Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

11:13, 08.04.2020

New medical air transport brought to Romania

A third air transport carrying medical equipment from South Korea has landed, on Wednesday morning, on the Otopeni Airport with a C-17 Globemaster III airplane.According to the Defence Ministry, the aircraft transported…

17:23, 07.04.2020

Health Ministry: Unifarm SA brought several quantities of medical equipment and disinfectants to the country

Unifarm SA company bought and brought to the country several quantities of medical equipment and disinfectants, on Monday and Tuesday, informed the Ministry of Health, in a press release. "The Ministry of Health…

09:30, 03.04.2020

MApN:100,000 protection masks from Turkey brought from Turkey by Romanian Air Force aircraft

A C-27 Spartan aircraft belonging to the Romanian Air Force operated a flight on Thursday to bring to Romania some medical protection equipment from Turkey consisting of 100,000 FFP2 and FFP3 protection masks,…

00:38, 14.03.2020

Eight Romanian citizens repatriates with a Romanian Air Forces aircraft

Eight Romanian citizens in Italy will be brought back to the country this evening with an aircraft of the Romanian Air Forces. Upon arrival, they will be taken by the Public Health Directorate and placed in quarantine.…

21:46, 02.03.2020

Two other waste containers brought from UK in Constanta Port, in addition to 16 recently found

Two other containers of waste brought from the United Kingdom were detected in the Constanta Sud Agigea Port (South-East), as investigations were pursued in the case of the 16 waste containers discovered in the…

16:15, 05.02.2020

PSD's Ciolacu: In three months, this Gov't has brought chaos and instability

Social Democratic Party (PSD) acting leader Marcel Ciolacu, on Wednesday declared at the censure motion debate, that for three months, the Orban Government has brought "chaos" and "instability" and, therefore,…

12:48, 28.01.2020

Economy Minister: Head of Oltenia Energy Complex, Sorin Boza, dismissed due to prejudice brought to company

The Supervisory Board of the Oltenia Energy Complex decided to replace the director general of the company, Sorin Boza, due to the prejudice brought to the company and the fact that he was selected illegally, the…

20:23, 22.01.2020

Deputy PM Turcan: There is money to increase pensions, no need for this topic to be brought up

Deputy Prime Minister Raluca Turcan said on Wednesday that the money to increase pensions was provided for in the budget, adding that she does not understand why this topic is being "constantly brought up"."I think…

18:28, 14.01.2020

FinMin Citu: The change of governance has brought Romania back to the investors' attention

Romania has changed direction and the investments are no longer penalised or overtaxed, and the change of the Government has brought our country back to the investors' attention, Finance Minister Florin Citu said.…

13:55, 23.12.2019

PM Orban: We've analyzed the amendments; we will probably approve some of them

Prime Minister Ludovic Orban on Monday stated that a series of the amendments brought to the draft laws the Government prepared to assume responsibility in Parliament for would be approved.  "We will have to review…

22:05, 22.12.2019

President Iohannis, about Revolution of 1989: We want the culprits be brought to justice

President Klaus Iohannis has stated at the Romanian Athenaeum on Sunday that the culprits of the Revolution of December 1989 must be brought to justice and called on all Romanians to "speak loud and clear about…

16:46, 14.11.2019

Peste jumatate dintre romani fac cumparaturi online cel putin o data pe luna

GPeC SUMMIT, evenimentul de E-Commerce si Digital Marketing al toamnei, alaturi de partenerii iSense Solutions, lanseaza rezultatele studiului anual "Comertul electronic pe piata din Romania". Studiul prezinta…

16:36, 08.11.2019

#2019PresidentialElection/Klaus Iohannis urges Romanians to turn out to vote: In 2016, absenteeism brought PSD to power

President Klaus Iohannis urges Romanians to vote through a video message posted on his Facebook page on Friday, showing that in 2016 "absenteeism brought the PSD [the Social Democratic Party] to power, the most…

22:02, 24.10.2019

Why CCR rejected modifications to Criminal Codes: Parliament has no right to choose among Court's decisions

The Constitutional Court rejected the modifications brought to the Criminal Codes, because the Parliament did not fully transpose the previous decisions of the Court related to the unconstitutionality of certain…

22:05, 09.10.2019

President Iohannis: We still need to solve the Special section matter, but we've got this

President Klaus Iohannis on Wednesday criticized PSD (Social Democratic Party) for the modifications brought to the justice laws and brought to mind that the matter of the Special section for magistrates is still…

17:44, 26.09.2019

MEP Mircea Hava elected Vice President of EP Delegation for relations with Canada

MEP Mircea Hava, former Mayor of Alba Iulia Municipality, on Thursday got elected Vice Chair of the European Parliament Delegation for relations with Canada, according to an announcement posted on his Facebook…

16:06, 13.09.2019

Street FOOD Festival 2019

“Frumoasă-i toamna în Moldova” e numele unei melodii, care chiar dacă nu are foarte multe like-uri pe Youtube, versurile tot sunt 100% adevărate. Și mai frumoasă ca de obicei va fi între 12-15 septembrie când …

16:03, 12.09.2019

Former PSD leader Dragnea brought to court as a witness in former Speaker Zgonea's case

Former Chairman of the Social Democratic Party (PSD) Liviu Dragnea was brought in on Thursday at the Bucharest Court House, as a witness, in the case in which former Speaker of the Deputies' Chamber Valeriu Zgonea…

17:22, 07.07.2019

TourMin Trif: Holiday vouchers bring to light much of economy on black market; licensing applications, up 60pct

Holiday vouchers have brought to light a large part of the economy that was functioning on the black market, given that last year the number of operators who submitted applications for licenses at the Ministry…

22:24, 29.05.2019

Iohannis: PSD gets drastic sanction at EU election, allowing Romania to return to its European origins

The Social Democratic Party (PSD, main at rule, ed. n.) has got a drastic sanction on the Romanians' behalf by losing (the European, ed. n.) election, said on Wednesday President Klaus Iohannis, stressing that…

19:52, 05.04.2019

US Embassy in Romania condemns Husi Jewish cemetery vandalism, demands those responsible be brought to justice

The Embassy of the United States of America in Romania unequivocally condemns the recent vandalism carried out against the Jewish cemetery in Husi and demands that those responsible for this attack be brought to…

17:03, 05.04.2019

DIICOT indicted and brought to trial the case regarding a fake journalistic investigation

On 02.04.2019, prosecutors within the Directorate for the Investigation of Organized Crime and Terrorism – Central Structure indicted and brought to trial the case regarding the defendants SZANTO AURELIAN-MIHAI,…

18:06, 19.02.2019

Senate President says amendments can be brought to OUG 114/2018, if well substantiated

Senate President Calin Popescu-Tariceanu said on Tuesday that Government Emergency Ordinance 114/2018 on the establishment of measures in the field of public investments and fiscal-budgetary measures can be amended…

12:32, 24.01.2019

Speaker Dragnea says national courage,diplomatic intelligence must be brought back to forefront of Romanian political life

National courage and diplomatic intelligence are values that should be brought back to the forefront of the current Romanian political life, Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies and Chairman of the Social Democratic…

11:18, 14.11.2018

MAE: Four persons safely evacuated from Yemen and brought to Romania

Four persons, three Romanian citizens and one Yemeni, were safely evacuated from the Republic of Yemen and they will be brought to Romania, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE) informs in a release.  "During the…

12:34, 22.10.2018

JusMinToader: Venice Commission has not discussed amendments brought by Emergency Ordinance to Justice laws

The Venice Commission has not discussed the amendments brought by the Government Emergency Ordinance to the Justice laws, Justice Minister Tudorel Toader said on Monday.  "In reply to those who do not want to understand:…

10:41, 04.10.2018

Udrea's lawyer says she'll be brought before court, but extradition won't be handed out

Elena Udrea's lawyer Veronel Radulescu stated on Thursday morning that the former Transport Minister will be brought before court after being detained by the Interpol, but, from his point of view, she will not…

15:07, 03.10.2018

Senate's Popescu-Tariceanu: Caught off-guard by series of amendments to offshore draft law

Chairman of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats (ALDE) and Senate President Calin Popescu Tariceanu announced that the MPs of his formation were caught off-guard by a series of amendments brought to the offshore…

16:57, 04.09.2018

Street FOOD Festival 2018

Iași, They’re back. Revin în septembrie și vor reuni în același loc, Grădina Ansamblului Palas, zeci de preparate incredibile. Vorbim de burgeri, taco, creveți, paste, clătite și multe alte preparate care îți provoacă…

17:04, 18.06.2018

Wess Mitchell (US) about modifications brought to justice laws in Romania: We don't want any setbacks

US Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs Wess Mitchell on Monday stated about the modifications brought to the justice laws in Romania that our country has made progresses in having a strong…