Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

13:56, 24.10.2023

MEP Cristian Terhes expressed shock that Roland Jost severely abused and discriminated against tens of Romaian truck drivers

MEP Cristian Terhes expressed shock that Roland Jost, head of one of biggest Belgian transport companies, severely abused and discriminated against tens of Romanian truck drivers. Romanian member of the European…

22:06, 10.10.2022

Just 11 months into service, hotline for abused, neglected or exploited children receives 90,000-plus calls

There were more than 90,000 calls to the 119 hotline for abused, neglected or exploited children in the first 11 months since the opening of the service, and thousands of children were saved from crisis situations,…

17:01, 25.05.2022

Fmr Tourism minister Udrea to JusMin: Romanians abused by judiciary you shepherd seek justice in Europe

Elena Udrea published on Wednesday, on Facebook, a message addressed to Minister Catalin Predoiu, in which she claims that Romanians "abused" by the Romanian judiciary seek "justice" in Europe, and that she has…

19:31, 08.03.2021

Senate President Dragu: Number of abused women increased during pandemic, measures in public policies needed

Senate President Anca Dragu said that the number of abused women has increased in the pandemic, therefore measures must be taken at the level of public policies. "During the pandemic we see a worrying increase…

19:06, 25.08.2020

Police to be able to issue order to place assaulted, abused animal in shelter

Interior Minister Marcel Vela announced on Tuesday at the Interior Ministry (MAI) having put up for public debate a draft emergency ordinance strengthening animal protection measures, according to which the Police…

17:52, 14.01.2020

PSD's Ciolacu says democracy being abused requires censure motion

Social Democratic Party (PSD) acting national leader Marcel Ciolacu said on Tuesday that a censure motion should be tabled by PSD accusing the National Liberal Party (PNL) of abusing democracy, and adding that…

18:29, 04.02.2018

Părinții lui aveau păduchi, îl băteau, îi vindeau jucăriile. Statul l-a dat spre adopție, dar a uimit pe toată lumea

O postare de pe Facebook s-a dovedit a fi cu adevărat cutremurătoare, ținând cont de contextul în care a fost scrisă. Ea aparține unui băiat din Oklahoma, SUA, și a fost postată de către organizația ,,Dreamcatchers…

18:03, 25.10.2016

Be EU. Worrying statistics: 30 percent of EU women are victims of domestic violence. 25% were sexually abused

Domestic violence is one of the plagues of the world we are living in. The European statistics are trully worrying. Sabina Iosub discussed the issue at „Be EU" with EU officials and they explained how to try...

16:19, 22.01.2016

Husband says he had no idea his infant was abused

The police have arrested the woman from Giurgiu who sexually abused her baby girl in videochat sessions with pedophiles around the world. The woman admitted she had used her infant to satisfy the perverted needs…

12:03, 18.07.2015

Incident rasist în campionatul Rusiei. Un jucător a fost eliminat pentru că a reacționat la injuriile rasiste din tribune

Mijlocaşul ghanez Emmanuel Frimpong a fost eliminat pentru că a reacţionat virulent la injuriile rasiste ale fanilor adverşi, vineri, la meciul pe care echia sa, FC Ufa, l-a încheiat la egalitate, scor 2-2, cu…

12:07, 20.05.2015

Paedophile’s sentence reduced because child had been abused before

    Two Argentine judges, Horacio Piombo and Ramon Sal Llargues, have reduced a paedophile’s sentence from six years to Stirea Paedophile’s sentence reduced because child had been abused before a aparut prima data…