Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

19:06, 29.11.2022

Guvernul a adoptat o hotărâre pentru reaprobarea indicatorilor tehnico-economici ai obiectivului de investiţii ELI-NP

ELI-NP (Extreme Light Infrastructure-Nuclear Physics) este o infrastructură de cercetare complexă ce cuprinde tehnologii de ultimă generaţie în domeniul laserilor de mare putere, acceleratoarelor de electroni,…

13:00, 03.11.2022

Job advertisements with salary info receive 40 pct more applications

Job advertisements that also specify the salary range receive 40 percent more applications from job seekers, shows a statistical report by online recruitment platform BestJobs.According to BestJobs data published…

12:10, 01.11.2022

Finland urges Turkey, Hungary to swiftly approve Swedish, Finnish NATO bids

Finland‘s Prime Minister Sanna Marin on Tuesday urged Hungary and Turkey to swiftly approve the Swedish and Finnish applications for membership of the NATO defence alliance, according to Reuters.  Hungary and Turkey…

10:15, 01.11.2022

Un curs VBA te va ajuta sa gestionezi mai eficient volume mari de date! (P)

Omenirea a evoluat, de-a lungul ultimelor secole, printr-o serie de revolutii industriale care au schimbat, succesiv, fata planetei si fiecare sector al vietii sociale si economice. La baza primei revolutii industriale…

15:10, 28.10.2022

Three telecommunications operators submit applications for allocation of 5G frequencies

The National Communications Administration and Regulation Authority (ANCOM) received, by the October 27 deadline, three participation applications for the allocation of 555 MHz in the 700 MHz, 1500 MHz, 2600 MHz…

21:55, 23.09.2022

Save the Children Romania conducting social inclusion of migrants project

In the first half of 2022, Romania faced a record number of asylum applications - 7,525, including 4,359 applications submitted by Ukrainian citizens - and in response, the Save the Children Romania organisation…

10:30, 26.08.2022

Ce salarii au angajații de la Ubisoft România. Cât câștigă lunar un game tester, sau un manager de proiect

Ce salarii au angajații de la Ubisoft România. Cât câștigă lunar un game tester, sau un manager de proiect. Ubisoft România este un un pilon important al industriei de dezvoltare a jocurilor video din țara noastră,…

23:55, 10.08.2022

Government amends Law on application of Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction

The Government approved a draft modification of Law no. 369/2004 on the application of the Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction, bringing clarifications as to the authorities involved…

18:05, 04.07.2022

Universitatea Ovidius din Constanta anunta: Simpozionul International de Cultura, Arta si Protejare a Patrimoniului Cultural din Turcia

Activitati artistice a XVI a editie Universitatea Ovidius din Constanta, in parteneriat cu Aydin Adnan Menderes University Turkish Art and Culture Application and Research Center, Selccedil;uk University Turkish…

10:40, 10.06.2022

Sweden seeks progress in talks with Turkey over NATO membership

Swedish Foreign Minister Ann Linde said on Friday Sweden aims to make constructive progress in talks with Turkey over the Nordic country’s application to join NATO, according to Reuters. “Our application has received…

10:15, 18.05.2022

Finland, Sweden submit application to join NATO

Finland and Sweden formally applied to join the NATO alliance on Wednesday at allied headquarters, a decision spurred by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, and setting in motion an accession process that is expected…

11:50, 31.03.2022

Emergency call 112 application available in six languages, including Ukrainian

The Special Telecommunications Service (STS) informs that it has added new translations in the Apel 112 [Romania's emergency call application - editor's note] application, which now can be used in Romanian as well…

22:16, 18.03.2022

Arad authorities receive 63 school enrollment applications for Ukrainian child refugees

As many as 63 school enrollment applications for Ukrainian child refugees were submitted on Friday to the Arad County School Inspectorate (ISJ); the prospective students will be integrated into classes as of next…

22:55, 27.01.2022

LIOP: Payment applications submitted to the European Commission by end-2021 amount to 4.8bn euros

The total value of payment applications submitted to the European Commission under the Large Infrastructure Operational Program (LIOP) was 4.8 billion euros at the end of last year (52% of EU funds allocated to…

14:05, 13.01.2022

Government working group to resolve issues arising form application of Wage Law

President of the "Cartel ALFA" National Trade Union Confederation (CNS) Bogdan Hossu announced on Thursday, after the meeting of the Tripartite National Council for Social Dialogue, that next week, at the Government…

20:55, 23.12.2021

257,697 people have generated Passenger Locator Forms for entering Romania since launch of application

Over 250,000 people have generated Passenger Locator Forms for entering Romania, from the launch of the dedicated application until Thursday evening, at 18.00, the Strategic Communication Group (GCS) announced.…

12:00, 20.12.2021

GCS: Over 41,700 people have generated PLFs to enter Romania since launch of application

More than 41,700 people have generated digital forms to enter Romania since the launch of the application https://plf.gov.ro until Monday morning, at 10.00, according to data provided by the Special Telecommunications…

13:10, 03.12.2021

INTERVIU Tim Shepherd, Senior Director, Applications and Product Marketing, Bullitt Group: „România este o piață importantă pentru noi și suntem încântați…

Atunci când vrem să ne cumpărăm un smartphone nou de obicei ne gândim automat la un oarece model de iPhone, Smasung, Xiaomi, Huawei, Oppo etc. Însă nu ne ducem cu gândul atât de des spre un telefon rugged, chiar…

13:05, 03.12.2021

Tim Shepherd, Senior Director, Applications and Product Marketing, Bullitt Group: „România este o piață importantă pentru noi și suntem încântați să ne…

Atunci când vrem să ne cumpărăm un smartphone nou de obicei ne gândim automat la un oarece model de iPhone, Smasung, Xiaomi, Huawei, Oppo etc. Însă nu ne ducem cu gândul atât de des spre un telefon rugged, chiar…

09:56, 29.11.2021

Payments of 1.26 billion euros to 745,155 farmers having filed single payment application in 2021

The Agency for Agricultural Payments and Interventions (APIA) has completed the advance payment campaign for beneficiaries filed a single payment application in 2021, in which 745,155 farmers were declared eligible,…

09:00, 03.11.2021

USR's Ciolos: No need for another governing programme, but application calendar, to reduce tension risk

The chairman of the Save Romania Union (USR), Dacian Ciolos, stated on Tuesday, at private broadcaster B1TV, that if the coalition is restored a new governing programme is not necessary, but there is need for an…

19:05, 08.10.2021

Funds for young farmers used up before deadline

Romania's Paying Agency for Rural Investments (AFIR) says all the European funds allocated for the installation of young farmers, available at sub-measure (sM) 6.1 in the National Rural Development Programme 2014…

20:10, 07.10.2021

Ministry prepares release of productive investment measure under Competitiveness Operational Programme

An applicant's guide for measure 4.1.1. "Investment in productive activities" under Priority Axis 4 - Supporting the mitigation of the effects of the crisis amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, the Competitiveness Operational…

14:11, 23.09.2021

Gabriela Alexandrescu (Save the Children): Over 1,500 children - asylum seekers in Romania

Gabriela Alexandrescu, the executive president of the Save the Children Romania organization, said on Thursday that during the pandemic there were the most asylum applications in our country's history, namely 6,156,…

10:10, 15.09.2021

Ministry of Energy sends EIB first applications for financing strategic projects in energy sector

The Ministry of Energy sent on Tuesday to the European Investment Bank (EIB) the first applications for financing from the budget of the Modernization Fund nine strategic projects in the energy sector, with an…

17:30, 26.08.2021

PM Citu: We will prepare in detail application of the first stage of the electronic invoicing project

Prime Minister Florin Citu announced on Thursday that the Government will prepare in the next period the application of the first stage of the e-Invoicing project - electronic invoicing in the B2G (business to…

09:35, 20.08.2021

Traffic jam at border with Hungary; 1hr wait time at Nadlac II to exit Romania

One of the crossing points along the border with Hungary faces traffic jam on Friday morning, with the wait time for control of documents and transit at the Nadlac II crossing point (the pan-European highway) being…

17:25, 21.05.2021

Application submitted for 30m-euro gene bank funding under recovery, resilience plan

Agriculture Minister Adrian Oros said in Buzau on Friday that a project to finance investment in the Buzau Gene Bank was submitted under Romania's National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR). "We have included…

12:21, 18.05.2021

Romanian farmers seek EU subsidies for 9.82 ml hectares of farmland

Applications for European subsidies filed by Romanian farmers between March 1 and May 17, 2021 cover 9.82 million hectares, by 9,041 hectares more than last year, while the number of applications was by roughly…

11:35, 14.05.2021

Romania completes first report on international humanitarian law application nationwide

Romania's Foreign Ministry (MAE) welcomes the anniversary today of the International Humanitarian Law Day in Romania and reconfirms its commitment to acting to strengthen observance of the rules, and also to promoting…