments, trading since Monday under new symbol, Infinity

Infinity Capital Investments (Infinity), a company listed on the Bucharest Stock Exchange (BVB) for about a quarter of a century, has been trading since Monday, December 11, under the new Infinity symbol as a result…

13:30, 09.12.2023

Bucharest mayor Dan, CEB vice-governor Bocek on seismic risk buildings' financing

In a meeting with the vice-governor of the Council of Europe Development Bank (CEB), TomᚠBocek, the mayor of Bucharest, Nicusor Dan addressed the possibility of obtaining funds for the consolidation of buildings…

16:50, 08.12.2023

Romania - active role in facilitating transit of Ukrainian grain (ForMin Odobescu)

Romania remains actively engaged and has an important role in facilitating transit of Ukrainian grain through Romanian ports on the Danube and the Black Sea, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Luminita Odobescu,…

14:45, 06.12.2023

Numismatic issue dedicated to 100 years since testablishment of 'King Ferdinand I' National Military Museum

The National Bank of Romania (BNR), as of 7 December 2023, will put into circulation for numismatic purposes a silver coin dedicated to 100 years since the establishment of the 'King Ferdinand I' National Military…

21:01, 01.12.2023

Troops from NATO base in Cincu parade alongside Romanian servicemen in Brasov

Military personnel from the Ministries of National Defence and Interior paraded on Friday in the centre of Brasov, together with representatives of the NATO military base in Cincu."We are very honoured to be able…

14:10, 30.11.2023

We should look up to model that Andrew the Apostle always offers us (Assistant Bishop Timotei Prahoveanul)

His Grace Timotei Prahoveanul, Assistant Bishop to the Archdiocese of Bucharest, Thursday urged the faithful present at the Holy Mass on the feast of Andrew the Apostle, the First Called, Protector of Romania,…

18:05, 29.11.2023

5,378 companies enter insolvency in the first ten months of 2023

5,378 companies enter insolvency in the first ten months of 2023The number of commercial companies and authorized natural persons (PFA) entered insolvency decreased by 0.17% in the first ten months of 2023, compared…

17:20, 28.11.2023

Law on A7 Motorway Romania financing, promulgated

Law on A7 Motorway Romania financing, promulgatedPresident Klaus Iohannis promulgated on Tuesday the law on the financing contract with the European Investment Bank for 600 million euros for the construction of…

13:00, 28.11.2023

Romania has 90 pct absorption rate of European funds for 2014-2020 financial year (PM Ciolacu)

Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu met on Tuesday at the Victoria Palace of Government with the European Commissioner for Cohesion and Reforms, Elisa Ferreira."Romania has a 90 percent absorption rate of European funds…

11:10, 28.11.2023

USA Visa Facilitation program expedites visa process for Romanian higher education teaching staff

The USA Visa Facilitation program - an initiative belonging to the U.S. Embassy in Bucharest in partnership with the Government of Romania, with the support of the National Council of Rectors (CNR) - is in place…