Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

11:48, 09.03.2019

Cetăţenii SUA vor avea nevoie de vize pentru spaţiul Schengen din 2021

În prezent, cetăţenii SUA nu au nevoie de vize pentru sejururi mai scurte de 90 de zile în spaţiul Schengen, scrie Agerpres.  Din 2021 se va schimba însă acest lucru. Uniunea Europeană a anunțat că americanii trebuie…

10:57, 08.01.2019

INS: Number of building authorizations issued for residential buildings up 2.8 pct in Jan-Nov 2018

A number of 39,960 building authorizations for residential buildings were issued in the first eleven months of the year 2018, up 2.8 per cent against the same period of the previous year, reads the National Institute…

14:14, 20.11.2018

National Bank of Romania, only authorised institution to issue currency

Issuing Sibcoin, if it is a currency, as defined by the law, is not in compliance with the legislation in force, the National Bank of Romania being the only institution authorized to issue currency in the form…

15:02, 29.05.2018

Number of insolvencies, up over 17 pct in first four months

The number of commercial companies and authorized individuals in insolvency increased by 17.38pct in the first four months of the year, compared to the same period of 2017, to 2,965, according to the data posted…

16:45, 09.01.2018

IntMin Carmen Dan seeks 6-month authorization for principal quaestor Catalin Ionita as Police head

Minister of Internal Affairs Carmen Dan announced on Tuesday having requested the PM a six-month authorization for principal quaestor Catalin Ionita as head of the Romanian Police, in lieu of Bogdan Despescu, who…

15:04, 22.11.2017

Insolvencies of companies, authorized persons - up 8.85% in first 10 months

The number of commercial companies and authorized persons in insolvency increased by 8.85% in the first ten months of this year compared to the similar period in 2016, to 7,344 units, according to the data posted…

10:05, 15.11.2017

MAE: Romanians traveling to Canada by plane after December 1 need electronic traveling permit

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE) informs that starting on December 1 the Canadian authorities intend to eliminate the visa requirement for the Romanian citizens who will travel to Canada for maximum six-month…

16:34, 20.09.2017

Number of insolvent companies, authorized individuals rises by 5.55 per cent eight months into 2017

The number of insolvent commercial companies and authorized individuals rose by 5.55 per cent in the first eight months of this year, compared to the similar period in 2016, to 5,758 units, according to the data…

12:53, 26.04.2017

Scores of taxi drivers, hauliers protest in Victoriei Square

Scores of taxi drivers and hauliers have already gathered in the Victoriei Square downtown Bucharest, at a protest that has been announced by the The Confederation of Authorized Operators and Carriers in Romania…

13:04, 25.04.2017

6000 vehicles in front of Gov`t headquarters, Wednesday and Thursday, against untaxed transportation

Representatives of the Confederation of Authorized Operators and Carriers in Romania (COTAR) will bring up to 6,000 vehicles in front of the Government headquarters in a protest action organised on Wednesday and…

07:55, 10.12.2014

John Kerry cere Congresului autorizația de război contra SI

Secretarul de stat american John Kerry a cerut marți Congresului autorizația de război contra grupării Statul Islamic /SI/ în Irak și Siria, o autorizație juridică formală după ce războiul deja a început. Foto:…

05:15, 10.12.2014

John Kerry solicită Congresului aprobarea intervenţiei militare împotriva grupării Statul Islamic

Şeful diplomaţiei americane a pledat în cursul după-amiezii în faţa puternicei Comisii de Externe a Senatului pentru „autorizarea utilizării forţei militare” (Authorization for Use of Military Force, AUMF). Această…

09:06, 09.10.2014

Driver’s dilemma: an authorized garage or the corner workshop?

OPTIONS In Romania, one in three cars has a break problem, a recent study reveals. It is thus important for all drivers to have their car checked at regular times. The question is where: in an authorized garage…