Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

13:51, 14.10.2020

Chamber passes amendments to pay law to increase pay to civil servants

On Wednesday, the Chamber of Deputies passed a bill that provides, among other things, for an increase in the pay to civil servants and contract staff employed by Presidential Administration, the General Secretariat…

15:55, 07.10.2020

Court rules amendments to Court of Auditors' statutes unconstitutional

On Wednesday, the Romanian Constitutional Court (CCR) took up constitutionality objections raised by President Klaus Iohannis and the government over a piece of legislation amending and supplementing the statutes…

21:11, 30.09.2020

JusMin Predoiu: Amendment of Justice laws - in public debate until March 31, 2021

Justice Minister, Catalin Predoiu, announced the start of the public debate, to last until March 31, 2021, of the proposals to amend the Justice laws - Law 303/2004 regarding the status of judges and prosecutors,…

16:30, 22.09.2020

UPDATE1 Parliament: Budget revision, passed with PSD's amendment on 40% increase in pension point

The plenary session of Parliament passed, on Tuesday, the budget revision for 2020 with the Social Democratic Party's (PSD) amendment regarding the increase in the pension point by 40%. There were 242 votes in…

16:30, 22.09.2020

UPDATE Parliament: Budget revision, passed with PSD's amendment on 40% increase in pension point

The plenary session of Parliament passed, on Tuesday, the budget revision for 2020 with the Social Democratic Party's (PSD) amendment regarding the increase in the pension point by 40%. There were 242 votes in…

16:25, 22.09.2020

Parliament: Budget revision, passed with PSD's amendment on 40% increase in pension point

The plenary session of the Parliament passed, on Tuesday, the budget revision for 2020 with the Social Democratic Party's (PSD) amendment regarding the increase in the pension point by 40%. There were 242 votes…

14:25, 21.09.2020

Parliament to meet in plenary sitting, on Tuesday, for budget revision

Parliament is meeting in plenary sitting, on Tuesday, starting 13:00 hrs, for the budget revision.The decision was made on Monday by the Joint Standing Bureaus of the Senate and Chamber of Deputies. The budget…

13:15, 20.09.2020

Orban, dissatisfied with amendments to budget revision: Budget-Finance committee report triggers Romania's bankruptcy

Prime Minister Ludovic Orban said on Saturday that the National Liberal Party (PNL) will negotiate, in Parliament's plenary sitting, the modification of the Joint Budget and Finance Committee report, through which…

19:21, 16.09.2020

Local Elections2020/Orban: PSD has bankrupted Romania; generated expenditures of 6.3% of GDP through amendments to revision

Chairman of the National Party (PNL), Prime Minister Ludovic Orban, accuses PSD of "bankrupting Romania" by adopting certain amendments to the budget revision in the parliamentary committees that would generate…

16:51, 14.09.2020

Chamber of Deputies: Romanians abroad will be able to vote in parliamentary elections over two days

The plenary sitting of the Chamber of Deputies has adopted on Monday an amendment to the draft law regarding the modification and amendment of some laws in the electoral domain, according to which Romanian voters…

10:01, 09.09.2020

PSD's Ciolacu about pension increase by 40 pct: We believe the amendment will pass joint plenum

The chairman of the Social Democratic Party (PSD), Marcel Ciolacu, stated on Tuesday night for the private broadcaster Romania TV that he had discussions with several parliamentary group leaders about the amendment…

13:15, 22.08.2020

PSD Extraordinary Congress: Amendments to statute adopte; CExN becomes National Political Council

The Extraordinary Congress of the Social Democrat Party (PSD) adopted, on Saturday, the amendments and alterations to the statute. According to the announcement made by Senator Robert Cazanciuc, 1376 votes for…

16:30, 21.08.2020

Iohannis refers law on restitution of forest land to Constitutional Court

President Klaus Iohannis on Friday referred to the Constitutional Court of Romania (CCR) the bill on the amendment of Law No. 165/2013 on measures for the completion of the process of restitution, in kind or by…

12:50, 11.08.2020

EduMin Anisie: We are preparing OUG to regulate online education and amendments to Law 55/2020

The Government is preparing an emergency ordinance on online education for the school and academic year 2020-2021, as well as a draft law necessary for the physical presence at courses, allowing the decentralization…

15:15, 14.07.2020

Chamber: Amendments to Emergency Ordinance on COVID-19 information campaign

The Chamber of Deputies adopted, on Tuesday, the emergency ordinances of the Government on the organization and unfolding of public information campaigns in the context of the epidemiological situation caused by…

21:43, 25.06.2020

PM Orban regarding CCR decision: We must be prepared with any necessary amendment of legislation

Prime Minister Ludovic Orban stated on Thursday that the Government must be prepared with any necessary amendment of the legislation, if following the decision of the Constitutional Court articles that create the…

09:00, 19.06.2020

Supreme Court notifies CCR about amendments to Criminal Code regarding parole

The Joint Sections of the High Court of Cassation and Justice (ICCJ) decided on Thursday to notify the Constitutional Court about a law amending the Criminal Code on the benefit of parole for crimes against the…

19:01, 18.06.2020

Trump acuză Curtea Supremă a SUA de "decizii oribile și cu încărcătură politică" / "Aveți impresia că nu mă place Curtea Supremă?"

Președintele american Donald Trump a reacționat joi pe Twitter la puțin timp după decizia Curții Supreme de a respinge abrogarea unui program pentru &"Visători&", măsură care ar fi permis administrației să deporteze…

09:19, 29.05.2020

Gov't approves amendment of state of alert decision to allow ease of lockdown in several sectors

Government has approved the modification of Annex 3 to the government decision on the state of alert in order to allow the ease of lockdown in several sectors beginning with June 1, according to the measures adopted…

17:12, 26.05.2020

President promulgates law on tax exemption of buildings where family medicine offices operate

President Klaus Iohannis on Tuesday has promulgated the Law for the amendment of Art. 456 para (1) letter h) of Law 227/2015 on the Fiscal Code according to which the buildings in which the family medicine offices…

17:12, 08.05.2020

President Iohannis notifies CCR regarding amendments to Competition Law

President Klaus Iohannis sent on Friday a notification of unconstitutionality to the Constitutional Court of Romania (CCR) regarding the Law for the approval of Government Emergency Ordinance No.39/2017 regarding…

14:33, 18.04.2020

Șoc mondial: Trump sprijină manifestanții anti-izolare?! Cere ”eliberarea” statelor!

BUCUREȘTI, 18 apr - Sputnik. Donald Trump pare să-i sprijine pe manifestanţii care protestează faţă de măsurile de izolare dure luate în SUA de mai mulți guvernatori democrați, comentează agenții internaționale…

18:20, 12.02.2020

Acting JusMin Predoiu: Discussions with a EU delegation on the amendment of the Justice Laws

Acting Justice Minister Catalin Predoiu has met on Wednesday with members of a European Commission delegation who is in Romania within a Co-operation and Verification Mechanism (CVM) assessment mission, with the…

16:03, 12.02.2020

Court sustains constitutionality objection over gov't's dealing with OUG 114

The Constitutional Court of Romania (CCR) has sustained a constitutionality objection filed by the Social Democratic Party (PSD) over the government's assuming responsibility for Emergency Ordinance (OUG) 114/2018,…

11:56, 30.01.2020

Ombudsman: Amendments to liberalization of national health programs should be debated under ordinary legislative procedure

The Ombudsman believes that the changes made to the healthcare system regarding the liberalization of national health programs should be debated through ordinary legislative procedure."The Ombudsman considers that…

09:16, 09.01.2020

PM Orban says funding for political parties decreased by 30 percent

Prime Minister Ludovic Orban stated on Wednesday that the State Budget Law introduced an amendment decreasing the funding for the political parties by 30 percent. "We don't know who gets more money, I haven't made…

21:08, 05.01.2020

Inițiativele președintelui Kazahstanului, Tokayev, privind siguranța publică, domnia legii și drepturile omului

The President of Kazakhstan, H.E. Mr. Kassym-Jomart Tokayev’s initiatives on public safety, the rule of law and human rights The goal of President Tokayev, since his inauguration, has been to position himself as…

13:55, 23.12.2019

PM Orban: We've analyzed the amendments; we will probably approve some of them

Prime Minister Ludovic Orban on Monday stated that a series of the amendments brought to the draft laws the Government prepared to assume responsibility in Parliament for would be approved.  "We will have to review…

13:00, 23.12.2019

Barna, after meeting PM: Important victory, prorogation of special pensions for mayors by one year

Save Romania Union (USR) proposed more than 60 amendments to the law on the state budget for 2020, among which one referring to the postponement of the application of the law on introducing special pensions for…

20:05, 17.12.2019

Gov't to approve in Wednesday's meeting amendments to OUG 114 and state budget draft (sources)

The Government is going to approve in the meeting on Wednesday next year's state budget draft law and the draft law for the amendment of Government Emergency Ordinance (OUG) 114, governmental sources told AGERPRES.…