Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

20:05, 28.06.2023

AUR's Simion, on law banning pension and state salary cumulation: Empty populism, lies

AUR's Simion, on law banning pension and state salary cumulation: Empty populism, lies. Alliance for Romanians' Union (AUR) Chairman George Simion criticised on Wednesday the draft law banning the cumulation of…

09:15, 19.04.2023

Fines and decisions banning access to sporting competitions after incident at Steaua Stadium

Bucharest gendarmes have issued several fines and banned access to sports competitions after Tuesday's incident involving supporters of the CSA Steaua and FC Dinamo 1948 football teams.Moreover, according to a…

22:40, 02.03.2023

PM Ciuca: Issue of banning TikTok must be serious subject of analysis

Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca said on Thursday, in Targu Mures, that the issue of banning TikTok for institutions in Romania must be "a serious subject of analysis", especially since through this channel disinformation…

16:20, 29.01.2023

Banning order for fishing pike enters into force

Starting this week, no fisherman from the Danube Delta is allowed to catch pike, one of the most valuable fish species in the reserve, as a result of the prohibition order published on Friday in the Official Journal,…

16:30, 25.01.2023

Former Danube Delta governor Musatescu warns banning measures are needed to avoid 'fish apocalipse'

The former governor of the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve (RBDD), Malin Musatescu, on Wednesday told AGERPRES, in the context in which the relevant authorities have not yet given the order to ban fishing, even…

16:21, 04.07.2022

Law on banning persons convicted by a court from running in presidential elections, promulgated

President Klaus Iohannis promulgated a law that establishes a ban to take part in presidential elections for people who received definitive criminal convictions, at the time of filing for candidacy. Fii la curent…

13:20, 01.02.2022

PNL's Stroe: We will discuss in coalition about banning cumulation of pension, salary and possibility of retirement at 70

PNL (National Liberal Party) spokesman Ionut Stroe on Tuesday said that the Liberals' Executive Bureau discussed the ban on cumulation of pensions and salaries, but also on the possibility of retiring at age 70,…

16:15, 21.09.2021

PM Citu: I hope law banning alienation of state participations will be canceled as soon as possible

Prime Minister Florin Citu said on Tuesday that he wants the capital market to play an important role in financing Romanian state-owned companies, underscoring that he will do everything in his power to get the…

10:25, 05.08.2021

Hauliers call for removal of legislative error banning road hauliers from county routes

The Confederation of Romanian Authorised Operators and Hauliers (COTAR) calls on the Romanian government to step in urgently to remove a legislative error that bans road hauliers from county routes, violating both…

18:06, 09.06.2021

PM Citu: Gov't approved bill banning collection of both pension and wage in public system

The government approved at its Wednesday meeting the bill that scraps the possibility for public system employees to collect both a pension and wage and that also provides for the optional increase of the retirement…

08:41, 09.06.2021

Gov't to pass bill banning gainful employment, drawing state pension cumulatively

The government is expected today to approve a bill on measures for the continuation of gainful employment of persons who meet the retirement requirements in the state pension system to provide for the possibility…

15:30, 10.03.2021

PM Citu is against exceptions in bill banning public servants from collecting both pension and wage

Prime Minister Florin Citu declared on Wednesday that he is against exceptions for certain professions being introduced in the bill that forbids the collection of both pension and wage in the public system, according…

15:20, 01.03.2021

Orban: Banning cumulation of pension with salary in public system - fair

The National Liberal Party (PNL) Chairman Ludovic Orban stated on Monday that it is fair for the public system pension to not be cumulated with the salary, according to AGERPRES. "I think it is a fair thing. For…

19:45, 10.11.2020

Stoltenberg: Banning nuclear weapons will not work; giving up our deterrent - dangerous option

The international Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons will not work because it has no verification mechanism, NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said on Tuesday, adding that this type of weapon is…

12:35, 12.10.2020

PM Orban to recommend banning private events or capping attendance at 20

Prime Minister Ludovic Orban said on Monday that he would recommend banning private events or returning to capping their attendance at 20 people, arguing that many event organisers do not follow the COVID-19 pandemic…

09:19, 07.01.2020

PM Orban: There is no provision in the Constitution banning the Gov't to take responsibility on Budget Law

Prime Minister Ludovic Orban stated on Monday that there is no provision in the Constitution banning the Government to take responsibility on the Budget Law and the invocation of a judicial conflict of constitutional…

14:55, 29.07.2019

PNL's Roman: I ask PSD to vote draft law banning probation of criminals, rapists, robbers

Liberal Deputy Florin Roman asks the Social Democratic Party (PSD) to urgently vote the National Liberal Party (PNL) draft law banning the probation of criminals, rapists, robbers and corrupt persons.  "I request…

09:47, 29.05.2019

BEC - partial results referendum: Almost 6 million electors said "Yes" to both questions

According to the data centralized by the Central Electoral Bureau (BEC) on Tuesday, 7.45 pm, a number of 5,864,980 persons voted "Yes" in question no. 1 and 5,745,740 voted "Yes" in question no.2.In question no.…

11:34, 16.03.2016

PM Ciolos: The gov't prepared information guide on law banning smoking door

Prime Minister Dacian Ciolos announced on Wednesday that the Government has prepared an information guide that explains the way in which the law banning indoor smoking in public spaces is to be implemented, which…

17:48, 27.08.2013

FOTO Cum arată oamenii străzii într-un studio?

  „Am vrut să-i fotografiez într-un studio, pe un fundal neutru, tocmai ca să mă pot concentra pe personalitatea lor şi nu pe stereotipurile din jurul acestor oameni”, a scris Banning pe site-ul său. „Am vrut…

11:24, 10.08.2013

Şase răniţi şi aproximativ 1.800 de persoane evacuate din cauza incendiului din California

Incendiul puternic din California, a cărui origine este necunoscută, afecta vineri seara aproximativ 7.200 de hectare de vegetaţie, o suprafaţă aproape dublă faţă de cea afectată cu o zi înainte. Acesta era controlat…

10:27, 10.08.2013

Şase răniţi şi 1.800 de persoane evacuate, într-un incendiu în California

Peste 1.600 de pompieri au intervenit în noaptea de vineri spre sâmbătă pentru a stinge un incendiu la est de Los Angeles, care s-a soldat cu şase răniţi şi evacuarea a 1.800 de persoane, au anunţat autorităţile…