Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

14:45, 15.06.2024

Attribute of appointing European commissioner belongs to PM, I will have a discussion with President Iohannis

Attribute of appointing European commissioner belongs to PM, I will have a discussion with President Iohannis

The attribute of appointing the European commissioner belongs to the prime minister, declared on Saturday the head of the Executive, Marcel Ciolacu, stating that he will also have a discussion with the president…

22:00, 29.03.2023

Over 40 diplomats with consular attributions - at 'Sharing the Romanian valuable experience in the consular field'

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE) organized on Wednesday the public diplomacy event in the consular field entitled "Sharing the Romanian valuable experience in the consular field", addressed to diplomats with…

14:40, 06.12.2022

IntMin Bode: Migration problems facing Austria cannot be attributed to Romania

The migration problems facing Austria cannot be attributed to Romania, Minister of Internal Affairs Lucian Bode says on Tuesday, told Agerpres. Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri. Urmărește stiripesurse.ro pe…

20:20, 10.05.2022

Romania joins international efforts to attribute cyberattacks on Viasat network to Russian Federation

Romania supports the EU statement and joins the United States and other international partners in the demarche to attribute the cyberattack on KA-SAT/VIASAT satellite communications network, which took place on…

13:25, 27.01.2022

Over half of December inflation, attributed to direct effects of energy prices (BNR's Popa)

More than half of the inflation registered in December 2021 is attributed to the direct effects of energy prices, says Cristian Popa, Board Member of BNR (National Bank of Romania), in an article which will be…

16:26, 20.09.2021

Mihai Serban to take over attributions of Department for Romanians Abroad's state secretary

Mihai Serban, general director, will take over the attributions of the state secretary of the Department for Romanians Abroad until the appointment of the head of the institution, in accordance with the law, decided…

14:06, 10.08.2021

Ciolos: Budget rectification is an attribute of governing coalition, PM cannot decide by himself

The budget rectification is an attribute of the governing coalition, and the PM cannot decide by himself, the co-chairman of the USR PLUS (Save Romania Union - Party of Liberty Unity and Solidarity alliance) Dacian…

14:31, 10.03.2021

PM Citu: In no country has the PNRR been voted in Parliament, it is Government attribute

The National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR) is an attribute of the Government, and the Social-Democrats will have to explain to those in Italy, Spain, France "the "blackmail" on this subject, Prime Minister…

12:45, 15.12.2020

Calin Popescu-Tariceanu, indicted for abuse of office and complicity to usurp official attributions

The former president of the Senate Calin Popescu-Tariceanu was indicted, on Tuesday, by the General Prosecutor's Office for abuse of office and complicity to usurp official attributions, according to AGERPRES.…

16:57, 11.02.2020

PM-designate Orban calls boycotting confidence vote sin to be punished by voters

Prime Minister-designate Ludovic Orban said on Tuesday that any party that would boycott Parliament's vote of confidence in the government "will be severely censured by the citizens of Romania." "In my opinion,…

09:18, 09.12.2019

JusMin Predoiu: SIIJ was compromised through its very own establishment

The Section for Investigating Crimes in Justice (SIIJ) was compromised through its very own establishment, Minister of Justice Catalin Predoiu stated on Sunday evening.  "This section was compromised through its…

13:38, 02.11.2019

#2019PresidentialElection/Dancila: Violent langiage, Mr. Iohannis, is attribute of weak people

Chairperson of the Social Democratic Party (PSD) Viorica Dancila told "candidate Iohannis" on Friday, from Timisoara, that violent language is "the attribute of weak people", who have no arguments, after being…

15:24, 09.08.2019

Bucharest Mayor Firea: If a mayor delegates certain attributions they are not devoid of responsibility

The Bucharest Mayor Gabriela Firea announces that she delegated certain attributions to the Bucharest Deputy Mayor Aurelian Badulescu so that the 17 public events scheduled 8 through 11 August in core areas of…

13:49, 20.05.2019

Constitutional Court scraps PNL referral to delegation of attributions by Chambers' Speaker to Deputy Speakers

The Constitutional Court of Romania (CCR) on Monday scrapped the National Liberal Party (PNL)'s referral on the provisions in the Regulation of the Chamber of Deputies referring to the delegation of tasks by this…

17:44, 18.03.2019

Speaker Liviu Dragnea delegates attributions to Florin Iordache at Chamber of Deputies' helm

The Chamber of Deputies' Speaker Liviu Dragnea has delegated his attributions to Florin Iordache, the Chamber's Deputy Speaker for the period 16 - 24 March, a decision published on Monday in the Official Journal…

11:37, 19.12.2018

Tax on greed: central bank's reaction

The level of the interbank offered rate ROBOR, which serves as benchmark for floating-rate loans in lei, is attributable to the entire country, it depends on the domestic realities and first of all on the inflation…

20:46, 09.06.2017

Ocazie rară: giganții Internetului, Google si Facebook, vor fi la București săptămâna viitoare pentru prezentări si sesiuni esențiale pentru specialistii…

Dacă lucrați în marketing, digital & tech, notați-vă în calendar zilele de 15 și 16 iunie, săptămâna viitoare: specialiștii de la Facebook și Google revin la iCEE.fest, festivalul care a anunțat…

19:02, 31.05.2017

Descoperă cele mai noi strategii eCommerce alături de experții Facebook, Google, Taboola și alții

Descoperă cele mai noi strategii eCommerce alături de experți de la Facebook, Google, Taboola, FashionDays, Verve Search, Sales Folk, Forward3D – agenția de performance marketing a anului, conform “The Drum” –…

15:23, 31.05.2017

Descopera cele mai noi strategii eCommerce alaturi de experti de la Facebook, Google si alte companii majore ce vin la iCEE.fest

Cel mai important festival dedicat tehnologiei digitale si Internetului din regiune aduce la Bucuresti, pe 15 si 16 iunie, speakeri si companii majore din industrie si dedica o intreaga zi celor care viseaza doar…

13:14, 31.05.2017

ICEE.FEST. Cele mai noi strategii eCommerce, prezentate de jucători importanţi, precum Facebook, Google sau Yahoo

iCEE.fest va găzdui prezentări extinse din partea giganţilor Facebook şi Google dar şi din partea altor companii cu o rată de succes considerabilă când vine vorba despre comerţul online. Focus Stage 2 este gazda…

09:29, 29.09.2016

Iohannis: Bodies with relevant attributions perform decisive, consistent fight against corruption

In the last years in Romania justice has become more mature, more independent, said on Wednesday in Kiel, Germany the Romanian President Klaus Iohannis, adding that the bodies with relevant attributions fight decisively…

16:23, 10.09.2015

How to use the download attribute

1914 translation by H. Rackham „On the other hand, we denounce with righteous indignation and dislike men who are so beguiled and demoralized by the charms of pleasure of the moment, so blinded by desire, that…

00:05, 18.06.2015

Cât va rezista Narcis Răducan la Pandurii?

by  stevendepolo  Copyright © 2008-2015  Design by Arcsin Web Templates, licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License Narcis Răducan a pornit pe un nou drum, în urmă cu două săptămâni, alături de Pan...