Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

10:31, 19.05.2022

Romania endorses investor-friendly amendments to Offshore Law

The Romanian Chamber of Deputies endorsed on Wednesday the amendments to the Offshore Law that were expected for years to unlock several investment projects in various development stages in the Romania’s Black…

17:25, 09.05.2022

Senate's Citu: Offshore law, voted on Wednesday; any amendment must be agreed in coalition

Senate President Florin Citu informed on Monday that the offshore law will be voted on Wednesday and will be sent "immediately" to the Chamber of Deputies, emphasizing that any amendment to this normative act must…

11:15, 15.03.2022

Rector Pricopie: Plagiarism is still plagiarism, regardless of possible legislative amendments

Rector of the Bucharest National School of Political and Administrative Studies (SNSPA) Remus Pricopie says that "plagiarism is still plagiarism" regardless of any legislative amendments, and the issue will never…

11:35, 14.03.2022

Senate's Citu urging Energy Ministry to come up with latest amendments to offshore drilling law

National leader of the National Liberal Party (PNL) Florin Citu said on Monday that the Ministry of Energy has to come up with the latest amendments to the offshore drilling law, adding that a governing coalition…

14:15, 09.03.2022

Senate President Citu: Bill on national security to reach Parliament next week, Constitution not to be amended

Senate President, Liberal leader Florin Citu stated on Wednesday that the draft law on national security and defense will reach Parliament next week, mentioning that the normative act will not bring amendments…

13:55, 09.02.2022

Amendments to rules of procedure of the Chamber of Deputies, adopted by plenary sitting

The plenary sitting of the Chamber of Deputies adopted, on Wednesday, with 202 votes "in favour", 91 votes "against" and 4 abstentions, a decision amending the regulations of the legislative forum. According to…

17:15, 07.02.2022

Ciolos stepping down as USR national chairman (sources)

On Monday, Dacian Ciolos announced he was stepping down as the national chairman of the Save Romania Union (USR). The announcement was made at a meeting of the USR National Bureau, political sources told AGERPRES.The…

21:50, 04.02.2022

Adriana Pistol announced amendments regarding PLF: fines drop, completion time increases

The secretary of state of the Ministry of Health, Adriana Pistol, announced on Friday a series of amendments to be included in the ordinance regarding the Passenger Location Form (PLF), namely the maximum term…

16:56, 04.02.2022

Declic: Ministry of Justice opposes amendment to law that would send children rapists to prison

The Declic Community is demanding for public explanations on Friday from Minister of Justice Catalin Predoiu, after the ministry led by him gave a negative opinion to the draft law that classifies as rape any sexual…

20:35, 20.12.2021

Speaker Ciolacu: In principle, no amendments exist to influence budget from those who proposed it

The Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies, Marcel Ciolacu, the leader of the Social Democratic Party (PSD), said on Monday that at the debate of the 2022 draft budgets in the Parliament, there are, in principle, no…

14:20, 14.12.2021

Amendment of nominal structure of permanent delegation to PACE, adopted by Parliament

- The Chamber of Deputies and the Senate adopted, in the joint session of Tuesday, the draft decision for the amendment of the annex to the Decision of the Romanian Parliament no. 7/2021 on the approval of the…

16:35, 06.12.2021

Csoma Botond: We need Constitution amendment; national minorities become constiuting factors of Romanian state

The leader of the Hungarian Democratic Union of Romania (UDMR) deputies, Csoma Botond, stated, on Monday, at the solemn session of Parliament dedicated to the Constitution, that the fundamental law must be amended,…

21:10, 04.10.2021

Draft amendment to Law on establishing "Danube Delta" Biosphere Reserve, tacitly adopted by the Senate

The legislative proposal for amending and supplementing Law no. 82/1993 on the establishment of the "Danube Delta" Biosphere Reserve initiated by PSD parliamentarians and a deputy from minorities, Ibram Iusein,…

12:41, 12.07.2021

Prime Minister Florin Citu: Budget amendment, presented in coalition, but decision on allocating money, in Government

Prime Minister Florin Citu declared on Monday, that the budget amendment will be presented in the ruling coalition, but the decision on how the funds will be allocated belongs to the Government. "Of course we will…

15:25, 22.03.2021

PM Citu: We have an ordinance prepared to suspend clubs that do not respect sanitary rules

Prime Minister Florin Citu announced on Monday that the Government has prepared an emergency ordinance to suspend activities of clubs and restaurants that do not respect the sanitary protection measures, in the…

09:10, 02.03.2021

Parliament suspends plenary sitting, to resume budget talks on Tuesday

Parliament suspended its joint plenary sitting debating the draft 2021 national budget at 02:00hrs this morning, planning to resume talks today at 10:00hrs, according to AGERPRES. Also considered today will be…

12:00, 22.02.2021

PM Citu on amendments to budget bill: PSD wants to take us out of EU

The amendments tabled by the Social Democratic Party (PSD) to the 2021 draft budget have a budgetary impact of almost 6 pct of the GDP, on Monday said Prime minister Florin Citu, adding that the Social-Democrats…

21:31, 03.02.2021

Gov't approves three-month extension of withdrawal deadline for IBRD healthcare reform loan proceeds

The government approved today the amendment regarding the three-month extension until March 31, 2021 of the deadline for the withdrawal of the proceeds of a 250 million euro IBRD loan granted for the reform of…

11:45, 14.01.2021

PM Citu announces Wage Law amendments to iron out inequities

For the 2021 budget blueprint, the government examines the situation of bonuses in the public sector to see which of them are justified, Prime Minister Florin Citu declared on Thursday, announcing also that the…

13:40, 13.01.2021

Constitutional Court: Law on state social insurance budget amendment on 2020, unconstitutional

The Constitutional Court of Romania (CCR) on Wednesday upheld the Government's referral to the law on the correction of the state social insurance budget for 2020, establishing that the normative act is unconstitutional,…

21:01, 11.01.2021

FBI avertizează că sunt așteptați protestatari înarmați înainte de inaugurarea lui Biden, dar și în ziua evenimentului de învestire

FBI a avertizat că protestatari înarmați sunt așteptați să participe la protestele programate în Washington, dar și în cele 50 de capitale ale statelor americane la inagurarea președintelui ales…

18:55, 07.01.2021

Un congresman republican cere înlăturarea lui Trump din funcție prin invocarea celui de-al 25-lea Amendament al Constituției SUA

Adam Kinzinger, un congresman republican din partea statului Illinois, a cerut joi invocarea celui de-al 25-lea Amendament al Constituției Statelor Unite pentru a-l înlătura pe președintele Donald Trump din…

15:10, 04.01.2021

Law on loan agreement between Romania and IBRD worth EUR 500 million, promulgated

President Klaus Iohannis promulgated on Monday the law for the ratification of the Loan Agreement (Programme based on results in the Romanian health sector) between Romania and the International Bank for Reconstruction…

20:01, 28.12.2020

Loan agreement between Romania, IBRD, worth 500ln euros, adopted

The Senate adopted, on Monday, the bill initiated by the Government regarding the ratification of the Loan Agreement (result-based program in Romania's health sector) between Romania and the International Bank…

11:56, 16.12.2020

MAI: No intention to promote amendment of military pensions system

The Ministry of Internal Affairs (MAI) mentions on Wednesday that there hasn't been, there is not and there will be no intent to promote, support or elaborate a legislative initiative in view of modifying the legal…

16:15, 04.12.2020

Voters allowed to travel until after midnight on election day

Amendments to the government decision on the state of alert put forth by the National Emergency Management Committee (CNSU) are to be approved today at a government meeting. "The CNSU decision has passed and there…

15:40, 25.11.2020

CCR: Amendment of law regarding system of unemployment insurance - constitutional

The Constitutional Court of Romania (CCR) rejected, on Wednesday, the constitutionality challenge regarding the amendment of Law no. 76/2002 regarding the system of unemployment insurance and stimulation of employment,…

13:55, 25.11.2020

CCR: Amendments to pay law - unconstitutional (sources)

On Wednesday, the Romanian Constitutional Court (CCR) admitted the Liberals' notification regarding the amendment and supplementation of the Framework Law 153/2017 on the remuneration of staff paid from public…

12:25, 18.11.2020

Budget deficit to rise to 9.1 of GDP after amendment

The budget deficit will rise to 9.1% of the Gross Domestic Product at the budget amendment that will be adopted in the next period, Minister of Finance Florin Citu told a press conference on Wednesday, accoridng…

16:45, 10.11.2020

PNL: Through amendment regarding reopening of markets in enclosed spaces, PSD proved populism more important

The National Liberal Party (PNL) are criticizing the Social Democratic Party (PSD) for the amendment that was voted in Parliament regarding the reopening of markets in enclosed spaces, claiming that for Social…