Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

21:46, 20.03.2024

Bookfest Timisoara Book Fair opens its doors on Thursday with significant book offer

The 11th edition of the Bookfest Timisoara Book Fair, which will take place between March 21 and 24, opens its doors on Thursday, from 12:00, at the Regional Business Center in Timisoara, featuring book releases,…

18:45, 20.03.2024

ForMin Odobescu welcomes American-Romanian Business Council delegation

Foreign Minister Luminita Odobescu on Wednesday welcomed a delegation of the American-Romanian Business Council (AMRO) led by AMRO Executive President Eric Stewart. According to the Foreign Ministry, the meeting…

23:30, 19.03.2024

Over 80,000 applications from 160 countries, submitted for scholarship program offered by Romania

A total of 81,914 applications from 160 countries outside the European Union were registered in the annual scholarship program offered by Romania, through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE), for the 2024-2025…

22:00, 19.03.2024

ForMin Odobescu signs International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies agreement

Romanian Foreign Minister Luminita Odobescu on Tuesday signed an agreement between the Government of Romania and the International Committee of the Red Cross on the privileges and immunities of the International…

11:50, 19.03.2024

Non-resident visitor spending in Romania at RON 2,675 per person in 2023

Non-resident visitors to Romania housed in collective tourist accommodation establishments spent in 2023 RON 2,675/person on average, as 50.6 percent of these travelers came to Romania for a private purpose, shows…

15:55, 16.03.2024

The arrears of consolidated general budget, up by 25.35% in January 2024

The arrears of the consolidated general budget increased by 25.35%, in January 2024, compared to the previous month, to 351 million RON, from 280 million RON in December 2023, according to the data published on…

13:50, 16.03.2024

Four men detained for poaching

Four men were detained for 24 hours for poaching, the General Inspectorate of the Romanian Police (IGPR) announced on Saturday. According to a press release from the IGPR, sent to AGERPRES, during the day on Friday…

11:40, 16.03.2024

424,536 beneficiaries of pensions and allowances provided for by special laws, in February 2024

As many as 424,536 people benefited, in February 2024, from pensions and allowances provided for by special laws, according to data centralized by the National House of Public Pensions (CNPP), Agerpres reports.…

19:40, 14.03.2024

Government modifies multi-year budget related to reforms and investments assumed through PNRR

On Thursday, the government modified the multi-year budget related to the reforms and investments assumed through the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR). The measure was adopted by a decision to amend…

19:30, 14.03.2024

Unemployment rate in Bucharest falls slightly in February to 0.85%

The unemployment rate registered in Bucharest was 0.85% in February 2024, down from 0.86% in the previous month, data from the Municipal Employment Agency (AMOFM) show According to the source, out of a total of…

19:30, 14.03.2024

More than 65 tons of high fiscal risk goods, confiscated at Bechet Border Crossing Point

The inspectors from the General Directorate for Fiscal Fraud (DGAF), in collaboration with the Border Police, identified and seized at Bechet, a port on the Danube in southern Dolj county, three means of transport…

10:40, 14.03.2024

China’s defence ministry says it held military staff dialogue with NATO

China and NATO held an eighth military staff dialogue on security policy in Beijing on Wednesday, according to a statement from the Chinese defence ministry, according to Reuters. The two sides exchanged views…

17:40, 13.03.2024

Metro could stop running from May 15 without subsidy and budget approval (trade union)

The Metro may stop running from May 15, in the absence of the subsidy and budget approval, because it will no longer have the financial means to pay its debts to employees and third parties, Marian Artimon, president…

12:51, 13.03.2024

Romania’s GDP to grow 3.1% in 2024 says OECD

Romania’s economy is expected to expand by 3.1% in 2024 and by 3.3% next year said the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), according to See News. Cost pressures on households will gradually…

20:50, 12.03.2024

Muslim community in Romania has valuable contribution to the development of our society, president Iohannis says

The Muslim community in Romania has "a valuable contribution to the development of our society, being an eloquent example of coexistence among ethnicities, religions and cultures," Romanian president Klaus Iohannis…

18:45, 12.03.2024

Tate brothers released, Romanian judges postpone their extradition to UK

The Bucharest Court of Appeal (CAB) on Tuesday postponed the extradition of brothers Andrew and Tristan Tate to the UK until the settlement of the file in which they were tried in Romania, and it ordered that they…

15:50, 12.03.2024

OPEC’s oil supply cuts stall as Iraq keeps pumping above its quota

OPEC’s latest oil supply cuts stalled as Iraq which has often flouted the group’s agreements produced above its quota for a second month, according to Bloomberg. Baghdad reduced output by only 14,000 barrels a…

14:30, 08.03.2024

Romania, largest share of female investors on stock exchange of countries where XTB fintech platform is present

Romania is the undisputed leader in terms of the share of women among investors in countries where the XTB fintech platform is present, with a rate of 20% as of 2023. According to a press release from the specialized…

14:30, 08.03.2024

Romanian Women want gift vouchers or day off from work for March 8 (survey)

A small percentage of Romanian women (16%) expect to receive gifts from their employers on March 8, and ideally, they would like them to be vouchers / gift cards (79%) or a day off (55%), according to a survey…

11:00, 08.03.2024

Over 609,000 female shareholders or associates in Romanian companies as of late January

The number of female shareholders or associates in Romanian companies was standing at 609,470 at the end of January 2024, making up 36.5% of the total shareholders or associates, according to statistics with the…

10:56, 08.03.2024

EnergMin Burduja:The state-aid scheme approved by the EC will strengthen Romania's status as regional energy leader

The European Commission (EC) approving the two-way contract for difference aid scheme will allow Romania to continue exporting energy and consolidate its status as a regional leader in the energy sector, Energy…

12:25, 06.03.2024

France and Republic of Moldova to sign defence and economic accords

The Republic of Moldova and France will sign defence and economic cooperation accords during a visit by Moldovan President Maia Sandu to Paris on Thursday, the French presidency said in a statement, according to…

11:50, 05.03.2024

Noi lovituri. Pe teritoriul Crimeei şi Rusiei

UPDATE Forţele ucrainene au afirmat marţi că au distrus în cursul nopţii o navă de patrulare a marinei ruse, în apropierea strâmtorii Kerci, transmite AFP. ‘În urma atacului cu drone navale Magura V5, nava rusă…

10:55, 05.03.2024

Hourly labor cost, up by 4.37% in fourth quarter of 2023

The hourly labor cost in adjusted form (according to the number of working days) registered, in the fourth quarter of 2023, a growth rate of 4.37%, compared to the previous quarter, and of 16.85% compared to the…

10:45, 05.03.2024

Noi lovituri. Pe teritoriul Rusiei

O gară din regiunea rusă Kursk, la graniţa cu Ucraina, a fost vizată marţi de lovituri aeriene care nu au provocat răniţi, a declarat guvernatorul regional Roman Starovoit, relatează AFP. „Gara din Gluşkovo a fost…

14:55, 04.03.2024

Finance ministry plans to borrow RON 6.52 billion from commercial banks in March

The Finance Ministry (MF) planned for March 2024 loans from commercial banks amounting to RON 5.8 billion, to which RON 720 million may be added through additional non-competitive bidding sessions related to bond…

11:41, 04.03.2024

Taxi drivers' protests carry on with some 100 cars amassed in Constitution Square

Taxi drivers affiliated to the National Association of Taxi Transport Operators (ANPOTRT) continue their protests on Monday, with approximately 100 cars amassed in Bucharest's Constitution Square, in front of the…

10:26, 04.03.2024

Bucharest Stock Exchange loses over five billion RON in capitalization, last week

The Bucharest Stock Exchange (BVB) lost 5.35 billion RON in capitalization, i.e. 1.7%, last week, while the value of share transactions increased by 61.91 million RON (+32.5%) in comparison with the previous week.…

10:20, 04.03.2024

Assets of privately managed mandatory pension funds at RON 128.73 billion as of end-January

The assets held by Romania's privately-managed pension system (Pillar II) stood at RON 128.73 billion end-January 2024, up 28.5 Year-over-Year, the Financial Supervisory Authority (ASF) reports. "To an extent of…

19:31, 29.02.2024

Promotion tour of next edition of George Enescu International Competition

A series of conferences and recitals to promote the 19th edition of the George Enescu International Contest will be organized in the most important European cities by the Romanian Cultural Institute, the Ministry…