Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

18:30, 27.05.2024

Oradea International Theatre Festival to take place from 1 to 9 June, with 27 performances

Oradea International Theatre Festival to take place from 1 to 9 June, with 27 performances

The Regina Maria Theatre announced on Monday that the new edition of the Oradea International Theatre Festival (FITO) will take place from 1 to 9 June, with 27 performances, an event organised in partnership with…

19:10, 22.03.2024

PSD's Ciolacu on coalition with PNL: We are doomed to continue together this project for Romania

National leader of the Social Democratic Party (PSD) Marcel Ciolacu, currently Romania's prime minister, said on Friday in Bihor County that the current governing coalition ensures the political stability of the…

13:45, 13.02.2024

Mașină a Poștei Române, spulberată de un TIR, pe DN 1. Șoferul a murit, iar o altă persoană a ajuns la spital: imagini șocante

Conform Inspectoratului pentru Situaţii de Urgenţă (ISU) Cluj, în accident au fost implicate un autotren şi autoutilitară, iar şoferul celui de-al doilea autovehicul a rămas încarcerat, fiind găsit de echipajele…

12:06, 13.02.2024

Impact devastator între un TIR şi o autoutilitară, pe DN 1. O persoană a murit iar o alta a ajuns la spital

Conform Inspectoratului pentru Situaţii de Urgenţă (ISU) Cluj, în accident au fost implicate un autotren şi autoutilitară, iar şoferul celui de-al doilea autovehicul a rămas încarcerat, fiind găsit de echipajele…

12:05, 30.01.2024

Three waste shipments from Germany, Sweden denied entry into Romania

Three shipments of waste from Germany and Sweden totalling 44 tonnes were denied entry into Romania by customs authorities of Arad and Bihor after it was found that the drivers did not have legal documents.The…

16:30, 24.01.2024

Descoperire arheologică rară făcută într-o pădure din Bihor/Ce a urmat – FOTO

Descoperire arheologică rară făcută de un pasionat de istorie din Oradea, într-o pădure de lângă localitatea Brusturi, din judeţul Bihor. Totul, cu ajutorul unui detector de metale. Obiectele cu însemnătate istorică…

12:10, 04.01.2024

Border police sends 15 tonnes of SH clothes back to the Netherlands

The Bihor border police at the Bors II border checkpoint, working together with the Bihor County Commissariat within the National Environmental Guard and the Bihor Consumer Protection Office, returned more than…

12:25, 01.11.2023

18 tons of textile waste, stopped from being introduced in Romania

18 tons of textile waste, stopped from being introduced in RomaniaTwo trucks loaded with 18 tons of textile waste from Belgium and Italy were stopped from entering the country, the Territorial Inspectorate of the…

09:00, 19.10.2023


Nr. 295 Oradea, 19.10.2023 COMUNICAT DE PRESACaravana SMURD ldquo;FII PREGATIT " soseste vineri, 20 octombrie, in judetul Bihor Caravana SMURD ldquo;Fii pregatit " va ajunge vineri, 20 octombrie a.c., in municipiul…

21:45, 23.09.2023

Traditional Recipes of Bihor, with Romanian, Hungarian, Slovak and Jewish dishes, produced by County Council

Bihor County Council launched on Saturday, with the opening of the event "Tastes and Traditions of Bihor", the book Traditional Recipes of Bihor, produced with European funds, with 49 Romanian, Hungarian, Slovak…

12:15, 12.08.2023

Barbat de 50 ani, prins intre bena unei autobasculante de transport nisip si peretele unei case (FOTO)

Pompierii militari intervin pentru salvarea victimei unui accident, azi 12 august, in sat Gradinari, comuna Draganesti.Un barbat de 50 ani a fost prins intre bena unei autobasculante de transport nisip si peretele…

09:30, 22.07.2023

Rupere de nori în vestul țării. Ploaia a afectat zeci de gospodării / În orașe a fost potop

O furtună puternică a măturat, vineri seară, mai multe localități din vestul țării. A doborât arbori și a lăsat mai multe zone în beznă. Cele mai afectate localități sunt în județul Arad. Cod roșu de vijelii în…

16:25, 22.06.2023

UDMR's exclusion from government - a political game unworthy of the year 2023 (Cseke Attila)

Bihor County Senator and former Development Minister Cseke Attila declared on Thursday at a press conference in Oradea that the exclusion of the Hungarian Democratic Union of Romania (UDMR) from the government…

10:55, 30.12.2022

EU-funded contract worth almost 213 ml RON signed for expansion of Oradea Airport passenger terminal

General manager of the Oradea International Airport, Razvan Horga, signed on Thursday at the Transport Ministry headquarters the EU funding contract for an almost 213 million RON project to expand the passenger…

12:35, 08.11.2022

Tara Crisului Museum launches project to teach people how to make their own Romanian blouse

People who want to learn to make their own traditional shirt like the ones that are made in Bihor County have the opportunity to learn under the guidance of specialists from the Museum of Tara Crisului (MTC) in…

12:41, 05.10.2022

Truck carrying 21 tons of paper waste from Hungary turned away at Romanian border

Bihor County border authorities and environmental commissioners denied entry to Romania for a shipment of paper waste from Hungary due to lacking import documents, the Oradea Border Police Territorial Inspectorate…

16:05, 03.10.2022

University of Oradea becomes full member of the Green European Network Group

The Rector of the University of Oradea, Constantin Bungau, on Monday, on the occasion of the opening of the academic year, that this University in the Bihor County has became a full member of the European Group…

14:40, 11.08.2022

In European unique find, Bihor County archaeologists unearth treasure including 169 gold rings

In a find that is unique in Europe, Cris Land Museum (MTC) archaeologists unearthed an extraordinary treasure that includes 169 gold rings, at a site located near the road connecting Oradea city to the A3 highway.…

21:05, 12.07.2022

Drug smugglers who created first cocaine extraction laboratory in Romania placed under preventive arrest

The Bucharest court on Tuesday ordered the preventive arrest for 30 days of five drug traffickers - two Romanians, two Colombians and an Israeli - who set up the first clandestine laboratory in Romania in a cottage…

17:50, 31.05.2022

New road connection with Hungary, through Salonta, within Arad-Oradea Express Road project

The president of the Bihor County Council, Ilie Bolojan, on Tuesday stated that Romania will be connected to Western Europe by a new road to be linked with the M44 highway in Hungary, which will be an express road.…

10:16, 07.05.2022

Houses with memories/ Iosif Vulcan Memorial Museum in Oradea, history worth discovering

One of the memorial houses in western Bihor County, taking the visitor on a trip down memory land, is that of the great man of culture, Iosif Vulcan, located in the center of Oradea, a museum dedicated to the one…

12:10, 07.01.2022

ANSVSA: 135 outbreaks of African swine flu active in Romania

A total of 135 outbreaks of African swine fever (ASF) were active on Thursday, after 88 outbreaks were extinguished between December 30 and January 6, according to a press release issued on Friday by the National…

14:25, 18.11.2021

31 towns, cities report at least six cases of COVID-19 per 1,000 population

The 14-day COVID-19 cumulative reporting rate in Romania is greater than or equal to six per 1,000 population in 31 towns or cities, down from the previous reporting, the Strategic Communication Group (GCS), the…

14:35, 16.11.2021

Bucharest City sees most new COVID-19 cases in Romania - 502, followed by Ilfov, Bihor counties

Most of the newly confirmed COVID-19 cases in Romania since the previous reporting were recorded in Bucharest City - 502 and the counties of Ilfov - 418, Bihor - 184, Brasov - 183, and Timis - 164, the Strategic…

14:00, 29.10.2021

A free ICU bed, in Bihor county, for COVID patients; 1,875 - occupied throughout the country

The Strategic Communication Group (GCS) announced that, on Friday, there is only one bed available, in Bihor County, for intensive care for patients with COVID-19, apart from those reserved especially for people…

10:35, 29.10.2021

Medical donations from Hungary, taken over by representatives of Bihor county hospitals

Representatives of five hospitals in Bihor County received, on Friday morning, ventilation equipment and non-invasive masks from donations made by the Hungarian Government to hospitals in Transylvania, following…

18:00, 25.07.2021

GCS: Only one death among COVID-19 patients in last 24 hours

Only one death has been reported in the last 24 hours in patients infected with the SARS-CoV-2 virus, the Strategic Communication Group (GCS) reported on Sunday. According to GCS, it was an over 70 years old woman…

19:00, 27.10.2020

Route of Wooden Churches in Romania, launched by Economy Ministry

The Route of Wooden Churches in Romania, one of the 49 Cultural Tourist Routes in Romania that benefit from the recognition of the Ministry of Economy, Energy and Business Environment (MEEMA), was officially launched…

12:03, 09.07.2020

Five citizens from Bangladesh hidden in truck, found at Bors border checkpoint

Five citizens of Bangladesh who were trying to leave the country illegally were found hidden in a truck at Bors border checkpoint, Oradea Border Police informed on Thursday. According to a press release on Wednesday,…

21:30, 25.06.2020

ONRC: Insolvencies down 37.94 pct over Jan - May

Insolvencies of trading companies and self-employed persons over January - May 2020 were 37.94 percent down from the same period of the year before, at 1,636, shows data released on the website of the National…