Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

15:16, 16.02.2019

At Munich Security Conference, President Iohannis calls for unitary approach to NATO's eastern flank

President Klaus Iohannis said on Saturday that the situation in the Black Sea region is complicated, emphasizing in this context that NATO's eastern flank should be treated in a serious and unitary manner according…

13:06, 16.02.2019

At Munich Security Conference, Ciamba emphasizes Three Seas Initiative role in strengthening EU, transatlantic partnership

Minister Delegate for European Affairs George Ciamba emphasized on the first day of the Munich Security Conference the role the Three Seas Initiative can play in strengthening the European Union and the transatlantic…

17:22, 26.04.2016

Grevă la Lufthansa. Aproximativ 900 de zboruri au fost anulate. peste 87.000 de pasageri vor fi afectaţi

Lufthansa a anunţat, marţi, că a anulat 895 de zboruri. Sindicatul german Verdi, iniţiator al mişcării de protest, a planificat o grevă pentru miercuri. Numai 40% din totalul de 1.500 de zboruri sunt prevăzute…