Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

00:06, 17.02.2024

Egiptul neagă vehement că ridică o tabără în Sinai pentru palestinienii care vor fi alungați din Gaza în urma ofensivei israeliene de la Rafah

Egiptul neagă categoric acuzațiile privind implicarea sa în orice proces care implică strămutarea palestinienilor din Fâșia Gaza în Peninsula Sinai, a anunțat vineri Serviciul de Informații de Stat (SIS) al țării,…

20:00, 16.02.2024

DefMin Tilvar: Equipping Romania's army with cutting-edge technology is a priority

The minister of National Defense, Angel Tilvar, had, on Friday, a meeting with the chairman of the Lockheed Martin company, Jim Taiclet, on the sidelines of the Munich Security Conference, in which context he spoke…

20:00, 16.02.2024

De minimis aid scheme of over 17 mln euros for SMEs affected by ROBOR increase during pandemic

State aid beneficiaries affected by the ROBOR increase, in the context of the economic crisis generated by the COVID-19 pandemic, will be backed through a de minimis aid scheme of over 86 million RON / 17 million…

13:45, 16.02.2024

Competition Council analysing SD Worx People Solutions NV taking over Romanian Software

The Competition Council is analysing the operation by which SD Worx People Solutions NV intends to take over Romanian Software. According to a press release the competition authority sent to AGERPRES on Friday,…

13:45, 16.02.2024

Romania's crude oil production down 4.4pct, imports 15.3pct lower in 2023

Romania produced 2.795 million tonnes of oil equivalent (toe) of crude oil in 2023, 129,200 toe less (-4.4%) than in the same period last year, according to data centralised by the National Institute of Statistics…

17:55, 15.02.2024

Natalia Osipova, first appearance in Romania, in Once Upon a Winter's Dream Ballet

The prima ballerina from The Royal Ballet, Natalia Osipova, will participate on February 26 in the Once Upon a Winter's Dream Ballet Gala, which will take place at the Ion Caramitru Hall of the I. L. Caragiale…

14:31, 15.02.2024

Germany now world’s third-largest economy, as Japan slips into recession

Germany is now the world’s third-largest economy, after Japan unexpectedly slipped into recession, according to Politico. Japan’s economy shrank by an unexpected 0.4 percent in the last quarter of 2023, according…

13:20, 14.02.2024

PNL announces that it is willing to ally with AUR against PSD

President of PNL Vâlcea, Cristian Buican, stated in a press conference last weekend that he wants to form an alliance "with anyone" to eliminate the "PSD mafia" from the county. According to local media, when asked…

12:55, 14.02.2024

ECB needs more information to be sure on inflation, says Guindos

The European Central Bank requires additional evidence that inflation is returning to its goal before it can safely begin loosening monetary policy, according to Vice President Luis de Guindos, according to Bloomberg.…

11:55, 14.02.2024

VIDEO: „Nava Cezar Kunikov a fost scufundată”. Ucraina publică imagini cu atacul cu drone maritime asupra navei ruse din Marea Neagră

Ucraina anunță că a atacat și distrus miercuri, 14 februarie, nava de debarcare rusă Cezar Kunikov în Marea Neagră, în urma unui atac cu drone. A fost vorba despre o operațiune comună a serviciilor de informații…

11:20, 14.02.2024

(VIDEO) Momentul când nava rusă atacată se scufundă

Armata ucraineană a anunțat că o navă rusă de debarcare de mare capacitate, Caesar Kunikov, a fost distrusă în largul peninsulei ocupate Crimeea. „Forţele armate ucrainene, împreună cu unitatea de informaţii a…

11:00, 14.02.2024

(VIDEO) Nava rusă Caesar Kunikov, distrusă de ucraineni

Armata ucraineană a anunțat că o navă rusă de debarcare de mare capacitate, Caesar Kunikov, a fost distrusă în largul peninsulei ocupate Crimeea. „Forţele armate ucrainene, împreună cu unitatea de informaţii a…

08:40, 14.02.2024

PM Ciolacu starting two-day visit to Rome to attend joint gov't meeting

Romania's Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu is starting today a two-day working visit to Italy to attend a third joint meeting of the national governments of Romania and Italy, 13 years after the previous edition.…

16:45, 13.02.2024

More than 550 new cases of measles registered last week

The National Institute of Public Health (INSP) informed on Tuesday that, between January 1, 2023 and February 13, 2024, 5,238 cases of measles were confirmed. In the last week, 559 new cases and no deaths were…

15:10, 13.02.2024

13 cases of COVID-19 Omicron variant, confirmed last week

The National Institute of Public Health informed that in the week of February 5 - 11, 13 cases were confirmed with the Omicron variant of SARS-CoV- 2, and of these ten with "variants of interest".The 13 sequences…

15:10, 13.02.2024

PM Ciolacu, working visit to Italian Republic, participation in joint meeting of governments, reception in audience by Pope Francis

Prime minister Marcel Ciolacu will pay a working visit to Rome on Wednesday and Thursday, where he will take part in the third joint meeting of the Romanian and Italian governments, organised 13 years after the…

11:35, 13.02.2024

Labour minister signs EU's roadmap for social economy

Minister of Labour and Social Solidarity Simona Bucura Oprescu signed the European Union's roadmap for social economy in Liege, the ministry said on Tuesday.According to a post on the Facebook page of the Ministry…

14:45, 12.02.2024

Senate president, official visit to Spain next week

The president of the Senate, Nicolae Ciuca, will pay an official visit to the Kingdom of Spain, on February 19-20, at the invitation of his Spanish counterpart, Pedro Rollan Ojeda.According to an internal memorandum…

17:40, 10.02.2024

Romanian Police seized approx. 1.2 tonnes of drugs in 2023

Last year, the police confiscated approximately 1.2 tonnes of drugs, 6 tonnes of plant-based drugs, 3 tonnes of precursors and over 1.5 million pills.According to the activity report for the year 2023, as presented…

20:40, 09.02.2024

Banca Transilvania signs contract to acquire OTP Bank Romania

Banca Transilvania signed on Friday a contract for the acquisition of 100% of OTP Bank Romania's shares, as well as other OTP Romania Group companies, including OTP Asset Management SAI and OTP Leasing Romania…

09:05, 09.02.2024

Premier Ciolacu, on visit to Constanta Shipyard

Prime minister Marcel Ciolacu will visit the Constanta Shipyard on Friday.He will have a meeting with representatives of the shipyard's management and will take a tour aboard a socked ship. According to the programme…

22:10, 08.02.2024

FinMin Bolos says first issues of green bonds to be launched soon

The Government has approved an instrument through which we will ensure financing for projects such as the development of the metro transport network in the cities of Bucharest and Cluj-Napoca, the electrification…

17:15, 08.02.2024

Orașele din Spania, „sufocate” de tractoarele fermierilor furioși. „Toată lumea face profit, dar sectorul primar, cel care produce, pierde” | VIDEO

Fermierii din Spania au ieșit joi, 8 februarie, cu tractoare pe străzile orașelor din peninsulă, perturbând traficul, în timp ce își intensificau protestele împotriva creșterii costurilor, a birocrației și a concurenței…

10:50, 08.02.2024

EU Commission warns Romania over landfill waste management

Romania received a warning on Wednesday for failing to fully comply with the Landfill and Waste Framework Directives despite having already been fined by the European Court of Justice in December, according to…

10:20, 07.02.2024

Video dramatic cu 13 orci, între ele 3 sau 4 pui, prinse în gheață, în largul coastelor Japoniei: „Păreau că se chinuie să respire”

Un grup de cel puțin 10 orci, balene ucigașe, pare să fie prinsă de gheață în largul insulei Hokkaido din nordul Japoniei, a informat marți postul public NHK, citat de CNN.Oficialii din orașul de coastă Rausu au…

08:55, 07.02.2024

Honda Motor recheamă 750.000 de vehicule din Statele Unite din cauza unui defect care poate duce la declanşarea airbagurilor

Senzorul de greutate al scaunului pasagerului din faţă se poate crăpa şi poate scurtcircuita, nereuşind să suprime airbagul conform intenţiei, a anunţat marţi Administraţia Naţională pentru Siguranţa Traficului…

20:00, 06.02.2024

Kelemen, on merging elections: If they agree on first step, they also agreed on second

The President of UDMR, Kelemen Hunor, considers that if the coalition leaders agreed on merging the European parliamentary elections with the local ones, then they also agreed on the second step - merging the parliamentary…

20:00, 06.02.2024

Transactions worth almost 52 million lei on Bucharest Stock Exchange on Tuesday

The Bucharest Stock Exchange (BVB) recorded on Tuesday a mixed evolution of the stock market indices, and the total value of transactions amounted to 51.93 million lei (10.43 million euros), told Agerpres. According…

17:55, 06.02.2024

UDMR's Kelemen Hunor: Discussion on military service should have started from the president

The discussion on military service should have had a natural order, from the president of Romania, then to Parliament and then General Gheorghe Vlad should come up with arguments, Hungarian Democratic Union of…

12:20, 06.02.2024

40 COVID-19 Omicron cases reported in Romania, Jan 24-Feb 4

As many as 40 cases of SARS-CoV-2 Omicron were confirmed in Romania in the week of January 24 - February 4, of which 8 deemed variants of interest (VOIs), the National Public Health Institute (INSP) informed on…