Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

21:31, 24.06.2020

Route of Wooden Churches from Bihor County, first Cultural Tourist Route acknowledged by Economy Ministry

The Ministry of Economy, Energy and Business Milieu (MEEMA), through the International Relations and European Affairs Service in the Field of Tourism, has created a voluntary system for the recognition of Cultural…

11:17, 04.05.2020

COVID-19 death toll at 803 after another 2 deaths of infected persons

Two more people infected with the new coronavirus have died, the COVID-19 death toll reaching 803, informs on Monday the Strategic Communication Group (GCS).The latest victims are a 70-year-old man from Bihor County…

16:18, 24.04.2020

ONRC: Insolvencies drop 12.52 pct in Q1 2020

Insolvencies of trading companies and self-employed persons were 12.52 percent down in Q1 2020 from the same period of the year before, at 1,320, shows data released on the website of the National Trade Register…

14:10, 03.04.2020

GCS: 445 new cases of infection with novel coronavirus confirmed in last 24 hours

Other 445 cases of infection with the novel coronavirus have been confirmed so far in Romania and the total number of persons who tested positive for COVID-19 reached 3,183, the Strategic Communication Group (GCS)…

13:58, 02.04.2020

Coronavirus update: 2,738 people infected with novel coronavirus in Romania

As many as 2,738 people have been confirmed so far in Romania with the novel coronavirus, the Strategic Communication Group (GCS) reported on Thursday. Since the previous report by GCS a further 278 new cases of…

13:37, 01.04.2020

Coronavirus update: 2,460 people infected with novel coronavirus in Romania

As many as 2,460 people have been confirmed so far in Romania with the novel coronavirus, the Strategic Communication Group (GCS), the official coronavirus communication task force, reported on Wednesday. Since…

13:36, 31.03.2020

Coronavirus update: 2,245 people infected with novel coronavirus in Romania

As many as 2,245 people in Romania have so far been confirmed as infected with the novel coronavirus, the Strategic Communication Group (GCS), an official coronavirus communication task force, reported on Tuesday.…

21:05, 16.07.2019

ONRC: Number of insolvencies down by 28.76 per cent in Q1 2019, to 3,196

The number of companies and certified natural persons facing insolvency went down by 28.76 per cent in the first quarter of this year, compared with the same period last year, to 3,196, according to data released…

00:06, 27.06.2019

Doi porci mistreți în mijlocul străzii, la Oradea. Un șofer a oprit și le-a făcut o poză

Doi porci mistreți au apărut în fața unui șofer, în Oradea. Omul a reușit să oprească mașina la timp, ba chiar a reușit să le facă și o fotografie. Un alt șofer a întâlnit acolo o căprioară, în urmă cu câteva săptămâni.…

14:43, 15.05.2019

Carte, muzică şi film la Zilele Muzeului Ţării Crişurilor

Cea de a XXIII-a ediţie a Zilelor Muzeului Ţării Crişurilor a debutat miercuri, la Muzeul Iosif Vulcan. La deschiderea oficială, amfitrionul evenimentului, Aurel Chiriac, director al Muzeului Ţării Crişurilor,…

15:57, 29.04.2019

More than 4,400 companies suspended their activity in Q1 2019

More than 4,400 companies suspended their activity in the first quarter of this year, by 22.55 less than in the same period last year, according to data released by the National Trade Register Office (ONRC). As…

18:33, 18.03.2019

Tatăl și-a încuiat copilul în casă, iar pompierii l-au scos pe geam. Intervenție spectaculoasă la Oradea

Un copil blocat într-un apartament din Oradea a fost scos pe geam de pompieri, după ce salvatorii au fost chemați printr-un apel la 112. Pompierii au folosit scara și au scos copilul pe fereastra de la balcon.…

20:13, 26.02.2019

ONRC: Number of insolvencies down 33.6 pct in January 2019; suspensions, dissolutions down 32.69 pct

The number of companies and individuals facing insolvency dropped by 33.6 per cent in January 2019 compared to the same period of the previous year, down to 500 insolvencies, according to data released by the National…

12:18, 02.01.2019

Insolvencies down 6.5pct, Jan.-Nov. 2018

Insolvencies of trading companies and self-employed persons declined by 6.54 percent between 1 January and 30 November 2018 to 7,716, compared to the similar period of 2017, shows data published on the website…

12:09, 28.06.2018

Number of insolvencies up 12pct, Jan.-May; suspensions and dissolutions up 30.81pct, 59.49pct, respectively

The number of companies and registered sole traders (PFA) facing insolvency increased by 11.97 percent in the first five months of this year, compared to the similar period of 2017, reaching 3,686 units, the data…

19:43, 06.04.2018

Rail freight transport grows 6.6pct, while road transport increases 4.7pct in 2017

Border police officers from Bors Border Crossing Point (PTF) - Bihor County found on Friday morning 79 people - citizens from Iran, Iraq, Syria, Turkey and China - who tried to illegally get out of the country,…

19:43, 06.04.2018

IGPF: 79 foreign citizens attempting to illegaly exit Romania, discovered in truck

Border police officers from Bors Border Crossing Point (PTF) - Bihor County found on Friday morning 79 people - citizens from Iran, Iraq, Syria, Turkey and China - who tried to illegally get out of the country,…

12:53, 20.02.2018

Flu kills 37 in Romania year to date

The flu death toll has reached 37 in Romania, year to date, according to the latest information released on Tuesday by the National Centre for Supervision and Control of Communicable Diseases with the National…

18:15, 26.01.2018

Corporate, self-employed insolvencies up 8.73 pct in 2017

Insolvencies of trading companies and self-employed persons were up by 8.73 percent in 2017 from the year before, to 9,102 units, shows data released on the website of the National Trade Register Office (ONRC). …

12:14, 11.12.2017

Accident pe DN 19, în Diosig. O fetiță de an și jumătate a murit

Accident mortal pe DN 19, în Diosig, luni dimineața, 11 decembrie. O fetiță de un an și jumătate a murit. În accident au fost implicate două autovehicule. Polițiștii rutieri se află la fața locului și efectuează…

13:37, 11.05.2017

Health Minister announces 25th death from measles

Health Minister Florian Bodog said on Thursday that Romania's measles fatalities reached 25, as a two-year old unvaccinated toddler from Alesd - Bihor County died the day before since the outbreak of the disease.

14:59, 10.10.2016

Slovakia`s President Kishka to visit Oradea

Slovakia's President Andrej Kiska on Tuesday will be in the north-western city of Oradea, Bihor County, for the first time, to meet leaders the county's Slovak community, the largest in Romania, as well as local…

13:39, 13.08.2015

Full Speed Ahead Ma'am

Full speed ahead, she said, and dived into the sea car first! It's the stunt a young Romanian from Bihor County pulled on a Greek beach, where she managed to park her automobile.Tourists were dumbfounded but quickly…

14:10, 01.07.2015

Guvernul a aprobat acordul Romania-Ungaria pentru interconectarea unei infrastructuri transfrontaliere de retea optica

Guvernul a aprobat, printr-o Hotarare, Acordul incheiat intre Romania si Ungaria privind interconectarea la frontiera de stat romano-ungara a unei infrastructuri transfrontaliere de retea optica. Acordul reglementeaza…