Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

13:55, 24.01.2024

Peste o tonă de cocaină, ascunsă în saci de cafea provenind din Belgia, confiscată în portul rus Sankt Petersburg

”Peste 1.200 de kilograme de droguri, a căror valoare depăşeşte pe piaţa neagră 13 miliarde de ruble (aproximativ 135 de milioane de euro) au fost conficate în marele port Sankt Petersburg”, în nord-vestul uisiei,…

13:06, 16.01.2024

EU presidency warns democracy will be put to the test in US elections in November

The European Union presidency on Tuesday warned that the foundations of democracy will be put to the test during the November US election, envisaging a scenario where the longstanding trans-Atlantic alliance could…

22:15, 15.01.2024

Victory for Romania at World Ice Hockey Under-20 Championship

Victory for Romania at World Ice Hockey Under-20 ChampionshipThe Romanian national team defeated the Icelandic team, with a score of 2-1 (0-0, 0-1, 2-0), on Monday evening, in Belgrade, in a match from the World…

10:20, 04.01.2024

US and allies warn Houthis of ‘consequences’ as Red Sea crisis intensifies

Houthi militants will face as-yet-unspecified “consequences” if they continue to “threaten lives” and disrupt trade flows in the Red Sea, the United States and a host of international allies said in a new statement…

12:05, 29.12.2023

What's in store for the European Union in 2024? (enr)

In 2024, elections will take centre stage - not only domestically but also EU-wide as well as in the USA and Russia. The Union is looking at elections in early June. Many of the present discussions revolving around…

10:55, 16.12.2023

RTL Group vinde filiala sa olandeză RTL Nederland către DPG Media din Belgia, pentru 1,1 miliarde de euro, în numerar

Acordul vine la aproape un an după ce autorităţile olandeze pentru concurenţă au blocat planurile RTL de a achiziţiona rivalul Talpa, spunând că grupul fuzionat ar fi prea dominant pe piaţa olandeză. ”Fuziunea…

10:50, 06.12.2023

6 arrested in Belgium, Netherlands on suspicion of trading with rogue countries

Six people were arrested for allegedly exporting dual-use goods to countries sanctioned by the European Union, Belgium’s federal prosecutor’s office said Tuesday after police raided companies and houses in rural…

06:46, 25.11.2023

Doi premieri din UE ”susţin terorismul”. Israelul, acuzații șocante

Israelul a decis să-i convoace pe ambasadorii Belgiei şi Spaniei pentru a-i ”mustra dur”, după ce şefii lor de guverne au denunţat, într-o vizită în Egipt, ”distrugerea  Gaza” şi au cerut Israelului ”să recunoască…

11:55, 09.11.2023

Belgium deputy PM wants Israel sanctioned over Gaza war

Petra De Sutter, Belgium’s deputy prime minister from the Greens, called on the country’s government to sanction Israel on Wednesday. “It is time for sanctions against Israel. The bombing is inhumane,” she posted…

10:40, 09.11.2023

Belgium, Italy, Romania, US unite to boost small modular reactors research

Five industrial and research actors from Belgium, Romania, Italy and the US want to speed up the development of small modular reactors (SMRs), a memorandum of understanding between the five signed on Wednesday…

12:25, 01.11.2023

18 tons of textile waste, stopped from being introduced in Romania

18 tons of textile waste, stopped from being introduced in RomaniaTwo trucks loaded with 18 tons of textile waste from Belgium and Italy were stopped from entering the country, the Territorial Inspectorate of the…

13:50, 26.10.2023

Russia’s frozen cash earns €3 billion as EU haggles over how to tap it

Sanctioned Russian assets frozen in Belgium have generated nearly €3 billion in profits as European Union states continue to haggle over what to do with the money, according to Bloomberg. Euroclear results released…

13:56, 24.10.2023

MEP Cristian Terhes expressed shock that Roland Jost severely abused and discriminated against tens of Romaian truck drivers

MEP Cristian Terhes expressed shock that Roland Jost, head of one of biggest Belgian transport companies, severely abused and discriminated against tens of Romanian truck drivers. Romanian member of the European…

12:25, 19.10.2023

EU seeks answers to rising security challenges as Israel-Hamas war fuels new concerns

European Union interior ministers on Thursday debated how to manage the impact of the war between Israel and Hamas on the bloc amid heightened security tensions after a firebomb assault on a Berlin synagogue and…

15:11, 17.10.2023

Swedish PM urges EU to boost security after gunman in Brussels kills two Swedes

Swedish Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson called on the European Union to bolster border controls and internal security after a gunman killed two Swedes in Brussels on Monday, saying the region could not afford to…

16:46, 13.10.2023

Romanian military sailors at Breeze 23 multinational drill

The Romanian Naval Forces, with the naval dredger 30 Sublieutenant Alexandru Axente and staff officers, participate, between October 13 and 22, in the Breeze 23 multinational exercise, organized by the Bulgarian…

10:30, 05.10.2023

UK to work with Belgium, Bulgaria and Serbia to tackle people smuggling

British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak will agree bilateral initiatives with Belgium, Bulgaria and Serbia on Thursday aimed at tackling organized crime linked to illegal migration, his office said, according to Reuters.…

16:00, 27.09.2023

Romanian language, culture and civilization course to be taught in Belgium too

The course of Romanian language, culture and civilization will also be taught in the educational institutions of the French Community of Belgium where children of Romanian origin study, Education Minister Ligia…

10:45, 26.09.2023

Scheduled events for September 26

Scheduled events for September 26PRESIDENCY:- President Klaus Iohannis to receive the agreed ambassador fo the Kingdom of Lithuania, Arturas Zurauskas, the agreed ambassador of the Kingdom of Belgium, Jean Cornet…

14:30, 14.09.2023

Universities from 12 countries to present their offer at The International University Hall, at the Palace Hall

Representatives of universities from 12 countries will present to high school students and students of the bachelor's and master's programme the facilities they could benefit from (scholarships, sources of financing,…

11:05, 25.08.2023

Belgium asks Romania to explain fake dentist diploma phenomenon

Belgian Health Minister Frank Vandenbroucke has contacted the Romanian authorities to find out how the country controls the authenticity of dental diplomas following reports of individuals with Romanian credentials…

11:35, 18.07.2023

Scheduled events for July 18

Scheduled events for July 18PRESIDENCY:- President Klaus Iohannis participates in the Summit of the European Union - Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (EU-CELAC), organized in Brussels, Kingdom of…

09:45, 17.07.2023

Scheduled events for July 17

Scheduled events for July 17PRESIDENTIAL ADMINISTRATION:- President Klaus Iohannis participates in the European Union - Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (EU-CELAC) summit meeting in Brussels, Belgium…

12:21, 13.07.2023

Upcoming Poseidon 2023 exercise to see participation of over 750 troops from nine countries

More than 750 troops from nine countries will participate July 14 through 21 in the Poseidon 2023 multinational exercise, organized alternatively every year by Romania and Bulgaria, the General Staff of the Romanian…

19:25, 01.07.2023

Pilotul Dilano van’t Hoff, de doar 18 ani, a murit în urma unui incident la Spa-Francorchamps

Pilotul Dilano van’t Hoff, în vârstă de 18 ani, a murit în urma unui incident petrecut pe circuitul de la Spa-Francorchamps, în timp ce concura în Campionatul European de Formula Regională by Alpine (FRECA). O…

10:50, 30.06.2023

Belgian government signs nuclear extension deal with France’s Engie

Belgium has agreed with operator Engie to extend the use of the country’s nuclear reactors by 10 years after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine prompted Belgium’s governing coalition to rethink plans to rely more on…

20:20, 28.06.2023

Romanian-Japanese duo Niculescu/Hozumi advances to women's doubles semifinal at Bad Homburg Open

Romanian-Japanese duo Niculescu/Hozumi advances to women's doubles semifinal at Bad Homburg Open. Romanian-Japanese duo Monica Niculescu/Eri Hozumi qualified on Wednesday for the semifinals of the women's double…

10:40, 28.06.2023

Belgium’s ABEE plans 1.4 billion euro battery plant in Romania, mayor says

Belgian group Avesta Battery & Energy Engineering (ABEE) is planning a 1.4 billion euro battery plant in Romania’s Galati, creating up to 8,000 jobs, the city’s mayor said on Tuesday, according to Reuters.  “Our…

15:51, 05.06.2023

Belgium investigating whether arms destined to defend Ukraine ended up in Russia fighting

Belgium is investigating whether weapons it sent to help Ukraine defend its territory were used in fighting just over the border following a news report that said equipment produced by a Belgian company turned…

12:35, 16.05.2023

25 tonnes aluminium waste loaded lorry from Belgium denied entrance into Romania

A lorry transporting approximately 25 tonnes of aluminum waste from Belgium for a company from western Alba County was returned from northwestern Petea customs because it does not comply with the legal conditions,…