Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

08:10, 12.01.2021

Before&After: de la un pod dezafectat la o mansardă ca o bomboană fondantă

În urmă cu doar un an, aici nu era o mansardă pastelată, ci doar un pod prăfuit în care nu se putea locui. Imaginile şi povestea amenajării - pe care le găseşti mai jos - îţi arată exact cum poţi ajunge de la un…

13:15, 08.01.2021

Simona Halep will be quarantined in Adelaide before the Australian Open

Romanian tennis player Simona Halep will be in quarantine for 14 days in Adelaide, along with the other three players in the top three spots of the professional tennis world rankings, including Serbian Novak Djokovic…

19:05, 02.01.2021

Speaker Orban's NY message: War not over yet, but we hold hopes it will end soon

Lower House Speaker and Liberal Chairman Ludovic Orban remarked in his New Year's message that 2020 was "perhaps the toughest year in our recent history", "a year of war that isn't over yet, but which we hope will…

11:25, 28.12.2020

Employers' associations, unions demand gov't to confer with social partners before adopting PNRR

Several employers' associations and trade unions have sent an open letter to the Government asking for consultation with the social partners before the adoption of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR),…

18:25, 17.12.2020

Nicolae Ciuca: Six servicemen treated in Germany, repatriated; happy to return them to their families before Christmans

Six Romanian soldiers who were treated in Germany, four of whom were wounded in Afghanistan in October, were repatriated on Thursday by an Air Force aircraft, which also carried medical equipment for intensive…

12:05, 12.12.2020

Before&after: cum transformi un apartament cu trei camere într-unul de patru camere

Au mutat bucătăria în zona de zi, iar în locul acesteia se află acum un mic dormitor. O renovare de apartament ce pare scoasă din paginile de reviste, realizată cu un buget generos, în care piesele de design care…

22:00, 06.12.2020

ParliamentaryElections2020/ Ciolacu waiting for official results before discussing new Government formation

Chairman of the Social Democratic Party (PSD) Marcel Ciolacu did not want to comment yet on the formation of the new government, arguing that he is waiting for the final results of Sunday's elections to see with…

16:20, 04.12.2020

PMP stages protest before Moldovan Embassy in Bucharest

The People's Movement Party (PMP) organised a protest on Friday before the Embassy of Moldova in Bucharest to express "concern" over what is currently happening in the neighbouring country. PMP national chairman…

16:05, 02.12.2020

Ciolacu: PNL to open markets for electoral purposes right before elections

Social Democratic Party (PSD) Chairman Marcel Ciolacu accuses the current Government of opening "markets for electoral purposes, right before the elections" and criticizes the gesture of the head of state Klaus…

13:25, 24.11.2020

Gov't to release national recovery, resilience plan before next week

Prime Minister Ludovic Orban has said Romania's National Recovery and Resilience Plan will most likely be made public by next week, at the latest, according to AGERPRES. "The National Recovery and Resilience Plan…

09:15, 24.11.2020

Orban: Resignation before end of term not to draw special pension, demagoguery, blatant lie

National chairman of the National Liberal Party (PNL) Prime Minister Ludovic Orban on Monday evening described as demagogic the approach of the lawmakers who announced that they will resign before the end of their…

16:55, 08.11.2020

Pro Romania - ALDE merge into one party

The delegates to the Pro Romania - the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats (ALDE) Congress voted by a wide majority the merger of the two political formations, with Victor Ponta being designated as the new party's…

19:15, 06.11.2020

COVID-19 cases expected to rise in Romania before they dip

Health Minister Nelu Tataru said on Friday in Iasi that moving forward he expects an increase in the number of infections with the novel coronavirus in Romania followed by a dip in about two to three weeks' time.…

16:40, 29.10.2020

INSP: 8.6 pct increase in acute respiratory infections, one flu case in the week Oct 19 - 25

A total of 51,730 acute respiratory infection cases - clinical flu, upper respiratory infections and pneumonia - were registered last week nationwide, by 8.6 percent more compared to the week before, the National…

10:25, 14.10.2020

Bishop Ignatie: More than ever before, Saint Parascheva bears the burden of unbelief

Bishop Ignatie of Husi sent a message on Wednesday, October 14, on the day of Saint Parascheva, the patron saint of Moldavia, saying that this year, more than ever, the saint bears "the burden of unbelief, of the…

13:35, 07.10.2020

Jessie Reyez lansează videoclipul piesei „Sugar At Night”

Dupa ce la finalul lunii septembrie a lansat o variantă noua a albumului său de debut – „Before Love Came To Kill Us+”, Jessie Reyez prezintă acum videoclipul piesei „Sugar At Night”. De aceasta dată, artista aduce…

20:00, 06.10.2020

Jessie Reyez lanseaza videoclipul “Sugar At Night”, de pe albumul lansat recent – “Before Love Came To Kill Us +”

Dupa ce la finalul lunii septembrie a lansat o varianta noua a albumului sau de debut – “Before Love Came To Kill Us+”, Jessie Reyez ne prezinta acum videoclipul piesei “Sugar At Night”, si asa cum ne-a obisnuit,…

22:30, 27.09.2020

LocalElections2020/BEC- turnout: 46.02% of electors voted before 21,00

The nationwide voter turnout in the local elections on Sunday until 21,00hrs stood at 46.02% - 8,420,737 electors having turned out to vote, according to the data announced by the Central Electoral Bureau (BEC).…

16:05, 16.09.2020

LocalElections2020/Clotilde Armand: 9 days before elections, District 1 mayor, to take out 200 million lei loan

Clotilde Armand, the Save Romania Union - Party of Liberty, Unity and Solidarity Alliance (USR PLUS) and National Liberal Party (PNL) Alliance candidate for the District 1 City Hall told on Wednesday a press conference,…

12:55, 09.09.2020

O expoziţie de instalaţii, concerte şi reprezentaţii ale primului spectacol-colaborare între un teatru românesc şi un studio de artă, la Bucureşti

Proiectul multidisciplinar H3 Garden before detach() va debuta miercuri, în centrul Bucureştiului, şi cuprinde mai multe concerte, o expoziţie de instalaţii şi reprezentaţii ale primului spectacol-colaborare între…

14:20, 30.08.2020

Barna: USR will not participate in voting on censure motion

Save Romania Union (USR) MPs will not participate in the voting on the censure motion on Monday, USR Chairman Dan Barna announced on Sunday.He believes the Social Democratic Party's (PSD) initiative is an attempt…

08:55, 29.08.2020

Entering Egypt, including transiting through it, only on negative COVID-19 test from Sept. 1

Romania's Foreign Ministry (MAE) has informed that from September 1 all air passengers entering Egypt through any airport regardless of the state from which they travel must produce a negative COVID-19 RT-PCR test…

11:20, 26.08.2020

VIG profit in Romania - fourfold increase to 9.5 million euro in H1

The insurance companies owned by the Vienna Insurance Group (VIG) have recorded, in the first six months, a profit before tax of 9.5 million euro, an increase by 295 pct over the same period of last year, according…

20:45, 19.08.2020

Iohannis: No easing of HoReCa restrictions before epidemic subsides substantially

President Klaus Iohannis said on Wednesday that restrictions for terraces and restaurants will not be eased any further before the novel coronavirus epidemic starts ebbing."I perfectly understand this concern in…

13:55, 11.08.2020

SCANDALOS. „Nu vreau sânge și violență.” Mesajul Svetlanei Tikhanovskaya pare a fi făcut SUB AMENINȚĂRI

Lidera opoziției din Belarus, Svetlana Tikhanovskaya, a înregistrat un mesaj video în care a cerut susținătorilor să oprească protestele din mai multe orașe din țară. Nu se știe când a fost înregistrat…

09:15, 09.08.2020

FOTO Cătălina Ponor a spus "Da!" - Cine este și cum arată cel care i-a furat inima

Cătălina Ponor (32 de ani), multiplă campioană la gimnastică, a făcut anunțul: se va căsători cu regizorul Bogdan Jianu, 50 de ani. Postarea Cătălinei de pe Instagram a făcut totul public: "Am spus Da".…

20:00, 29.07.2020

Gabriela Firea își prezintă una dintre realizările mandatului: Ce am găsit și ce am făcut!

Primarul Capitalei, Gabriela Firea, prezintă una dintre realizările mandatului de primar și arată că în momentul în care a ajuns la primărie, Pasajul Piața Sudului era blocat și bătea pasul pe loc, dar într-un…

13:25, 28.07.2020

PM Orban: Coming before Parliament on Monday, time assigned hardly enough to cover all subjects

Prime Minister Ludovic Orban announced that he will come before Parliament next Monday to present a report on the management of the COVID-19 pandemic in the perspective of the upcoming new school year and of the…

18:11, 26.07.2020

Lucian Romascanu (PSD): 'Klaus Iohannis should obtain Parliament's mandate if negotiations regarding the EU funds are to be resumed'

Social Democratic Party (PSD) spokesperson Lucian Romascanu said it was possible that negotiations on funds for the EU countries could resume, in a context in which he called on President Klaus Iohannis to obtain…

13:40, 26.07.2020

MAE: Romanians allowed into Austria if testing negative for COVID-19 72 hours before entering

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs informs that the Austrian authorities issued on Friday evening a new ordinance reviewing the transit and entry conditions in this country for persons coming from Romania, the main…