Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

18:20, 20.06.2024

Total household and non-financial corporate debt keeps rising in 2023, yet at a slower pace

Total household and non-financial corporate debt keeps rising in 2023, yet at a slower pace

The total household and non-financial corporate debt kept an upward trend last year, yet at a significantly slowed-down rate of 4 percent, compared to 9 percent in 2022 and 12 percent in 2021, shows the 2023 Annual…

17:30, 20.06.2024

RON 13.5 bn end-of-2023 profit for Romanian banking sector

RON 13.5 bn end-of-2023 profit for Romanian banking sector

The Romanian banking sector's profit was RON 13.5 billion at the end of 2023, 34.3 percent higher compared to 2022, amid the upward evolution of the operating profit, as a result of the increase in net interest…

00:01, 29.07.2022

Non-performing loans rate drops 3.34pct in 2021

Last year, the rate of non-performing loans continued its downward trend from previous years, reaching the value of 3.34pct in December, compared to 3.71pct in December 2020, according to the 2021 Annual Report…

23:10, 28.07.2022

Investment expenses, 5% of GDP last year

Last year, investment expenses were 5% of GDP, a level similar to that recorded in the previous year, but under the conditions of a nominal GDP growth of 11.6%, according to the 2021 Annual Report of the Fiscal…

20:41, 04.07.2022

Romania's banking sector remains profitable in context of pandemic crisis (CNSM Report)

The Romanian banking sector remained profitable in the context of the pandemic crisis, registering a significant net financial result of 8.3 billion RON in 2021, due to the reduction of net expenses with the adjustments…

20:26, 04.07.2022

Risk in Romanian capital market stays high amid stock exchanges' fast, anticipatory response to stressors

The risk in the Romanian capital market stays high and on an upward tend amid the stock exchanges' fast and anticipatory response to any stressors that could disrupt economic, social or political developments,…

12:45, 25.04.2022

Ce lasă ca moștenire fostul CEO al Grupului NEPI Rockcastle – Alex Morar: un PROFIT operațional „operat” direct din PIX. Ce riscă micii investitori

Reporter Sfin: „A mai trecut un an și tot ceea ce au” cei de la Nepi sunt îndoielile stakeholderilor privind modul de obținere a rezultatelor financiare prezentate. Cu  ajutorul dvs. vom descurca aceste „inginerii…

13:05, 14.02.2022

Grupul NEPI cere ajutor de la micii investitori. Ce riscă aceștia

Grupul Nepi are nevoie de ajutor și apelează la împrumuturi ce vor fi finanțate, ca și până acum – tot de micii investitori, care vor rămâne DOAR cu un mare MINUS – în portofel, se arată într-un text apărut în…

22:32, 10.07.2019

BNR's Isarescu: Lending to poorly capitalized companies, simply jail for banker; solution - enterprise reform

Banks have money, but they cannot lend to poorly capitalized companies, that cannot give the money back, so the solution is enterprise reform and the rebuilding of confidence between the business environment and…

12:58, 26.09.2018

Moldova, pe locul 95 în topul celor mai libere economii din lume

Republica Moldova a urcat șapte poziții, pe locul 95, într-un clasament privind libertatea economică inclus în raportul Economic Freedom of the World: 2018 Annual Report realizat de institutul canadian Fraser,…

19:43, 07.06.2018

Cati civili a ucis Pentagonul in 2017

Este prima data cand un raport oficial al departamentului american al Apararii detaliaza numarul persoanelor civile in teatrele de operatiuni ale armatei americane. Luna trecuta, DoD (Department of Defense) a difuzat…

08:18, 12.03.2018

Hope and Home for Children a castigat Platinum Award la LACP 17 Vision Awards pentru cel mai bun raport anual

Raportul de activitate pentru anul 2016 al Fundatiei Hope and Homes for Children Romania a primit cea mai inalta distinctie – Platinum Award – la Vision Awards Anual Reports Competition 2016/17, concurs international…

16:53, 17.03.2017

In brief - NATO Secretary General’s Annual Report shows how the Alliance is adapting to face a more dangerous world

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg published his annual report today (Monday 13 March), showing how in 2016 the Alliance, “took further steps to keep our almost one billion citizens safe.”The repor