Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

13:55, 24.02.2022

MApN does not confirm information regarding possible Russian aggression in Snake Island area

Ministry of National Defence (MApN) says it does not confirm information regarding a possible Russian aggression in the area around Snake Island, Agerpres reports. Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri. Urmărește…

11:35, 24.02.2022

Union of Ukrainians in Romania condemns aggression of Russian Federation, calls for responsibility

The Council of the Union of Ukrainians in Romania (UUR) expresses its solidarity with the Ukrainian people and strongly condemns the armed aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, after recognizing…

10:11, 24.02.2022

Prime Minister Ciuca convenes task force to manage situation generated by Russian military aggression in Ukraine

Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca has convened on Thursday, at the level of the Government, the task force to manage the situation generated by the Russian military aggression in Ukraine, Agerpres reports. Fii la curent…

08:30, 24.02.2022

Senate's Citu: Russia's aggression to suffer strongest, fastest reaction from international community

The President of the Senate, leader of the liberals Florin Citu, strongly condemns the military aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, Agerpres reports. Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri. Urmărește…

08:30, 24.02.2022

Catalin Drula (USR): Russian aggression cannot be justified or accepted in any way

The interim chairman of Save Romania Union (USR), Catalin Drula, affirms that the Russian aggression cannot be justified or accepted in any way, and the Russian Federation must now bear the full force of international…

20:20, 23.02.2022

ForMin: Romania welcomes adoption of package of sanctions targeting Russian officials; we stand united against aggression

Romania welcomes the package of sanctions adopted by the European Union in the context of the tensions between Russia and Ukraine, Romanian Foreign Affairs Minister Bogdan Aurescu said on Wednesday, adding that…

15:51, 09.02.2022

PNL's Stroe: Aggression and violence should not become rules of conduct in Parliament

Aggression and violence should not become the norm in Parliament, spokesman for the National Liberal Party (PNL) Ionut Stroe said on Wednesday alluding to recent amendments to the Rules of Procedure of the Chamber…

23:30, 07.02.2022

Prime Minister disapproves of the act of aggression in Parliament against a member of the Government

Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca disapproves of the act of aggression against a member of the Government, during a debate in the Parliament and calls for "decency and responsibility". "This reprehensible gesture, which…

16:50, 02.02.2022

We must be very well prepared to counter aggressive actions, President Iohannis says

The risks and threats to regional, European and Euro-Atlantic security have increased, said President Klaus Iohannis on Wednesday, in Campia Turzii, pointing out that Romania needs to be very well prepared "to…

08:45, 31.01.2022

USR's Ciolos: Increased trivialization of violence, aggressiveness in Romanian politics will lead to acts of agression

The trivialization of violence and increased aggressiveness in Romanian politics will soon lead to actual acts of aggression, warns USR (Save Romania Union) leader Dacian Ciolos, Agerpres reports. "After the Mogosoaia…

20:45, 27.01.2022

Bode: The novelty in amending highway legislation - defining aggressive driving

The government approved amending and supplementing Emergency Ordinance 195/2002 on traffic on public roads and introduced new penalties for drivers violating the highway legislation, taking into account the objective…

12:40, 09.12.2021

DefMin Dincu: Russia has a plan to strengthen military posture; future aggression possible against Hungary

The Minister of National Defence, Vasile Dincu, said on Thursday that Russia has a "comprehensive plan" to strengthen its military presence in the region, with significant potential for aggression against Ukraine,…

18:00, 25.07.2021

Cimpeanu: A fourth wave of pandemic, not so aggressive as to cause problems for educational process

Education Minister Sorin Cimpeanu has said he is convinced that a possible wave four of the COVID-19 pandemic will not be so aggressive as to prevent the normal development of the educational process. He stressed…

17:45, 13.07.2021

Senate's Dragu: Many women hesitate to pursue a public office because of the aggressiveness

:23 Nr afisări buton paus. Senate President Anca Dragu says many women are reluctant to pursue a public office because of the "aggressiveness" that comes along with such position, as their personal lives are invaded…

13:35, 09.06.2021

USR PLUS condemns the aggression against the mayor of Sector 1, Clotilde Armand

USR PLUS (Save Romania Union - Freedom, Unity, Solidarity Party) condemns the aggression that took place on Wednesday morning against the mayor of district 1 of the Capital City, Clotilde Armand, opining that she…

19:45, 03.06.2021

PNL's Gorghiu: Safety of minors is a priority for current majority

PNL (National Liberal Party Senator Alina Gorghiu has said that the Chamber of Deputies voted on Thursday the imprescription of serious crimes such as slavery, trafficking in human beings and minors, pimping, sexual…

11:16, 24.08.2020

Väderstad prezintă noua daltă Marathon 15/25 pentru solul greu

Așa cum i-a obișnuit pe fermieri, producătorul scandinav de utilaje agricole premium din localitatea Väderstad, Suedia, a lansat pe piață încă o piesă valoroasă pentru agricultura de astăzi, confirmându-și încă…

12:55, 18.06.2020

FOTO Cum arată un F-16 Fighting Falcon vopsit ca un avion de luptă rusesc Su-57

Tehnicienii de la baza americană Hill Air Force au realizat o schimbare detaliată de imagine la un F-16 Fighting Falcon, acesta fiind pictat cu un model &"fantomă&" similar cu schema de vopsire digitalizată folosită…

12:19, 16.06.2020

Chamber's Deputy Speaker urgently calls for adoption of legal provisions to stop cases of aggression, violence

The Deputy Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies, the Liberal Marilen Pirtea, on Tuesday resumed his call for the urgent adoption of some stronger legal provisions to stop cases of aggression and violence."It is unacceptable…

17:14, 20.02.2020

PM-designate Orban, about hearings of proposed ministers: So much aggressiveness I've rarely seen

Prime Minister designate, Ludovic Orban, congratulated on Thursday, at the start of the Government sitting, all the Cabinet members for the way they faced the debates in the specialty committees and mentioned that…

17:27, 25.11.2019

UDMR's Biró Rozália: Data on domestic violence in country horrifying

The UDMR (Hungarian Democratic Union of Romania) MP Biró Rozália said on Monday, on the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, that the statistical data in Romania regarding domestic violence…

21:36, 07.11.2019

#PresidentialElection2019/Dancila: PSD will be the toughest, most aggressive Opposition party

The Social Democratic Party (PSD) will be the "toughest", "most aggressive" and "best" Opposition party, and the current Power will remain in the collective memory as "the cruelest" and "most incompetent" "Government,…

21:45, 03.06.2019

Romania's aggregate government deficit doubles in April to 1.1pct of GDP from March 2019

Romania's aggregate government deficit more than doubled in April 2019, to 11.4 billion lei, or 1.1pct of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), from 5.5 billion lei (0.54 pct of GDP) as recorded at the end of March…

20:16, 14.05.2019

IntMin Carmen Dan: Witnessing aggressive campaign, I have however called for rigor in law enforcement

Interior Minister Carmen Dan said on Tuesday in Oradea that this electoral campaign has an aggressive peculiarity, underlining the fact that "there have been no cases where we came across demonstrations and counter-demonstrations…

17:07, 06.05.2019

Watchdog report indicates August 10 saw most, most serious aggression against journalists in 2018-2019

The street protest of August 10, 2018, saw the most and most serious and aggressive behaviours against journalists, "aggression coming from the law enforcement forces, which should have ensured the protection of…

09:20, 26.11.2018

Prima reacție a MAE, după capturarea a trei nave ucrainene de către Rusia

Reprezentanții Ministerului Afacerilor Externe (MAE) au transmis, luni, că sunt îngrijorați de incidentul petrecut în strâmtoarea Kerci, aflată în apropierea României. Trei nave ale marinei Ucrainei au fost atacate…

22:44, 09.11.2018

DefMin Fifor says Black Sea region faces Russia's aggressive intention to militarise it

Romanian Defence Minister Mihai Fifor said on Friday during a visit to the 57th Mihai Kogalniceanu Air Base that the region finds itself in a "complex security situation" amidst "the aggressive attitude of the…

13:31, 30.10.2018

Romania's gov't deficit widens to 16.8 billion lei, or 1.77%pct of GDP, nine months into 2018

The implementation of Romania's national aggregate budget in the first nine months of 2018 ended on a deficit of 16.8 billion lei, or 1.77pct of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), up by 10 billion lei over a 6.8…

00:27, 29.09.2018

Romania's gov't deficit reaches 14.6 billion lei, or 1.54 pct of GDP, Jan.-Aug. 2018

The implementation of Romania's aggregate national budget in the first eight months of 2018 ended on a deficit of 14.6 billion lei, or 1.54 percent of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), more than double the one…

17:16, 27.07.2018

Cum a functionat manipularea prin Facebook pentru Brexit

Pentru campania Vote Leave s-au cheltuit peste 2,7 miliarde de lire sterline pe reclame pe Facebook. Scopul era convinsul oamenilor sa voteze ca Marea Britanie sa paraseasca Uniunea Europeana. Ceea ce s-a si intamplat,…