Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

17:15, 27.06.2024

Almost 3,100 companies, authorised individuals enter insolvency five months into 2024

Almost 3,100 companies, authorised individuals enter insolvency five months into 2024

The number of commercial companies and authorized individuals (PFA) entered insolvency in the first five months of this year was 3,091, up by 10.2% compared to the similar period in 2023, when 2,805 insolvencies…

10:25, 04.07.2023

Black Sea Oil&Gas seeking authorisation for first energy corridor Black Sea's Romanian sector

Black Sea Oil & Gas SA (BSOG), together with its partners in the Midia Natural Gas Development Project (MGD), Petro Ventures Resources and Gas Plus Dacia, has reported the start of the authorisation of an energy…

13:05, 15.03.2023

SmartBill integrates Smart Accounts, first BNR-authorised Open Banking service

SmartBill announces the integration of the Smart Accounts service, through a partnership with the Smart Fintech startup, which is the first local Open Banking service authorised by the National Bank of Romania.According…

11:05, 15.12.2022

Authorised hauliers association ask for a fixed 19 pct fee for insurance policies sold in Romania

The Confederation of Authorised Romanian Operators and Transporters (COTAR) requests the minister of Finance, Adrian Caciu, to introduce a fixed tax of 19 pct for insurance policies sold by insurance companies…

18:06, 01.06.2022

2,171 companies, authorised individuals have entered insolvency in first four months of 2022

The number of companies and authorised individuals (PFAs) that entered into insolvency increased by 8.12% in the first four months of 2022, compared to the same period of last year, with 2,171 insolvencies registered,…

22:06, 08.12.2021

Health Ministry: 132 labs authorised to issue fast validation Covid testing results as of Dec 9

A number of 132 authorized laboratories will be able to issue, starting with Thursday, fast validation Covid testing results, the Health Ministry informs in a release. The network of units authorized to issue such…

18:56, 12.11.2021

Health Ministry official: Romania authorised to buy 600,000 capsules of Molnupiravir for Covid patients

Romania has the right to purchase 600,000 capsules of the antiviral Molnupiravir and 15,000 doses of COVID-19 protease inhibitors, Secretary of State in the Health Ministry, Dr. Andrei Baciu said on Friday. "The…

15:46, 31.10.2021

Health Ministry, Interior Ministry authorised to sign COVID-19 patient transfer agreement with Germany

Romania's National Emergency Management Committee (CNCAV) approved at a Sunday meeting Decision 96 authorising the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Internal Affairs, via the Emergency Management Department…

11:50, 17.08.2021

COTAR requesting sending Transport Ministry control report to DIICOT, DNA

The Confederation of Authorised Transport Operators and Hauliers of Romania (COTAR) is demanding the firing of senior official with the Ministry of Transport Sandor Gabor and Director General of the Romanian Road…

13:20, 16.08.2021

Competition Council authorises Wendel group's takeover of Propak Ambalaj Uretim ve Pazarlama

Romania's Competition Council has authorised a transaction whereby the Wendel Group, through Constantia Flexibles International GmbH, takes over Propak Ambalaj Uretim ve Pazarlama AS, Turkey. Wendel is an investment…

18:21, 28.05.2021

More than 2,000 companies and authorised persons, insolvent in first four months of year

The number of companies and authorized persons having become insolvent increased by 44.25% in the first four months of this year, compared to the same period in 2020, with 2,008 registered insolvencies, according…

17:50, 04.05.2021

12-15-year-olds might get vaccinated against COVID-19 this summer in Romania

Coordinator of Romania's COVID-19 vaccination campaign Valeriu Gheorghita said on Tuesday that there is a clear prospect of immunising this summer 12-15-year-olds in the country using the Pfizer BioNTech vaccine.…

09:05, 29.04.2021

Health, Education ministries authorised to issue order safely resuming school year

The National Committee for Emergency Situations (CNSU) adopted at its Wednesday's meeting a decision under which the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Education are empowered to issue a joint ministerial order…

16:00, 31.03.2021

ONRC: 24,851 authorised individuals and legal entities registered in first two months of 2021

The number of registrations of authorised individuals and legal entities increased by 17.74% in the first two months of 2021 compared to the similar period of the previous year, to 24,851, of which 17,997 SRL (limited…

15:10, 25.01.2021

PM Citu: Budget proposal for 2021 would be finished Monday, following discussions with authorising officers

A budget proposal for 2021 would be finished on Monday, in order to be analyzed, after discussions with authorizing officers, Prime Minister Florin Citu declared on Monday, at the Parliament, specifying that the…

12:55, 28.12.2020

5,144 companies, authorised individuals go into insolvency January through November 2020

The number of companies and authorised individuals entered into insolvency decreased by 11.77 pct in the first 11 months of 2020, compared to the same period last year, with 5,144 insolvencies recorded, according…

15:20, 02.08.2020

49,051 authorised individuals, legal operators registered in first 6 months of 2020, down 37.07 pct

The number of registrations of authorised individuals and legal operators dropped in the first six months of 2020 by 37.07 pct, compared to the similar period of 2019, to 49,051, of which 33,972 LLCs, according…

16:26, 24.03.2020

Medical Centre Targu Mures - authorised to diagnose COVID-19 infection

A team made up of representatives of the Medical-Pharmaceutical Advanced Research Centre within the University of Medicine, Pharmacy, Science and Technology (UMFST) of Targu Mures, of the Targu Mures County Emergency…

12:46, 29.05.2019

Senate's Judiciary Committee proposes authorising criminal prosecution of Senate Chairman Tariceanu

The Senate's Judiciary Committee decided on Wednesday to send a report to the Standing Bureau for the approval of the commencement of criminal prosecution in the case of Senate Chairman Calin Popescu-Tariceanu.…

13:54, 15.04.2019

#Romania2019.eu/EU Council adopts negotiating directives for conclusion of trade agreements with the US

The Council of the EU adopted on Monday the decisions authorising the opening of negotiations of agreements with the US and related negotiating directives on the elimination of tariffs for industrial goods and…

20:04, 07.12.2018

Tourism Minister Trif:Number of guest houses', hotels' authorisation requests increased by 10 pct due to holiday vouchers

Tourism Minister Bogdan Trif stated on Friday in the Vama Buzaului village that the number of authorisation requests of guest houses and hotels increased by 10 percent compared to 2017, after the Government granted…

14:14, 20.11.2018

National Bank of Romania, only authorised institution to issue currency

Issuing Sibcoin, if it is a currency, as defined by the law, is not in compliance with the legislation in force, the National Bank of Romania being the only institution authorized to issue currency in the form…

09:58, 29.10.2018

Mass transit between Bucharest and Ilfov to halt for lack of authorisation body, as of 31 October

Passenger mass transit between Bucharest and Ilfov will be suspended as from October 31, because there is no authority to regulate the market, the Confederation of Romania's Authorised Transport Operators and Hauliers…

12:36, 03.08.2018

As many as 210 public and private home care services units authorised countrywide

The number of the home care services units authorised at country level on 30 July 2018 parked at 210 of which rd 20 pct were publicly run, say the data clustered at the Ministry of Labour and Social Justice.  Out…

12:53, 18.10.2016

Expert, despre statutul de agent economic autorizat – facilități și proceduri

Orice agent economic rezident al Republicii Moldova, care întruneşte condiţiile prevăzute de lege, poate să solicite acordarea statutului de agent economic autorizat (Authorised Economic Operator – în continuare…

12:09, 25.09.2016

UE ia măsuri împotriva teroriştilor. Intrarea pe teritoriul Uniunii EUROPENE se va face cu viză şi contracost

Australia îl are demult, SUA din 2007: un sistem electronic de înregistrare a tuturor celor care intră pe teritoriul lor fără a avea nevoie de vize, scrie capital.ro. Un astfel de sistem doreşte să introducă acum…

10:58, 25.09.2016

Modelul SUA: În UE se va putea intra de acum numai cu o viză de acces

Australia îl are demult, SUA din 2007: un sistem electronic de înregistrare a tuturor celor care intra pe teritoriul lor fara a avea nevoie de vize. Un astfel de sistem doreste sa introduca acum si Uniunea Europeana,…