Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

16:00, 10.01.2024

Bulgaria, Romania, Turkey to sign Black Sea demining agreement

Bulgaria, Romania and Turkey will sign a memorandum of understanding to set up a naval group to tackle increased mine threat in the Black Sea posed by Russia’s war in Ukraine, the Defence Ministry in Sofia said…

14:20, 03.01.2024

100 million euro loan from World Bank to improve judicial services

Romania will receive a 100 million euro loan from the World Bank (International Bank for Reconstruction and Development - IBRD) to improve judicial services, according to the agreement ratified by law on Wednesday…

13:50, 03.01.2024

US, Romanian workers' pension rights, mutually ensured

The pension rights of Romanian and US workers working on the territory of the other state will be granted on the basis of new provisions included in the Agreement on Social Security between Romania and the United…

12:35, 28.12.2023

Over 240 refugees from Timisoara Emergency Transit Center, relocated to other states in 2023

241 people from the western Timisoara Emergency Transit Center were relocated this year to other countries such as Norway - 193, Great Britain - 24, The Netherlands - 23, Canada - 1, the General Inspectorate for…

11:45, 21.12.2023

Radu Constantea, reproșuri pentru Cristi Balaj, în direct, înainte de CFR – ”U” Cluj: „Aveam un gentlemen's agreement, ei nu s-au ținut de el”

Este o atmosferă tensionată înaintea duelului dintre cele două rivale din Cluj! Oficialii formației din Gruia au încercat prin orice mijloace să limiteze posibilitatea ca suporterii Universității Cluj să își cumpere…

10:30, 21.12.2023

Romanian MEPs challenge Schengen blockade, point to new EU migration deal

Two Romanian MEPs argue that with EU institutions adopting a political agreement, which for the first time lays down a harmonised approach to migration management for the bloc, Austria no longer has any valid grounds…

15:30, 20.12.2023

Romanian MEPs maintain Austria has no excuse for blocking Schengen extension

Austria no longer has any excuse to oppose the accession of Romania and Bulgaria to Schengen after an agreement was reached on Wednesday on a broad reform of the European policy on asylum and migration, state Save…

08:55, 19.12.2023

UDMR's Kelemen Hunor: I don't agree to tax increases, collection is at catastrophic level

UDMR's Kelemen Hunor: I don't agree to tax increases, collection is at catastrophic levelHungarian Democratic Union of Romania (UDMR) Chairman Kelemen Hunor said on Monday evening that he does not agree with tax…

08:35, 18.12.2023

Romania reaches agreement on Bystroe canal with Ukraine

Romania and Ukraine have successfully resolved a decades-long dispute concerning the Bystroe Canal, in which Ukraine is permitted to proceed with the development of the canal with the condition that the project…

14:25, 14.12.2023

Finland to sign defence pact with US

Finland will sign a defence cooperation agreement with the United States on Monday that will bring US soldiers and military material to aid in the Nordic nation’s defence, the Finnish government said on Thursday,…

09:40, 14.12.2023

Agreena atinge pragul de 2 mil. ha înscrise în platforma sa pentru agricultura carbonului

Compania de agrotehnologie Agreena și-a confirmat poziția de lider în Europa prin anunțul conform căruia platforma sa de sechestrare a carbonului în sol a înregistrat 2 milioane de hectare înscrise în 17 țări europene.…

21:31, 11.12.2023

Senate passes draft law for ratification of Agreement in field of social security between Romania, U.S.

Senate passes draft law for ratification of Agreement in field of social security between Romania, U.S.The Senate passed on Monday unanimously the draft law for the ratification of the Agreement in the field of…

08:51, 11.12.2023

Reactions to Austria's announcement regarding the lifting of air borders for Romania in the Schengen area

The social-democrat prime minister Marcel Ciolacu announced, on Saturday evening, that Austria "has made its position more flexible" regarding the Schengen area and agrees with the lifting of air borders for Romania."We…

13:21, 09.12.2023

Europe agrees landmark AI regulation deal

Europe on Friday reached a provisional deal on landmark European Union rules governing the use of artificial intelligence including governments’ use of AI in biometric surveillance and how to regulate AI systems…

11:30, 01.12.2023

OPEC+ agrees to deepen voluntary oil output cuts

OPEC+ oil producers on Thursday agreed to voluntary output cuts totalling about 2.2 million barrels per day (bpd) for early next year led by Saudi Arabia rolling over its current voluntary cut, according to Reuters. …

10:50, 29.11.2023

EU members reach preliminary agreement on reducing industrial emissions

EU member countries and the European Parliament said Wednesday they have reached a preliminary agreement on curbing industrial emissions, including those from intensive poultry and pig farms and from ore mines,…

21:00, 28.11.2023

Nuclearelectrica and consortium led by AtkinsRealis sign agreement to refurbish unit 1 of Cernavoda nuclear plant

Nuclearelectrica and consortium led by AtkinsRealis sign agreement to refurbish unit 1 of Cernavoda nuclear plantNuclearelectrica, together with Candu Energy Inc. (CEI), a subsidiary of the Montreal-based SNC-Lavalin…

14:30, 27.11.2023

German government to agree budget fixes as way out of crisis

Germany‘s ruling coalition was expected to agree a supplementary budget on Monday that will temporarily lift a self-imposed cap on borrowing limits after a constitutional court ruling tore up the government’s spending…

17:50, 18.11.2023

Ar fi cel mai scump român din istorie! Italienii au aflat cât cere Genoa pentru Radu Drăgușin: „Au un gentlemen's agreement”

Jurnaliștii italieni scriu că Radu Drăgușin (21 de ani) are un acord cu Genoa, clubul la care este legitimat: fundașul semnează prelungirea până în 2028, „grifonii” îi promit că îi vor permite să plece în schimbul…

22:25, 17.11.2023

Derco, Aerostar sign Agreement for maintenance of F-16 fleet of the Romanian Air Force

Derco, Aerostar sign Agreement for maintenance of F-16 fleet of the Romanian Air ForceDerco, a Lockheed Martin group company, signed an agreement with Aerostar S.A. for the repair of landing gear, wheels and brakes…

18:50, 16.11.2023

Agreement with EBRD on assistance for implementation of projects financed from EU funds, updated by Gov't

Agreement with EBRD on assistance for implementation of projects financed from EU funds, updated by Gov'tThe Government updated on Thursday, through a decision, some technical provisions of the Agreement between…

11:10, 15.11.2023

EU agrees law to hit fossil fuel imports with methane emissions limit

The European Union reached a deal on Wednesday on a law to place methane emissions limits on Europe‘s oil and gas imports from 2030, pressuring international suppliers to clamp down on leaks of the potent greenhouse…

14:46, 09.11.2023

EU aims to resolve US steel dispute by year end

The European Commission is aiming to reach an agreement on steel and aluminium with the United States by the end of the year to bring a definitive end to US import tariffs on the metals, Commission Vice President…

10:50, 07.11.2023

Scholz agrees to ease burden on regions from migrant influx

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s ruling coalition agreed to help ease the burden on regional and local administrations struggling to cope with rising numbers of refugees and other migrants, according to Bloomberg.…

08:35, 05.11.2023

Săptămâna de lucru de 4 zile. Ministrul german de Finanțe nu agreează propunerea. Care sunt motivele

Ministrul german al Finanţelor, Christian Lindner a respins ideea că săptămâna de lucru de patru zile, la acelaşi salariu, va deveni regula în cea mai mare economie a Europei, transmite Bloomberg.

10:41, 19.10.2023

Romania signs solidarity lane agreement with Ukraine

Romanian Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu and his Ukrainian counterpart, Denys Shmyhal, signed an agreement in Kyiv on Wednesday to ensure the secure transit of Ukrainian products and the development of border crossings…

11:30, 16.10.2023

Biden se gândește să meargă în Israel, în următoarele zile. El nu agreează ca Israelul să ocupe Fâşia Gaza: ”e o mare greşeală ”

Preşedintele Joe Biden se gândește-te la o călătorie în Israel în următoarele zile, dar nu a fost stabilit încă nimic clar, a declarat duminică un înalt oficial al administraţiei SUA, potrivit AP. Deplasare lui…

21:26, 12.10.2023

Romanian-Ukrainian agreement for mutual recognition of study documents, ratified by government

On Thursday, the gov't adopted a draft law for the ratification of the Agreement between the Government of Romania and the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine regarding the mutual recognition of educational documents.The…

19:05, 12.10.2023

Cereal imports from Ukraine, only on the basis of a marketing agreement, issued by Agriculture Ministry

Imports of wheat, corn, sunflower and soybeans from Ukraine will only be allowed on the basis of a marketing agreement issued by the Ministry of Agriculture (MADR) and only for farmers and processors who demonstrate…

21:15, 06.10.2023

Ciolacu, răspuns pentru Florin Cîţu: N-a înţeles nimic / După cum a condus şi ţara printr-un accident total întâmplător

Marcel Ciolacu a fost întrebat, vineri seară, la Râmnicu Vâlcea, despre acuzaţiile fostului premier Florin Cîţu potrivit cărora ar avea o înţelegere cu Coca-Cola. ”N-a înţeles nimic cel care m-a acuzat. După cum…