Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

17:20, 10.05.2021

B9 Summit/Andrzej Duda: We meet amid Defender Europe exercise, true symbol of NATO's real power

Polish President Andrzej Duda said on Monday at the opening of the B9 Summit in Bucharest that the event takes place during the Defender Europe military exercise, noting that this is a symbol of "NATO's real power".…

21:05, 02.04.2021

Newly rolled out VR avatar to help children with ASD recognise emotions

The Blue Smile Association and Centric IT Solutions Romania launched today in Iasi a VR emotional expression recognition app intended for the therapy of autistic children; the roll-out of the application thus marked…

15:45, 15.02.2021

Help Net launches HelpLine, first application aimed at COVID-19 patients

Help Net launches HelpLine, the first mobile application in Romania dedicated to patients isolated at home following a positive Covid-19 test. According to a press release sent to AGERPRES on Monday, the application…

12:00, 05.02.2021

PM asks his Control Corps to investigate application of Measure 3 - investment grants for SMEs

Prime Minister Florin Citu announced on Friday that he has ordered an investigation by his Control Corps into how Measure 3 - investment grants for SMEs is applied, underscoring that he wants the money to reach…

21:25, 26.01.2021

Kelemen Hunor: Budget, parliamentary session, Justice laws, application of reforms - discussed with President Iohannis

The state budget for this year, the priorities of the new parliamentary session, the abolition of the Special Section and the laws of Justice, as well as the implementation of reforms were on the agenda of the…

17:05, 28.12.2020

Minister of Development Attila: We will analyze application of Administrative Code

The Minister of Development, Public Works and Administration, Cseke Attila, on Monday said that the application of the Administrative Code will be analyzed as a whole, with "some specific issues" regarding the…

21:00, 22.10.2020

EconMin Popescu: We received 19,789 applications for SME working capital loan scheme

The Minister of Economy, Virgil Popescu, on Thursday evening stated that there have been recorded 19,789 applications for the SME working capital loan scheme. "Today, at 11.00 am, we launched the 2nd financing…

14:45, 30.09.2020

SURPRIZĂ TOTALĂ: alimentul care s-a SCUMPIT cel mai mult în România, în luna august

Sugar is the food that became more expensive in September, compared to August, respectively by 14%, according to data provided for AGERPRES by the Competition Council, based on data from the Food Price Monitor,…

18:40, 13.08.2020

Gov't to consider extending state of alert by 30 days

At a meeting on Friday, the Orban Cabinet is scheduled to consider a decision to extend the state of alert by 30 days, from August 16, along with measures to be applied during it to prevent and combat the effects…

12:10, 10.08.2020

eJobs: This July's job appplications at record-high 1.3 million, 50 pct more than last year

More than 1.3 million job applications were registered in July on the online recruitment platform eJobs, 50% more than the same month last year, informs a press release sent to AGERPRES on Monday.The number of…

11:40, 28.07.2020

Record-high number of applications for Bucharest pregnancy assistance vouchers this summer

Bucharest general mayor Gabriela Firea announced that applications for the Materna pregnancy assistance vouchers this June and July are at a record high since the beginning of the program - almost 2,500 in each…

12:55, 02.07.2020

Raiffeisen Bank approved 1,000 loans worth a combined 500 ml lei under IMM Invest program

Raiffeisen Bank approved 1,000 loans worth a combined 500 million lei under the IMM Invest program for small and medium-sized businesses, the lender announced on Thursday, adding that it received more than 5,000…

13:13, 25.06.2020

Signify își extinde portofoliul de produse de iluminat cu radiații ultraviolete (UVC) ca răspuns la cererea sporită pentru sisteme de dezinfectare

Signify (Euronext: LIGHT), lider mondial în domeniul iluminatului, își mărește capacitatea de producție și își extinde portofoliul de produse cu radiații UVC. Compania își utilizează cei 35 de ani de expertiză…

13:31, 18.05.2020

Banks in Romania have solved 83pct of the 317,000 requests from customers to suspend installments

The banks in Romania have solved, two months after the onset of the health crisis generated by the COVID-19 pandemic, more than 83pct of the approximately 317,000 applications submitted by customers, individual…

12:33, 04.05.2020

Over 20,000 applications on SME Invest portal, sent to banks

Over 37,000 SMEs have so far registered on the SME Invest portal, and 20,139 applications have been sent to the banks chosen by the participants, the general manager of the National Credit Guarantee Fund for Small…

09:43, 28.04.2020

PM Orban regarding IMM Invest app launch: I have confidence it will work

Prime Minister Ludovic Orban said on Monday that the application which allows the IMM Invest programme to be operational will start to work on Tuesday and voiced his confidence that it was submitted to verifications,…

16:18, 24.04.2020

More than 600,000 employees, supported by furlough measure 16 through 31 March

More than 600,000 employees were supported by the furlough measure between 16 and 31 March 2020, alongside 50,000 other professionals, people working through PFA (authorised individual), family businesses or copyright…

15:33, 23.04.2020

PM Orban: 'SME Invest program will be operational as soon as possible'

Prime Minister Ludovic Orban said on Thursday that the SME Invest program will be operational "as soon as possible", stating that following the problems with the online application, another one, "one hundred percent…

13:15, 06.04.2020

Minister of Economy cautions digital signature on statements for Emergency Situation Certificate is mandatory

The statements for the issuance of the Emergency Situation Certificate must be uploaded with the applicant's digital signature in the application of the Ministry of Economy - prevenire.gov.ro, which has become…

16:39, 12.03.2020

Applications for microfinance submitted by small entrepreneurs, up 30pct (analysis)

The number of applications for microfinance submitted by owners of small businesses increased at the beginning of March by 30% over the previous months, show data released Thursday by a Romanian microfinance fintech…

00:07, 22.02.2020

EnviMin announces plans to set up a state-owned bear sanctuary to ease pressure on Zarnesti Libearty refuge

Acting Environment Minister Costel Alexe announced on Friday that his ministry will submit this month an application for an EU-funded project providing for setting up a bear sanctuary on land belonging to the Kronstadt…

17:40, 18.02.2020

Over 11,200 visa applications by foreigners approved in 2019

The General Inspectorate for Immigration (IGI) approved last year 11,241 visa applications and processed 43,844 applications for the extension of the right to temporary residency, as well as 1,375 long-term stay…

11:57, 02.12.2019

Former Prime Minister, MEP Mihai Tudose resigns from Pro Romania

Former Social Democrat Prime Minister, MEP Mihai Tudose resigned from the Pro Romania party, posting on Facebook his resignation application addressed to the formation's Braila organization.  ''Just that. For now…

10:27, 06.11.2019

Program on installation of photovoltaic panels to be resumed Wednesday

The program on the installation of photovoltaic panels for electricity production to cover the consumption demand and the supply of the surplus in the national grid will be resumed starting Wednesday, 6 November,…

12:37, 17.10.2019

Bienala de „desen contemporan” (caricatură), OSTEN 2020

Skopje, Macedonia de Nord Primim de la un vechi prieten al României și colaborator al presei de specialitate, Mice Jankulovski, anunțul unui eveniment de prim rang: Bienala de Desen Contemporan (caricatură), care…

18:37, 18.09.2019

President Iohannis: Decisions regarding application of CCR decision, to be made after publication and analysis of reasons

President Klaus Iohannis announced on Wednesday that his decisions regarding the implementation of the decision of the Constitutional Court of Romania (CCR) will be made after the publication of the reasons for…

17:28, 03.09.2019

Romanians are increasingly more active in searching for a job; number of applications up 11 pct in August

Romanians are increasingly more active in searching for a job, with the number of applications having increased by 11 per cent in August 2019, against the same month last year, according to data published by an…

20:14, 02.09.2019

Electoral Authority:17,740 vote by mail, 17,400 applications for new foreign polling stations registered so far

President of the Permanent Electoral Authority (AEP), Constantin-Florin Mituletu-Buica, said on Monday that 17,740 vote by mail applications and 17,400 applications for the establishment of polling stations abroad…

08:02, 28.08.2019

Managementul aplicațiilor, un job pentru care “trebuie să ai stomac”. Orice secundă de nefuncționalitate înseamnă bani pierduți

Application management outsourcing (AMO) este componenta industriei IT care se ocupă de managementul aplicațiilor, adică oferă mentenanță și consultanță pentru buna funcționare și dezvoltare a acestora.

16:07, 05.08.2019

Job applications received by companies this July up 18 pct from June (survey)

Romanians are eagerly looking for employment during the summer holidays as well, and companies received this July by 18 percent more job applications than in June and 5 percent more such applications YoY; finance…