Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

21:05, 10.07.2024

Energy employers call on president not to promulgate law with retroactively applicable obligations

Energy employers call on president not to promulgate law with retroactively applicable obligations

The Employers' Organisation of Producers of Energy from Renewable Sources in Romania (PATRES) is calling on President Iohannis not to promulgate a law approving Government Emergency Ordinance 32/2024 passed last…

10:55, 22.05.2024

Universitatea Politehnica Timișoara, parteneră cu importante universități din China, în domeniul educației și al cercetării

Universitatea Politehnica Timișoara, parteneră cu importante universități din China, în domeniul educației și al cercetării

La invitația Ministerului de Comerț al Republicii Populare Chineze, reprezentat în România de Ambasada Chinei din București, o delegație de la Universitatea Politehnica Timisoara (UPT) a participat recent la Seminarul…

15:11, 22.04.2024

IntMin Predoiu: 112% increase in floating visa applications

IntMin Predoiu: 112% increase in floating visa applications

Interior Minister Catalin Predoiu said on Monday that at national level there is a 112% increase in the number of applications for floating visas compared to the elections four years ago."In the country the percentage…

23:30, 19.03.2024

Over 80,000 applications from 160 countries, submitted for scholarship program offered by Romania

A total of 81,914 applications from 160 countries outside the European Union were registered in the annual scholarship program offered by Romania, through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE), for the 2024-2025…

11:50, 19.03.2024

Number of foreign students who want to study in Romania is increasing

The number of foreign students who want to study in our country is increasing, almost 140,000 accounts have been created on the "Study in Romania" platform in order to submit applications for scholarships offered…

19:10, 15.03.2024

Romanians to have unique application to get rid of counters in relation with state

Romanians will have, by the end of this year, a unique application to get rid of counters and papers in the relationship with the state, the contract for the implementation of the application will be signed next…

11:20, 28.02.2024

Asylum applications in EU at highest level since 2015/16 crisis

Asylum applications in the European Union jumped 18% to 1.14 million in 2023, the highest level since the 2015-2016 migrant crisis, data from the European Union Agency for Asylum (EUAA) showed on Wednesday, according…

15:25, 15.02.2024

Application period of program to attract investments in production of audiovisual works-extended until end of 2026 (CultMin)

The period of application of the program to attract investments in the production of audiovisual works on the territory of Romania will extend until the end of 2026, with a new call for projects to be opened in…

16:00, 09.02.2024

Ministerul Economiei, Antreprenoriatului şi Turismului dă startul selecţiei naţionale pentru competiţia mondială ”Best Tourism Villages 2024”

”Ministerul Economiei, Antreprenoriatului şi Turismului (MEAT) dă startul selecţiei naţionale a localităţilor care aspiră la titlul de Best Tourism Villages!  Iniţiativa este premergătoare desfăşurării celei de-a…

20:15, 25.01.2024

Gov't regulates use of computer application making appointments with immigration authority

At a meeting on Thursday, the government approved an ordinance that regulates the use of the computer application that allows making appointments to submit the necessary documents to the local offices of the General…

12:40, 10.11.2023

National airline's trade unions request exemption from recent tax regulations

TAROM national airline's United Trade Union is requesting the government to exempt the company from the application of the provisions of Law 296/2023 on tax and budget measures because those measures "will place…

15:36, 26.10.2023

Cluj-Napoca-based start-up develops unique app helping waiters work remotely

Cluj-Napoca-based start-up develops unique app helping waiters work remotelyAn IT company in Cluj-Napoca has developed a unique application that allows registered waiters to work, regardless of where they are,…

19:45, 17.10.2023

Intotero: Measures to combat drug use - an application, caravans and aggressive campaigns for prevention

Intotero: Measures to combat drug use - an application, caravans and aggressive campaigns for preventionThe Minister of Family, Youth and Equal Opportunities, Natalia Intotero, announced on Tuesday several measures…

12:40, 05.10.2023

Artful Living, the premium application dedicated to on-demand services, developed by a Romanian start-up

A Romanian start-up announces the launch of the first application of premium services for home maintenance and personal care, following a 250,000 euro investment.The innovation was presented during this year's…

11:36, 03.10.2023

Job applications hit year-to-date high of one million-plus this September

Job applications hit a year-to-date high of more than one million this September, by about 10 percent more compared to September 2022, recruitment platform eJobs said.14.3 percent of the applications were for remote…

17:15, 19.09.2023

Development of evaluation platform and digital content production' applicant guide, in public consultation

Development of evaluation platform and digital content production' applicant guide, in public consultationThe Ministry of Education is launching on Tuesday, in public consultation, the Applicant's Guide for the…

12:36, 01.08.2023

Number of applications increase 30% in July from previous month (recruitment platform)

Number of applications increase 30% in July from previous month (recruitment platform)The number of applications increased by 30% in July, compared to June, although the supply of jobs remains at the previous month's…

17:35, 12.07.2023

Anunt privind demararea proiectului: “Development of IT application for remote operating and monitoring of solar farms “

SC ETHERSYS S.R.L., cu sediul in strada Gavril Lazar De Purcareti 9, Municipiul Satu Mare, Judetul Satu Mare , anunta inceperea implementarea proiectului: “Development of IT application for remote operating and…

20:56, 13.06.2023

CSM asks for appropriate phased application of amendments to magistrates' pensions

CSM asks for appropriate phased application of amendments to magistrates' pensions. The Supreme Council of the Magistracy (CSM) on Tuesday sent a letter to the European Commission in connection with a bill on the…

18:30, 30.05.2023

Cum integrezi influencer marketingul în planul tău de promovare

Pregătirea strategiei și a campaniilor de marketing pornește din biroul echipei de marketeri unde au loc sesiuni intense de brainstorming ce generează sute de idei. Din aceste sute de idei rămân doar câteva în…

13:26, 11.05.2023

Over 200 public statisticians protesting before Parliament for application of pay memorandum

Over 200 public statisticians protesting before Parliament for application of pay memorandum.More than 200 employees of the National Institute of Statistics (INS) are protesting today before INS main offices and…

17:16, 25.04.2023

STUDIU: Soluţiile de automatizare a proceselor de business generează o creştere a productivităţii de până la 87%, cu o recuperare totală a investiţiei…

”Pe fondul instabilităţii economice, al evenimentelor sociale şi geopolitice neprevăzute şi al unui deficit global de experţi în principalele domenii de activitate, companiile au tot mai multă nevoie de strategii…

10:55, 15.03.2023

Remote jobs offer falls first time in three years (eJobs)

Applications for remote jobs are at their highest level since 2020 so far, even though the number of positions offered for this type of work has fallen for the first time in the last three years, according to an…

16:56, 14.03.2023

Scholarships for researchers, cultural journalists and architects offered by the Romanian Cultural Institute

The Romanian Cultural Institute (ICR) will launch a call for applications in March, with eleven scholarships to be offered to researchers, cultural journalists and architects, the ICR said Tuesday in a press release…

16:50, 28.02.2023

Application of method of calculation for allowances of mayors and local councilors is constitutional

The president of the Constitutional Court of Romania (CCR), Marian Enache, declared on Tuesday that the application of the method of calculation for the allowances of mayors and local councilors is constitutional.…

14:16, 20.01.2023

MEP Tomac: EU Council finds deficiencies in application of Schengen acquis by Netherlands, besides Austria

The Council of the European Union has identified serious deficiencies in the application by the Netherlands of the Schengen acquis in the field of common visa policy, as well as deficiencies in the field of return,…

04:21, 15.01.2023

Leading Antivirus USA Programs

Top anti virus USA applications protect computer systems from malevolent infections, malware, and malwares. They also monitor websites designed for dangerous articles. Many come with a generous money-back guarantee.…

15:10, 10.01.2023

România devine o piață de importanță strategică pentru WEBCON, unul dintre cei mai importanți furnizori globali de platforme de aplicații low-code

WEBCON, una dintre cele mai importante companii la nivel global care oferă o platformă de aplicații de tip LCAP (Enterprise Low-code Application Platform) pentru automatizarea și gestionarea afacerilor, a decis…

11:55, 10.01.2023

Trends in 2023: Employees with two jobs, hybrid work and staff import (recruitment platform)

The jobs that attracted the most applications at the beginning of the year were those for remote sales agent, junior banker, data entry operator, debit collection operator and cashier in gambling halls, each of…

15:45, 05.01.2023

ANR cumpara servicii de intretinere si reparatii de software!

Contractul in valoare de 178.670 de lei a fost atribuit companiei Software Imagination amp; Vision, din Bucuresti. Potrivit Confidas.ro, platfoma consultata la data de 5 ianuarie 2023, SC Software Imagination amp;…